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【AWS】AWS re:Invent 2023 初日のアップデートをまとめてみた

Last updated at Posted at 2023-11-27


この記事はre:Invent 2023初日のアップデートをまとめていく記事です。

https://twitter.com/shimagaji さんのツイートをまとめました。


AWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2023 年 AWS re:Invent 速報

AWS Black Belt Online Seminar 2023 年 AWS re:Invent 速報

Redshift provisioned concurrency scaling and serverless autoscaling now supports Create Table As Select (CTAS)

Redshiftの同時実行スケーリングとサーバーレス自動スケーリングにて、Create Table As Select(CTAS)クエリがサポートされました

Redshift provisioned concurrency scaling and serverless autoscaling now supports Create Table As Select (CTAS)

FreeRTOS roadmap and code contribution process now published on freertos.org


FreeRTOS roadmap and code contribution process now published on freertos.org

Announcing Amazon EC2 High Memory U7i instances (Preview)


Announcing Amazon EC2 High Memory U7i instances (Preview)

Amazon S3 Access Grants integrate with identity providers to simplify data lake permissions

S3 Access GrantsがActive DirectoryやIAMプリンシパルなどと統合し、簡単にデータセットへのマッピングを行い大規模なデータ権限を管理可能になりました。

Amazon S3 Access Grants integrate with identity providers to simplify data lake permissions

Powered by foundation model, Amazon Transcribe now supports over 100 languages


Powered by foundation model, Amazon Transcribe now supports over 100 languages

AWS Machine Learning Blog Amazon Transcribe announces a new speech foundation model-powered ASR system that expands support to over 100 languages

Amazon Redshift now support’s multi-data warehouse writes through data sharing (preview)


Amazon Redshift now support’s multi-data warehouse writes through data sharing (preview)

Amazon Monitron launches Ex-rated sensors for hazardous locations


Amazon Monitron launches Ex-rated sensors for hazardous locations

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus launches an agentless collector for Prometheus metrics from Amazon EKS

Managed Service for PrometheusによるEKS向けのエージェントレスコレクターをリリースしました。

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus launches an agentless collector for Prometheus metrics from Amazon EKS

CloudWatch now supports hybrid and multicloud metrics querying and alarming

CloudWatchが複数ソースからのクエリをサポートし、OpenSearch, Manageed Service for Prometheus, Azure Monitorなどからのメトリクスを統合できるようになりました。

CloudWatch now supports hybrid and multicloud metrics querying and alarming

AWS News Blog Use Amazon CloudWatch to consolidate hybrid, multicloud, and on-premises metrics

AWS IoT SiteWise Edge Now Available on Siemens Industrial Edge Marketplace (Preview)

Siemens Industrial Edge MarketplaceからIoT SiteWise Edgeをプレビュー導入できるようになりました。

AWS IoT SiteWise Edge Now Available on Siemens Industrial Edge Marketplace (Preview)

You can now manage and back up FSx for ONTAP FlexGroup volumes using the AWS Console and API

FSx for NetApp ONTAPにて、FlexGroupボリュームの作成、管理、バックアップがコンソールとFSx API、AWS SDKでできるようになりました。

You can now manage and back up FSx for ONTAP FlexGroup volumes using the AWS Console and API

AWS News Blog FlexGroup Volume Management for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is now available

Announcing the general availability of AWS re:Post Private

re:Post PrivateがGAになりました。

Announcing the general availability of AWS re:Post Private

Announcing the general availability of AWS re:Post Private

Redshift MLが大規模言語モデル(LLM)をプレビューサポートしました。

AWS announces support for large language models in Amazon Redshift ML (Preview)

Recommend actions that increase brand loyalty with Amazon Personalize Next Best Action

Personalize Next Best Actionがリリースされました。

Recommend actions that increase brand loyalty with Amazon Personalize Next Best Action

AWS Machine Learning Blog Build brand loyalty by recommending actions to your users with Amazon Personalize Next Best Action

Amazon Personalize now creates themes for recommendations using generative AI

PersonalizeでContent Generatorがリリースされました。

Amazon Personalize now creates themes for recommendations using generative AI

AWS Machine Learning Blog Drive hyper-personalized customer experiences with Amazon Personalize and generative AI

AWS Systems Manager Automation makes it easier to author runbooks with new low-code visual design experience

Systems Manager Automationのビジュアルが新しくなり、Runbookが作成しやすくなりました。

AWS Systems Manager Automation makes it easier to author runbooks with new low-code visual design experience

AWS Config now supports periodic recording: Efficiently scale your change tracking


AWS Config now supports periodic recording: Efficiently scale your change tracking

New from AWS: You can now customize security controls in AWS Security Hub

Security Hubのセキュリティコントロールが一部カスタマイズ可能になりました。

New from AWS: You can now customize security controls in AWS Security Hub

Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics now offers generative call summarization (preview)

Transcribe Call Analyticsにおいて、生成系AIによる通話要約機能がプレビューリリースされました。

Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics now offers generative call summarization (preview)

AWS News Blog Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics adds new generative AI-powered call summaries (preview)

AWS Secrets Manager now supports batch retrieval of secrets

Secrets Managerがシークレットをバッチで取得できるようになりました。

AWS Secrets Manager now supports batch retrieval of secrets

IAM Access Analyzer now simplifies inspecting unused access to guide you toward least privilege

IAM Access Analyzerが、未使用のサービスとアクションを可視化し、最小権限となるように設定しやすくなりました。

IAM Access Analyzer now simplifies inspecting unused access to guide you toward least privilege

AWS Blog IAM Access Analyzer updates: Find unused access, check policies before deployment

IAM Access Analyzer introduces custom policy checks powered by automated reasoning

IAM Access Analyzerが、自動化された推論に基づき、IAMポリシーがセキュリティ標準に準拠しているか検証するカスタムポリシーチェックを提供しました。

IAM Access Analyzer introduces custom policy checks powered by automated reasoning

Announcing vision system data from AWS IoT FleetWise (Preview)

IoT FleetWiseの新機能であるビジョンシステムデータがプレビューリリースされました。

Announcing vision system data from AWS IoT FleetWise (Preview)

Announcing AWS IoT FleetWise vision system data (Preview)

AWS Compute Optimizer introduces customizable rightsizing recommendations for EC2 Instances

Compute Optimizerに、パラメータを調整可能な推奨事項の作成が追加されました。

AWS Compute Optimizer introduces customizable rightsizing recommendations for EC2 Instances

AWS Cloud Financial Management How to take advantage of Rightsizing recommendation preferences in Compute Optimizer

Automate AWS Control Tower landing zone operations using APIs

Control Towerのランディングゾーンに関連するAPIが追加されました。

Automate AWS Control Tower landing zone operations using APIs

AWS Free Tier usage is now available through the GetFreeTierUsage API

GetFreeTierUsage APIが登場し、無料利用枠の使用量が確認できるようになりました。

AWS Free Tier usage is now available through the GetFreeTierUsage API

AWS Blog Check your AWS Free Tier usage programmatically with a new API

Application Load Balancer increases application availability with Automatic Target Weights

Application Load Balancerが、ターゲットの正常性情報に基づいてトラフィックの重みを自動で調整するAutomatic Target Weights(ATW)をサポートしました

Application Load Balancer increases application availability with Automatic Target Weights

Networking & Content Delivery Improving availability with Application Load Balancer automatic target weights

Amazon Detective supports security investigations for Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring


Amazon Detective supports security investigations for Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring

Amazon Detective announces investigations for IAM


Amazon Detective announces investigations for IAM

AWS Blog Amazon Detective adds new capabilities to accelerate and improve your cloud security investigations

Announcing Conversational FAQ with generative AI for Amazon Lex (Preview)

Amazon Lexの会話型FAQであるQnAIntentがプレビューで登場しました。

Announcing Conversational FAQ with generative AI for Amazon Lex (Preview)

AWS Machine Learning Blog Elevate your self-service assistants with new generative AI features in Amazon Lex

Amazon WorkSpaces Multi-Region Resilience launches one-way data replication

WorkSpaces Multi-Region Resilienceにて、スタンバイWorkSpacesへの一方向データレプリケーションができるようになりました。

Amazon WorkSpaces Multi-Region Resilience launches one-way data replication

ENA Express supports 58 new instances with sizes as small as 16 vCPUs

ENA Expressが、新たに58インスタンスタイプで利用可能になりました。

ENA Express supports 58 new instances with sizes as small as 16 vCPUs

Amazon Detective now supports log retrieval from Amazon Security Lake

DetectiveがSecurity Lakeを統合され、ログをクエリして取得できるようになりました

Amazon Detective now supports log retrieval from Amazon Security Lake

Amazon Detective introduces finding group summaries using generative AI

Amazon Detective introduces finding group summaries using generative AI

Announcing Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP scale-out file systems

FSx for NetApp ONTAPにて、ファイルシステムがスケールアウト可能になりました。

Announcing Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP scale-out file systems

AWS Blog New – Scale-out file systems for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

FSx for ONTAP now supports creating Multi-AZ file systems in Shared VPC participant accounts

FSx for NetApp ONTAPが、参加者アカウントから共有VPCにマルチAZファイルシステムを作成できるようになりました。

FSx for ONTAP now supports creating Multi-AZ file systems in Shared VPC participant accounts

AWS Blog Introducing shared VPC support for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Announcing Lens Catalog for the AWS Well-Architected Tool

Well-Architected Toolにて、Lens Catalogがリリースされました。

Announcing Lens Catalog for the AWS Well-Architected Tool

Amazon Inspector expands AWS Lambda code scanning with generative AI powered remediation


Amazon Inspector expands AWS Lambda code scanning with generative AI powered remediation

Announcing utterance generation for Amazon Lex

Amazon Lexに発話生成が追加されました。

Announcing utterance generation for Amazon Lex

Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client is now generally available

WorkSpaces Thin ClientがGAされました。

Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client is now generally available

AWS Analytics simplify users’ data access across services with IAM Identity Center

AWS Analyticsサービス(QuickSight, Redshift, Lake Formation, S3)が、IAM Identity CenterのIDフェデレーションによるアクセス管理に対応しました。

AWS Analytics simplify users’ data access across services with IAM Identity Center

AWS CloudTrail Lake data now available for zero-ETL analysis in Amazon Athena

CloudTrail Lakeのデータをzero-RTLにてAthenaで分析できるようになりました

AWS CloudTrail Lake data now available for zero-ETL analysis in Amazon Athena

AWS announces CloudWatch Logs Anomaly Detection and Pattern analysis

CloudWatch Logsが機械学習ベースの異常検出とパターン分析に対応しました

AWS announces CloudWatch Logs Anomaly Detection and Pattern analysis

Amazon EKS introduces EKS Pod Identity

EKSが、IAMアクセス許可を簡素化するためのPod Identityを追加しました。

Amazon EKS introduces EKS Pod Identity
AWS Blog Amazon EKS Pod Identity simplifies IAM permissions for applications on Amazon EKS clusters

AWS Glue Data Quality announces anomaly detection and dynamic rules

Glue Data Qualityにおいて、MLベースの異常検出機能と、自動調整される動的ルールがプレビューリリースされました。

AWS Glue Data Quality announces anomaly detection and dynamic rules

AWS Blog Use anomaly detection with AWS Glue to improve data quality (preview)

Announcing preview of AMB Access Polygon, serverless access to Polygon blockchain

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Polygonがプレビューリリースされました。

Announcing preview of AMB Access Polygon, serverless access to Polygon blockchain

Amazon CloudWatch announces AI-powered natural language query generation (in preview)

CloudWatchのLogs InsightsとMetrics Insightsにて、生成系AIを活用した自然言語でのクエリ作成がプレビューで追加されました。

Amazon CloudWatch announces AI-powered natural language query generation

AWS Config launches generative AI-powered natural language querying (Preview)


AWS Config launches generative AI-powered natural language querying

Amazon EFS now supports up to 250,000 IOPS per file system


Amazon EFS now supports up to 250,000 IOPS per file system

Introducing Cost Optimization Hub

Billing and Cost ManagementコンソールにCost Optimization Hubが追加されました

Introducing Cost Optimization Hub

Announcing the new Amazon EFS Archive storage class


Announcing the new Amazon EFS Archive storage class

AWS Blog Optimize your storage costs for rarely-accessed files with Amazon EFS Archive

Amazon Web Services announces Unified Billing and Cost Management console

コンソール上でBillingとCost Managementが統合されました。

Amazon Web Services announces Unified Billing and Cost Management console

AWS Blog Managing your cloud finances with the unified Billing and Cost Management Console

New Amazon CloudWatch log class for infrequent access logs at a reduced price

CloudWatch Logs に infrequent access クラスという、今までのスタンダードクラスと比べて1GBあたりのコストを半分で利用できる新しいログクラスがリリース!

New Amazon CloudWatch log class for infrequent access logs at a reduced price

Logs IAはアクセスの料金が上がるとかじゃなくてそもそも機能制限なので半額

AWS Step Functions launches optimized integration for Amazon Bedrock

Step FunctionsがBedrockと統合し、2つのアクションを実行できるようになりました。

AWS Step Functions launches optimized integration for Amazon Bedrock


Build generative AI apps using AWS Step Functions and Amazon Bedrock

AWS CloudFormation introduces Git management of stacks


AWS CloudFormation introduces Git management of stacks

[AWS DevOps Blog](Automate safe AWS CloudFormation deployments from GitHub)

Amazon EventBridge now supports partner integrations with Adobe and Stripe

EventBridgeがAdobe I/OイベントおよびStripeとパートナー統合をサポートしました。

Amazon EventBridge now supports partner integrations with Adobe and Stripe

AWS Step Functions launches support for HTTPS endpoints and a new TestState API

Step FunctionsがHTTPSエンドポイントの使用と単一ステートのテストができるようになりました。

AWS Step Functions launches support for HTTPS endpoints and a new TestState API

AWS blog External endpoints and testing of task states now available in AWS Step Functions

New Discover Apps page for PartyRock, an Amazon Bedrock Playground


New Discover Apps page for PartyRock, an Amazon Bedrock Playground

Announcing new enhancements to Amazon CodeWhisperer


Announcing new enhancements to Amazon CodeWhisperer

AWS blog Amazon CodeWhisperer offers new AI-powered code remediation, IaC support, and integration with Visual Studio

Assisted Slot Resolution with Generative AI

Amazon Lexがスロット(ユーザーからの入力を変数に割り当てる機能)のフォールバック時にFMを活用して自動解決できるようになりました。

Assisted Slot Resolution with Generative AI

Announcing AWS Console-to-Code (Preview) to generate code for console actions


Announcing AWS Console-to-Code (Preview) to generate code for console actions

Introducing Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring, including AWS Fargate

Introducing Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring, including AWS Fargate

AWS blog Detect runtime security threats in Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate, new in Amazon GuardDuty


Amazon GuardDuty now supports runtime monitoring for Amazon EC2 (Preview)


Amazon GuardDuty now supports runtime monitoring for Amazon EC2

Announcing the Cost and Usage Dashboard powered by Amazon QuickSight

Billing and Cost Managementコンソールから、Cost and Usage Report(CUR)ダッシュボードをQuickSightに直接デプロイできるようになりました。

Announcing the Cost and Usage Dashboard powered by Amazon QuickSight

Descriptive Bot Builder with Generative AI

Amazon Lexにて、自然言語のプロンプトからチャットボットを作成するDescriptive Bot Builderがリリースされました。

Descriptive Bot Builder with Generative AI

Application Load Balancer can authenticate X.509 certificate based identities with Mutual TLS support

ALBにて、x.509証明書を用いたMutual TLS(mTLS)によるクライアント認証が設定できるようになりました。

Application Load Balancer can authenticate X.509 certificate based identities with Mutual TLS support

AWS blog Mutual authentication for Application Load Balancer reliably verifies certificate-based client identities

External endpoints and testing of task states now available in AWS Step Functions

External endpoints and testing of task states now available in AWS Step Functions

AWS Lambda functions now scale 12 times faster when handling high-volume requests

AWS Lambda functions now scale 12 times faster when handling high-volume requests

Detect runtime security threats in Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate, new in Amazon GuardDuty

Detect runtime security threats in Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate, new in Amazon GuardDuty

Amazon CloudWatch Logs announces Infrequent Access log class

CloudWatch Logsに低頻度向けアクセスクラスであるLogs IAが追加されました。

Announcing Data Exports for AWS Billing and Cost Management

BillingとCost Managementでデータのエクスポートができるようになりました。



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