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Kubeflow 0.5.1をMicroK8S(Kubernetes v1.14.6)で動かす

Last updated at Posted at 2019-09-11


0. はじめに

Kubeflowを動かすのは随分楽になってきました。しかし、Ksonnetがメンテナンスされなくなって再度混乱が起きているように思います。KsonnetはKubernetes 1.14系でしか動かないというのが混乱の元になっています。なので、Kubernets v1.15にインストールしようとしてはまるのは私ぐらいだと思いますが、一応念のため書いておきます。
Kubeflow 0.5はKsonnetを利用しますが、Kubeflow 0.6系はKustomizeを利用します。なので、Kubeflow 0.6系はv1.15で動きます。

ここでは、Kubeflow 0.5.1をMicroK8S(Kubernetes v1.14)で動かす方法をご紹介します。

1. MicroK8SでKubernetes v1.14.6をインストールする


$ sudo apt install -y snap
$ sudo snap install microk8s --channel=v1.14/stable --classic 


sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER

2. microK8S(Kubernetes v1.14)の諸々の障害を取り除く

MicroK8SのKubernetes v1.14は、Dashboardを有効にしても動かない、StorageClassが使えないという問題があります。

$ microk8s.enable rbac
$ microk8s.enable dns dashboard storage

microk8sのdashboardとmicrok8s-hostpathを直す(Kubernetes v1.14) - Qiita


$ microk8s.enable gpu

3. MicroK8sをセットアップ


git clone https://github.com/canonical-labs/kubernetes-tools
sudo kubernetes-tools/setup-microk8s.sh

4. Kubeflowを設定


git clone https://github.com/canonical-labs/kubeflow-tools

実行中以下のような表示ができてnot runningがなくなればOKです。

Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (31 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (30 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (28 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (25 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (25 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (22 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (20 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (19 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (19 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (19 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (17 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (17 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (17 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (17 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (15 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (14 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (11 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (9 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (7 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (7 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (7 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (7 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (7 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (5 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (5 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (2 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (2 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (2 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.
Checking kubeflow status until all pods are running (2 not running). Sleeping for 10 seconds.

Ambassador Port: 30311 ==> Access default Kubeflow UIs
JupyterHub Port: 30533 ==> Access JupyerHub directly

5. 利用する


Ambassador Port: 30311 ==> Access default Kubeflow UIs
JupyterHub Port: 30533 ==> Access JupyerHub directly





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