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[SQLServer]Wide World Importers

Last updated at Posted at 2024-06-24

1. スキーマの一覧とその概要を取得する

    s.name AS schema_name,
    ep.value AS property_value
    sys.schemas s
    sys.extended_properties ep
    s.schema_id = ep.major_id
    AND ep.minor_id = 0 --スキーマ自体のプロパティを取得
    AND ep.class = 3    --クラス3はスキーマを示す
    ep.value IS NOT NULL;


schema_name property_value
Application Tables common across the application. Used for categorization and lookup lists, system parameters and people (users and contacts)
DataLoadSimulation Tables and procedures used only during simulated data loading operations
Integration Tables and procedures required for integration with the data warehouse
PowerBI Views and stored procedures that provide the only access for the Power BI dashboard system
Purchasing Details of suppliers and of purchasing of stock items
Reports Views and stored procedures that provide the only access for the reporting system
Sales Details of customers, salespeople, and of sales of stock items
Sequences Holds sequences used by all tables in the application
Warehouse Details of stock items, their holdings and transactions
Website Views and stored procedures that provide the only access for the application website

2. テーブルの一覧とその概要を取得する

    s.name AS schema_name,
    t.name AS table_name,
    ep.value AS property_value
    sys.tables t
    sys.schemas s
    t.schema_id = s.schema_id
    sys.extended_properties ep
    t.object_id = ep.major_id
    AND ep.minor_id = 0
    AND ep.class = 1
    ep.value IS NOT NULL
    s.name, t.name;


schema_name table_name property_value
Application Cities Cities that are part of any address (including geographic location)
Application Countries Countries that contain the states or provinces (including geographic boundaries)
Application DeliveryMethods Ways that stock items can be delivered (ie: truck/van, post, pickup, courier, etc.
Application PaymentMethods Ways that payments can be made (ie: cash, check, EFT, etc.
Application People People known to the application (staff, customer contacts, supplier contacts)
Application StateProvinces States or provinces that contain cities (including geographic location)
Application SystemParameters Any configurable parameters for the whole system
Application TransactionTypes Types of customer, supplier, or stock transactions (ie: invoice, credit note, etc.)
Purchasing PurchaseOrderLines Detail lines from supplier purchase orders
Purchasing PurchaseOrders Details of supplier purchase orders
Purchasing SupplierCategories Categories for suppliers (ie novelties, toys, clothing, packaging, etc.)
Purchasing Suppliers Main entity table for suppliers (organizations)
Purchasing SupplierTransactions All financial transactions that are supplier-related
Sales BuyingGroups Customer organizations can be part of groups that exert greater buying power
Sales CustomerCategories Categories for customers (ie restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, etc.)
Sales Customers Main entity tables for customers (organizations or individuals)
Sales CustomerTransactions All financial transactions that are customer-related
Sales InvoiceLines Detail lines from customer invoices
Sales Invoices Details of customer invoices
Sales OrderLines Detail lines from customer orders
Sales Orders Detail of customer orders
Sales SpecialDeals Special pricing (can include fixed prices, discount $ or discount %)
Warehouse Colors Stock items can (optionally) have colors
Warehouse PackageTypes Ways that stock items can be packaged (ie: each, box, carton, pallet, kg, etc.
Warehouse StockGroups Groups for categorizing stock items (ie: novelties, toys, edible novelties, etc.)
Warehouse StockItemHoldings Non-temporal attributes for stock items
Warehouse StockItems Main entity table for stock items
Warehouse StockItemStockGroups Which stock items are in which stock groups
Warehouse StockItemTransactions Transactions covering all movements of all stock items

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