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HeyJude on Prolog

Last updated at Posted at 2016-02-07

Prologで "Hey Jude" の歌詞を生成する

Hey Jude Flow Chart

Hey Jude

name_of(jude, "Jude").
hey(Person, Sentence) :-
  name_of(Person, Name),
  append(["hey"], [Name], Words),
  join(Words, " ", Sentence).

doNot(Index, Sentence) :-
  somethingNegative(Index, Thing),
  append(["don't"], [Thing], Words),
  join(Words, " ", Sentence).
somethingNegative(0, "make it bad").
somethingNegative(1, "be afraid").
somethingNegative(2, "let me down").
somethingNegative(Index, Word) :- R is Index mod 3, somethingNegative(R, Word).

do(Index, Word) :- somethingPositive(Index, Word).
somethingPositive(0, "take a sad song and make it better").
somethingPositive(1, "you were made to go out and get her").
somethingPositive(2, "you have found her, now go and get her").
somethingPositive(Index, Word) :- R is Index mod 3, somethingPositive(R, Word).

remember(Index, Sentence) :-
  somethingImportant(Index, Thing),
  append(["remember to"], [Thing], Words),
  join(Words, " ", Sentence).
somethingImportant(0, "let her into your heart").
somethingImportant(1, "let her under your skin").
somethingImportant(Index, Word) :- R is Index mod 2, somethingImportant(R, Word).

result(Index, Sentence) :-
  startSomehow(Index, Thing),
  append(["then you"], [Thing], WordList_1),
  append(WordList_1, ["to make it better"], WordList_2),
  join(WordList_2, " ", Sentence).
startSomehow(0, "can start").
startSomehow(1, "begin").
startSomehow(Index, Somehow) :- R is Index mod 2, startSomehow(R, Somehow).

lastPart(RepeatTimes, Sentence) :-
  sayNa(RepeatTimes, Nanana),
  join([BetterPart, Nanana], "~n~n", Sentence).

sayBetter(Sentence) :- sayBetter(5, [], Sentence).
sayBetter(0, Words, Sentence) :-
  append(Words, ["waaaa"], WordList),
  join(WordList, " ", Sentence).
sayBetter(N, Words, Sentence) :-
  Times is N - 1,
  append(Words, ["better"], WordList),
  sayBetter(Times, WordList, Sentence).

sayNa(RepeatTimes, Sentence) :- sayNa(RepeatTimes, [], Sentence).
sayNa(0, Words, Sentence) :- join(Words, " ", Sentence).
sayNa(RepeatTimes, Words, Sentence) :-
  RestTimes is RepeatTimes - 1,
  append(Words, ["na"], WordList),
  sayNa(RestTimes, WordList, Sentence).

formatParagraph(SentenceList, Sentences) :- join(SentenceList, "~n", Sentences).
join(Ls, X, Y) :- concat_atom(Ls, X, Y).

createParagraph(N, Paragraph) :-
  hey(jude, CallName),
  doNot(N, DoNotDoThis),
  do(N, DoThis),
  remember(N, RememberTo),
  result(N, ThenYou),
  ], Paragraph).

createPart(RepeatTimes, Part) :-
  TimesOfSayingNa is RepeatTimes * RepeatTimes,
  createPart(RepeatTimes, TimesOfSayingNa, [], Part).
createPart(0, Times, Paragraphs, Part) :-
  join(Paragraphs, "~n~n", MainPart),
  lastPart(Times, EndOfPart),
  append([MainPart], [EndOfPart], FullPart),
  join(FullPart, "~n", Part).
createPart(Index, Times, Paragraphs, Part) :-
  createParagraph(Index, Paragraph),
  append(Paragraphs, [Paragraph], ParagraphList),
  NextIndex is Index - 1,
  createPart(NextIndex, Times, ParagraphList, Part).

print_lyric :- createPart(6, Lyric), format(Lyric).
print_lyric(N) :- createPart(N, Lyric), format(Lyric).

?- print_lyric(6).
hey Jude
don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let her into your heart
then you can start to make it better

hey Jude
don't let me down
you have found her, now go and get her
remember to let her under your skin
then you begin to make it better

hey Jude
don't be afraid
you were made to go out and get her
remember to let her into your heart
then you can start to make it better

hey Jude
don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let her under your skin
then you begin to make it better

hey Jude
don't let me down
you have found her, now go and get her
remember to let her into your heart
then you can start to make it better

hey Jude
don't be afraid
you were made to go out and get her
remember to let her under your skin
then you begin to make it better
better better better better better waaaa

na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na





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