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vagrant up 時のinaccessibleのerror対処

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vagrant up 時に下記エラーで起動できなかった。

Your VM has become "inaccessible." Unfortunately, this is a critical error
with VirtualBox that Vagrant can not cleanly recover from. Please open VirtualBox
and clear out your inaccessible virtual machines or find a way to fix

vagrant status で確認。

Current machine states:

default                   inaccessible (virtualbox)

The VM is inaccessible! This is a rare case which means that VirtualBox
can't find your VM configuration. This usually happens when upgrading
VirtualBox, moving to a new computer, etc. Please consult VirtualBox
for how to handle this issue.

VirtualBoxを立ち上げて、対象のVMを除去して再度 vagrant up を実行して解決。



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