“Why not use RGB when everybody else and their aunts use RGB?”
This is the question I asked Dr. Gary Bradski, founder of OpenCV, when I met him at a conference a few months back, although I left out the part about everybody and their aunts using RGB. He answered my question with another question.
“Why is the the US standard railroad gauge 4 feet, 8.5 inches?”
The answer to that question of course is “Because of Roman horse’s ass!”
数ヶ月前のカンファレンスでOpenCVファウンダーであるGary Bradski博士に会った際、一般に使われるRGBではないことについて、私が彼に聞いた質問です。彼は私に別の質問をしました。
より真面目(?)な解説はyoyaさんによる記事「OpenCV のピクセル形式が BGR である理由」を参照ください。