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Commands for Github

Last updated at Posted at 2019-04-08

Below is the table of Git commands

Command Description Example
git help Show help on a command $ git help push
git config Configure Git $ git config --global …
source Activate Bash changes $ source ~/.bash_profile
mkdir -p Make intermediate directories as necessary $ mkdir -p repos/website
git status Show the status of the repository $ git status
touch Create an empty file $ touch foo
git add -A Add all files or directories to the staging area $ git add -A
git add Add given file or directory to staging area $ git add foo
git commit -m Commit staged changes with a message $ git commit -m "Add thing"
git commit -am Stage and commit changes with a message $ git commit -am "Add thing"
git diff Show differences between commits, branches, etc. $ git diff
git commit --amend Amend the last commit $ git commit --amend
git show Show the details of indicated commit $ git show abcd123…

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