
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-09-15


この記事は,下記拙作記事のHaskell版を抜粋・修正したものを利用した,簡易LISP処理系("McCarthy's Original Lisp")の実装例をまとめたものです.



実行例は次の通り.GHC 8.4.4にて確認.

$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.4.4: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Prelude> :l jmclisp.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( jmclisp.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
*Main> main
(car (cdr '(10 20 30)))

*Main> main
((lambda (x) (car (cdr x))) '(abc def ghi))

*Main> main
((lambda (f x y) (f x (f y '()))) 'cons '10 '20)

(10 20)
*Main> main
((lambda (f x y) (f x (f y '())))
'(lambda (x y) (cons x (cons y '())))
'10 '20)

(10 (20 ()))
*Main> main
((lambda (assoc k v) (assoc k v))
'(lambda (k v)
   (cond ((eq v '()) nil)
         ((eq (car (car v)) k)
          (car v))
         (t (assoc k (cdr v)))))
'((Apple . 120) (Orange . 210) (Lemon . 180)))

(Orange . 210)


  • "McCarthy's Original Lisp"をベースにした評価器
  • 数字を含むアトムは全てシンボルとし,変数の値とする場合はquote')を使用
  • 構文としてquoteの他,condlambdaが使用可能
  • 組込関数:atom eq cons car cdr(内部でコンスセルを作成)
  • 真偽値はt(真)およびnil(偽)=空リスト=()
  • エラーチェックなし,モジュール化なし,ガーベジコレクションなし

"McCarthy's Original Lisp"の詳細についてはまとめ記事を参照.ダイナミックスコープということもあり,実行例ではlambda式をletrec(Scheme)やlabels(Common Lisp)などの代わりに使用しています.



-- JMC Lisp: defined in McCarthy's 1960 paper,
-- with S-expression input/output and basic list processing

-- basic list processing: cons, car, cdr, eq, atom
-- and S-expression output

data CELL = NIL | T | Sybl String | Pair CELL CELL

sStrcons :: CELL -> String
sStrcons (Pair x y) =
  case y of
    NIL      -> show x
    T        -> show x
    (Sybl a) -> show x ++ " . " ++ a
    _        -> show x ++  " "  ++ sStrcons y

instance Show CELL where
  show NIL      = "()"
  show T        = "t"
  show (Sybl x) = x
  show ss       = "(" ++ sStrcons ss ++ ")"

instance Eq CELL where
  NIL    == NIL    = True
  T      == T      = True
  Sybl x == Sybl y = x == y
  _      == _      = False

cons :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
cons x y = Pair x y

car :: CELL -> CELL
car (Pair x _) = x

cdr :: CELL -> CELL
cdr (Pair _ y) = y

eq :: CELL -> CELL -> Bool
eq s1 s2 = s1 == s2

atom :: CELL -> Bool
atom s =
  case s of
    NIL      -> True
    T        -> True
    (Sybl s) -> True
    _        -> False

-- S-expression input: s_read

--- s_lex

s_replace :: String -> String
s_replace [] = ""
s_replace (c : s) =
  case c of
    '(' -> " ( "
    ')' -> " ) "
    '\'' -> " \' "
    _    -> [c]
  ++ s_replace s

s_lex :: String -> [String]
s_lex s = words $ s_replace s

--- s_syn

s_quote :: CELL -> [String] -> [(CELL, [String])]
s_quote x s
  | (not $ null s) && (last s == "\'")
    = [(cons (Sybl "quote") $ cons x NIL, init s)]
  | otherwise = [(x, s)]

s_syn0 :: CELL -> [String] -> [(CELL, [String])]
s_syn0 r s =
  let t  = last s
      ss = init s
  in case t of
       "(" -> do return (r, s)
       "." -> do (rr, rss) <- s_syn $ init s
                 c <- [cons rr $ car r]
                 (cr, css) <- s_syn0 c rss
                 return (cr, css)
       _   -> do (rr, rss) <- s_syn s
                 c <- [cons rr r]
                 (cr, css) <- s_syn0 c rss
                 return (cr, css)

s_syn :: [String] -> [(CELL, [String])]
s_syn s =
  let t  = last s
      ss = init s
  in case t of
       ")" -> do (r, ss) <- s_syn0 NIL ss
                 ss <- [init ss]
                 (r, ss) <- s_quote r ss
                 return (r, ss)
       _   -> do (t, ss) <- s_quote (Sybl t) ss
                 return (t, ss)

--- s_read

s_read :: String -> CELL
s_read s = r where [(r, _)] = s_syn $ s_lex s

-- JMC Lisp evaluator: s_eval

eq_ :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
eq_ s1 s2 = if s1 == s2 then T else NIL

atom_ :: CELL -> CELL
atom_ s =
  case s of
    NIL      -> T
    T        -> T
    (Sybl s) -> T
    _        -> NIL

caar :: CELL -> CELL
caar x = (car (car x))

cadr :: CELL -> CELL
cadr x = (car (cdr x))

cadar :: CELL -> CELL
cadar x = (car (cdr (car x)))

caddr :: CELL -> CELL
caddr x = (car (cdr (cdr x)))

caddar :: CELL -> CELL
caddar x = (car (cdr (cdr (car x))))

s_append :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
s_append x y
  | x == NIL  = y
  | otherwise = (cons (car x) (s_append (cdr x) y))

s_list :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
s_list x y = (cons x (cons y NIL))

s_pair :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
s_pair x y
  | x == NIL && y == NIL = NIL
  | not (atom x) && not (atom y)
    = (cons (s_list (car x) (car y)) (s_pair (cdr x) (cdr y)))

s_assoc :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
s_assoc x y
  | (eq (caar y) x) = (cadar y)
  | otherwise       = (s_assoc x (cdr y))

s_eval :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
s_eval e a =
  if      (eq e (Sybl "t"))   then T
  else if (eq e (Sybl "nil")) then NIL
  else if (atom e) then (s_assoc e a)
  else if (atom (car e)) then
    if      (eq (car e) (Sybl "quote")) then (cadr e)
    else if (eq (car e) (Sybl "atom"))  then (atom_ (s_eval (cadr e)  a))
    else if (eq (car e) (Sybl "eq"))    then (eq_   (s_eval (cadr e)  a)
                                                    (s_eval (caddr e) a))
    else if (eq (car e) (Sybl "car"))   then (car   (s_eval (cadr e)  a))
    else if (eq (car e) (Sybl "cdr"))   then (cdr   (s_eval (cadr e)  a))
    else if (eq (car e) (Sybl "cons"))  then (cons  (s_eval (cadr e)  a)
                                                    (s_eval (caddr e) a))
    else if (eq (car e) (Sybl "cond"))  then (evcon (cdr e) a)
    else (s_eval (cons (s_assoc (car e) a) (cdr e)) a)
  else if (eq (caar e) (Sybl "lambda")) then
          (s_eval (caddar e) (s_append (s_pair (cadar e) (evlis (cdr e) a)) a))
  else NIL

evcon :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
evcon c a
  | (s_eval (caar c) a) == T = (s_eval (cadar c) a)
  | otherwise = (evcon (cdr c) a)

evlis :: CELL -> CELL -> CELL
evlis m a
  | m == NIL  = NIL
  | otherwise = (cons (s_eval (car m) a) (evlis (cdr m) a))

-- REP (no Loop): s_rep

s_rep e = (s_eval (s_read e) NIL)

getLines :: IO [String]
getLines = do
  s <- getLine
  if s == "" then return []
  else do
    ss <- getLines
    return (s : ss)

main = do
  r <- getLines
  let s = foldl (++) "" r
  print $ s_rep s


  • リスト処理:cons car cdr eq atomShow定義によるS式出力込)

  • S式入力:s_read

  • 評価器:s_eval+ユーティリティ関数
    "McCarthy's Original Lisp"をベースにs_eval関数およびユーティリティ関数を作成.オリジナルおよび他言語実装版との大きな違いは,Haskell上の真偽値を返すeq atomとは別に,T NILを返すeq_ atom_を別途定義し,condなどの言語実装上では,Tか否かはEq==定義を用いて条件判断を行っていること.理由は,上記のリスト処理実装解説にある通り.

  • REP (no Loop):s_rep



  • 評価器のみの場合,約95行/2500バイトほど.それ以外が約100行/2500バイトほどで,半々といったところ.もっとも,評価器については,オリジナルや他言語実装版との比較のため,わざとLISP並の括弧表現と冗長な条件分岐記述を行っているので,短くしようと思えばかなり短くできるかも.とはいえ,リスト処理/S式入力実装は数日(の間に時間を見つけてちょこちょこと)かかったのに対し,評価器については,真偽値の扱いの変更を含めても,実装に要した時間は数十分程度だったのだけれども.


  • 2020-09-17:s_lexを修正(別記事コメントより)
  • 2020-09-16:初版公開

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