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Last updated at Posted at 2022-02-08



((lambda (x) (cons x (cons x (quote ())))) (quote a))


[["lambda", ["x"], ["cons", "x", ["cons", ["quote", []]]]], ["quote", "a"]]

S式パーサというなら,あえてペア構造(コンスセル)を内部で構成し,ドット記法を含む二分木構造に対応するべきですが,省略記法だけでもゼロから作るとなると割と大変で,小さなLISP処理系本体よりも複雑になります.実際のところ,S式パーサ実装のためには,抽象構文木を生成するためのデータ構造生成機能が必須で,プログラムコードとデータ構造の表現が共にS式であるLISPにとっては,基本中の基本の機能(cons, car, cdr)です.






;;;; One token input function with look-ahead caching
(define *lh* #f)
(define (get-token)
  (define (put-c1 x) (set! *lh* x))
  (define (null-c1) (set! *lh* #f))
  (define (get-c1) (if *lh* (let ((lh *lh*)) (null-c1) lh) (read-char)))
  (define (tstring t) (list->string (reverse t)))
  (define (skip-spaces)
    (do ((c (get-c1) (get-c1)))
        ((not (member c (string->list " \n\r"))) (put-c1 c))))
  (let loop ((c (get-c1)) (t '()))
    (cond ((member c (string->list " \n\r"))
           (if (null? t) (begin (skip-spaces) (loop (get-c1) t)) (tstring t)))
          ((member c (string->list "()"))
           (if (null? t) (string c) (begin (put-c1 c) (tstring t))))
          (else (loop (get-c1) (cons c t))))))


;;;; Simple S-expression parser
(define (sread)
  (define (slist)
    (let loop ((t (get-token)))
      (cond ((equal? t ")") '())
            ((equal? t "(")
             (let ((h (loop (get-token))))
               (cons h (loop (get-token)))))
            (else (cons t (loop (get-token)))))))
  (let ((t (get-token)))
    (if (equal? t "(") (slist) t)))

以下が,おまけの(?)純LISP仕様インタプリタです.John McCarthy氏の原初のLISPインタプリタ記述に沿ってPaul Graham氏がCommon Lispで実装した"McCarthy's Original Lisp"jmc.lisp)を,Schemeの標準関数を用いながら書き直したものです.

;;;; A Pure LISP interpreter by using the above parser

;;;; Simple S-expression output function
(define (swrite s)
  (define (ls x)
    (swrite (car x))
    (if (not (null? (cdr x))) (begin (display " ") (ls (cdr x)))))
  (if (string? s) (display s) (begin (display "(") (ls s) (display ")"))))

;;;; "ev" to avoid same name of Scheme eval
(define (ev s e)
  (if (pair? s)
      (if (pair? (car s))
          (ev (caddar s)
              (append (map cons (cadar s) (map (lambda (x) (ev x e)) (cdr s)))
          (cond ((equal? (car s) "quote") (cadr s))
                ((equal? (car s) "atom") (not (pair? (ev (cadr s) e))))
                ((equal? (car s) "car") (car (ev (cadr s) e)))
                ((equal? (car s) "cdr") (cdr (ev (cadr s) e)))
                ((equal? (car s) "eq")
                 (equal? (ev (cadr s) e) (ev (caddr s) e)))
                ((equal? (car s) "cons")
                 (cons (ev (cadr s) e) (ev (caddr s) e)))
                ((equal? (car s) "if")
                 (if (ev (cadr s) e) (ev (caddr s) e) (ev (cadddr s) e)))
                (else (ev (cons (cdr (assoc (car s) e)) (cdr s)) e))))
      (cdr (assoc s e))))

;;;; REPL without global environment
(display "S> ")
(do ((s (sread) (sread))) ((equal? s '("exit")))
  (swrite (ev s '())) (newline) (display "S> "))


$ chibi-scheme -m chibi sparser-with-plisp.scm
S> ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons x (quote ())))) (quote a))
(a a)
S> ((lambda (append)
      (append (quote (a b c)) (quote (x y z))))
    (quote (lambda (x y)
             (if (eq x (quote ())) y
                 (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y))))))
(a b c x y z)
S> ((lambda (plist k v)
      (plist (quote O) (quote (A 120 O 210 L 180))))
    (quote (lambda (k v)
             (if (eq v (quote ())) (quote ())
                 (if (eq (car v) k) (car (cdr v))
                     (plist k (cdr (cdr v))))))))
S> (exit)

Python 3


# One token input function with look-ahead caching
from sys import stdin
LH = False
def get_token():
    def put_c1(x): global LH; LH = x
    def null_c1(): global LH; LH = False
    def get_c1():
        if not LH:
            try: return stdin.read(1)
            except EOFError: pass
        else: lh = LH; null_c1(); return lh
    def tstring(t): return ''.join(t)
    def skip_spaces():
        c = get_c1();
        while c in ' \n\r\x1a': c = get_c1()
    c = get_c1(); t = []
    while True:
        if c in ' \n\r\x1a':
            if not t: skip_spaces(); c = get_c1()
            else: return tstring(t)
        elif c in '()':
            if not t: return c
            else: put_c1(c); return tstring(t)
        else: t = t + [c]; c = get_c1()

LISP系の(cons x y)に相当するリスト型処理としては[x] + yがあり,コンスセル構造には対応できないものの,今回の省略S式に限っては,そのまま書き直すだけで実装可能です.

# Simple S-experssion parser
def sread():
    def slist():
        t = get_token()
        if   t == ')': return []
        elif t == '(': h = slist(); return [h] + slist()
        else: return [t] + slist();
    t = get_token()
    return slist() if t == '(' else t


# A Pure LISP interpreter by using the above parser

# Simple S-expression output function
def display(x): print(x, end='', flush=True)
def swrite(s):
    def ls(x):
        if len(x) > 1: display(' '); ls(x[1:])
    if isinstance(s, str): display(s)
    elif not s: display('()')
    else: display('('); ls(s); display(')')

# "ev" to avoid same name of Python eval
def ev(s, e):
    if   isinstance(s, str): return e[s]
    elif isinstance(s[0], str):
        if   s[0] == 'quote': return s[1]
        elif s[0] == 'atom':  return isinstance(ev(s[1], e), str)
        elif s[0] == 'car':   return ev(s[1], e)[0]
        elif s[0] == 'cdr':   return ev(s[1], e)[1:]
        elif s[0] == 'eq':    return ev(s[1], e) == ev(s[2], e)
        elif s[0] == 'cons':  return [ev(s[1], e)] + ev(s[2], e)
        elif s[0] == 'if':    return ev(s[2], e) if ev(s[1], e) else ev(s[3], e)
        else: return ev([e[s[0]]] + s[1:], e)
    else: return ev(s[0][2],
                    {**e, **dict(zip(s[0][1], [ev(x, e) for x in s[1:]]))})

# REPL without global environment
display('S> '); s = sread()
while s != ['exit']:
    swrite(ev(s, {})); print(); display('S> '); s = sread()
$ python3 sparser-with-plisp.py
S> ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons x (quote ())))) (quote a))
(a a)
S> ((lambda (append)
      (append (quote (a b c)) (quote (x y z))))
    (quote (lambda (x y)
             (if (eq x (quote ())) y
                 (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y))))))
(a b c x y z)
S> ((lambda (plist k v)
      (plist (quote O) (quote (A 120 O 210 L 180))))
    (quote (lambda (k v)
             (if (eq v (quote ())) (quote ())
                 (if (eq (car v) k) (car (cdr v))
                     (plist k (cdr (cdr v))))))))
S> (exit)




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// static memory allocation for conscells and symbols
typedef int16_t node_t;
#define SMAX 16
node_t node[1024]; node_t nnum = 1;
node_t cell[256][2]; node_t cnum = 1;
char symb[768][SMAX]; node_t snum = 1;

// each node includes positive index number for conscells
// or negative index number for symbols
#define NIL 0
node_t cons(node_t a, node_t d) {
  cell[cnum][0] = a; cell[cnum][1] = d; node[nnum] = cnum;
  cnum++; nnum++; return nnum - 1;
node_t ssym(char *str) {
  strcpy(symb[snum], str); node[nnum] = -snum;
  snum++; nnum++; return nnum - 1;
const char *gsym(node_t s) { return symb[-node[s]]; }

このため,たとえば(a (b) c)という記述は,通常の配列構造やコンスセル構造であれば

// basic list processing functions
#define T   (NIL == NIL)
node_t car(node_t s) { return cell[node[s]][0]; }
node_t cdr(node_t s) { return cell[node[s]][1]; }
node_t null(node_t s) { return s == NIL; }
node_t atom(node_t s) { return null(s) || node[s] < 0; }
node_t eq(node_t a, node_t b) {
  if (null(a) && null(b)) return T;
  else if (!null(a) && !null(b) && atom(a) && atom(b))
    return !strcmp(gsym(a), gsym(b));
  else return NIL;


// One token input function with look-ahead caching
char LH = 0;
char TOKEN[SMAX]; node_t tnum = 0;
void put_c1(node_t x) { LH = x; }
void null_c1(void) { LH = 0; }
char get_c1(void) {
  if (LH) { char lh = LH; null_c1(); return lh; }
  else return getc(stdin);
node_t tstring() {
  TOKEN[tnum] = NIL; node_t r = ssym(TOKEN);
  tnum = 0; return r;
void skip_spaces() {
  char c = get_c1();
  while (c == ' ' || c == 10 || c == 13 || c == 26) c = get_c1();
node_t get_token() {
  char c;
  while (1) {
    c = get_c1();
    if (c == ' ' || c == 10 || c == 13 || c == 26) {
      if (tnum == 0) skip_spaces();
      else return tstring();
    } else if (c == '(' || c == ')') {
      if (tnum == 0) { TOKEN[tnum++] = c; return tstring(); }
      else { put_c1(c); return tstring(); }
    } else TOKEN[tnum++] = c;

// Simple S-expression parser
node_t slist(void) {
  node_t t = get_token();
  if (eq(t, ssym(")"))) return NIL;
  else if (eq(t, ssym("("))) {
    node_t h = slist(); return cons(h, slist());
  } else return cons(t, slist());
node_t sread(void) {
  node_t t = get_token();
  return eq(t, ssym("(")) ? slist() : t;


// A Pure LISP interpreter by using the above parser

// Simple S-expression output function
void swrite(node_t s) {
  if (atom(s)) { if (null(s)) printf("()"); printf("%s", gsym(s)); }
  else {
    printf("("); swrite(car(s));
    if (!atom(cdr(s)))
      for (node_t n = cdr(s); !null(n); n = cdr(n)) {
        printf(" "); swrite(car(n));

// utility functions
node_t append(node_t a, node_t b) {
  if (null(a)) return b;
  else return cons(car(a), append(cdr(a), b));
node_t plis(node_t a, node_t b) {
  if (null(a) || null(b)) return NIL;
  else return cons(car(a), cons(car(b), plis(cdr(a), cdr(b))));
node_t prop(node_t k, node_t p) {
  if (null(p)) return NIL;
  else if (eq(car(p), k)) return car(cdr(p));
  else return prop(k, cdr(cdr(p)));
node_t map(node_t (*f)(node_t, node_t), node_t s, node_t e) {
  if (null(s)) return NIL;
  return cons(f(car(s), e), map(f, cdr(s), e));

// eval function
node_t ev(node_t s, node_t e) {
  if (atom(s)) return prop(s, e);
  else if (atom(car(s))) {
    if (eq(car(s), ssym("quote"))) return car(cdr(s));
    else if (eq(car(s), ssym("atom"))) return atom(ev(car(cdr(s)), e));
    else if (eq(car(s), ssym("car"))) return car(ev(car(cdr(s)), e));
    else if (eq(car(s), ssym("cdr"))) return cdr(ev(car(cdr(s)), e));
    else if (eq(car(s), ssym("eq")))
      return eq(ev(car(cdr(s)), e), ev(car(cdr(cdr(s))), e));
    else if (eq(car(s), ssym("cons")))
      return cons(ev(car(cdr(s)), e), ev(car(cdr(cdr(s))), e));
    else if (eq(car(s), ssym("if")))
      if (ev(car(cdr(s)), e)) return ev(car(cdr(cdr(s))), e);
      else return ev(car(cdr(cdr(cdr(s)))), e);
    else if (eq(car(s), ssym("exit"))) exit(0);
    else return ev(cons(prop(car(s), e), cdr(s)), e);
  } else {
    return ev(car(cdr(cdr(car(s)))),
              append(plis(car(cdr(car(s))), map(ev, cdr(s), e)), e));

// REPL without global environment
int main(void) {
  printf("S> "); node_t s = sread();
  while (1) {
    swrite(ev(s, NIL)); printf("\n");
    nnum = cnum = snum = 1;
    printf("S> "); s = sread();

  return 0;


$ cc -o sparser-with-plisp sparser-with-plisp.c
$ ./sparser-with-plisp
S> ((lambda (x) (cons x (cons x (quote ())))) (quote a))
(a a)
S> ((lambda (append)
      (append (quote (a b c)) (quote (x y z))))
    (quote (lambda (x y)
             (if (eq x (quote ())) y
                 (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y))))))
(a b c x y z)
S> ((lambda (plist k v)
      (plist (quote O) (quote (A 120 O 210 L 180))))
    (quote (lambda (k v)
             (if (eq v (quote ())) (quote ())
                 (if (eq (car v) k) (car (cdr v))
                     (plist k (cdr (cdr v))))))))
S> (exit)



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  • 2022-02-09:初版公開(Scheme,Python 3)

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