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AppleScript で年齢計算、干支、星座を計算

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-- 誕生日から基準日の満年齢を計算します。
-- 干支と星座も表示します。
-- 入力は西暦でも和暦でも自動判定します。(明治〜平成まで)
set CR to ASCII character 13
display dialog "誕生日を入力(yyyy/mm/dd でも可)" default answer "昭和12年3月4日"
set BD to date gengo_check(text returned of result)

set TODAY to (current date) as text
set TD to (items 1 thru (offset of "日" in TODAY) of TODAY) as text
display dialog "基準日を入力" default answer TD
set KD to date gengo_check(text returned of result)

set NENREI to (round ((KD - BD) / (365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60)) rounding down) as text
set KAZOE to ((year of KD) - (year of BD) + 1) as text

set ETO to item (((year of BD) mod 12) + 1) of "申酉戌亥子丑寅卯辰巳午未"
set SEIZA to constellation(BD)

display dialog "満 " & NENREI & " 歳、" & ETO & "年、" & SEIZA & "です。(数え年で " & KAZOE & " 歳)"

on gengo_check(inData)
    set ans to inData
    set GENGO to (items 1 thru 2 of ans) as text
    set DIF to 0
    if GENGO = "明治" then set DIF to 1867
    if GENGO = "大正" then set DIF to 1911
    if GENGO = "昭和" then set DIF to 1925
    if GENGO = "平成" then set DIF to 1988
    if DIF > 0 then
        set POS to offset of "年" in ans
        set NEN to ((items 3 thru (POS - 1) of ans) as text) + DIF
        set ans to ((NEN as text) & items POS thru (offset of "日" in ans) of ans) as text
    end if
    return ans
end gengo_check

on constellation(B_Day)
    set ans to "Error"
    set MM to month of B_Day as integer
    set DD to day of B_Day as integer
    if (MM = 3 and DD  21) then set ans to "牡羊"
    if (MM = 4 and DD  19) then set ans to "牡羊"
    if (MM = 4 and DD  20) then set ans to "牡牛"
    if (MM = 5 and DD  20) then set ans to "牡牛"
    if (MM = 5 and DD  21) then set ans to "双子"
    if (MM = 6 and DD  21) then set ans to "双子"
    if (MM = 6 and DD  22) then set ans to "蟹"
    if (MM = 7 and DD  22) then set ans to "蟹"
    if (MM = 7 and DD  23) then set ans to "獅子"
    if (MM = 8 and DD  22) then set ans to "獅子"
    if (MM = 8 and DD  23) then set ans to "乙女"
    if (MM = 9 and DD  22) then set ans to "乙女"
    if (MM = 9 and DD  23) then set ans to "天秤"
    if (MM = 10 and DD  23) then set ans to "天秤"
    if (MM = 10 and DD  24) then set ans to "蠍"
    if (MM = 11 and DD  21) then set ans to "蠍"
    if (MM = 11 and DD  22) then set ans to "射手"
    if (MM = 12 and DD  21) then set ans to "射手"
    if (MM = 12 and DD  22) then set ans to "山羊"
    if (MM = 1 and DD  19) then set ans to "山羊"
    if (MM = 1 and DD  20) then set ans to "水瓶"
    if (MM = 2 and DD  18) then set ans to "水瓶"
    if (MM = 2 and DD  19) then set ans to "魚"
    if (MM = 3 and DD  20) then set ans to "魚"
    return ans & "座"
end constellation

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