1. スキーマの一覧とその概要を取得する
s.name AS schema_name,
ep.value AS property_value
sys.schemas s
sys.extended_properties ep
s.schema_id = ep.major_id
AND ep.minor_id = 0 --スキーマ自体のプロパティを取得
AND ep.class = 3 --クラス3はスキーマを示す
ep.value IS NOT NULL;
schema_name | property_value |
Application | Tables common across the application. Used for categorization and lookup lists, system parameters and people (users and contacts) |
DataLoadSimulation | Tables and procedures used only during simulated data loading operations |
Integration | Tables and procedures required for integration with the data warehouse |
PowerBI | Views and stored procedures that provide the only access for the Power BI dashboard system |
Purchasing | Details of suppliers and of purchasing of stock items |
Reports | Views and stored procedures that provide the only access for the reporting system |
Sales | Details of customers, salespeople, and of sales of stock items |
Sequences | Holds sequences used by all tables in the application |
Warehouse | Details of stock items, their holdings and transactions |
Website | Views and stored procedures that provide the only access for the application website |
2. テーブルの一覧とその概要を取得する
s.name AS schema_name,
t.name AS table_name,
ep.value AS property_value
sys.tables t
sys.schemas s
t.schema_id = s.schema_id
sys.extended_properties ep
t.object_id = ep.major_id
AND ep.minor_id = 0
AND ep.class = 1
ep.value IS NOT NULL
s.name, t.name;
schema_name | table_name | property_value |
Application | Cities | Cities that are part of any address (including geographic location) |
Application | Countries | Countries that contain the states or provinces (including geographic boundaries) |
Application | DeliveryMethods | Ways that stock items can be delivered (ie: truck/van, post, pickup, courier, etc. |
Application | PaymentMethods | Ways that payments can be made (ie: cash, check, EFT, etc. |
Application | People | People known to the application (staff, customer contacts, supplier contacts) |
Application | StateProvinces | States or provinces that contain cities (including geographic location) |
Application | SystemParameters | Any configurable parameters for the whole system |
Application | TransactionTypes | Types of customer, supplier, or stock transactions (ie: invoice, credit note, etc.) |
Purchasing | PurchaseOrderLines | Detail lines from supplier purchase orders |
Purchasing | PurchaseOrders | Details of supplier purchase orders |
Purchasing | SupplierCategories | Categories for suppliers (ie novelties, toys, clothing, packaging, etc.) |
Purchasing | Suppliers | Main entity table for suppliers (organizations) |
Purchasing | SupplierTransactions | All financial transactions that are supplier-related |
Sales | BuyingGroups | Customer organizations can be part of groups that exert greater buying power |
Sales | CustomerCategories | Categories for customers (ie restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, etc.) |
Sales | Customers | Main entity tables for customers (organizations or individuals) |
Sales | CustomerTransactions | All financial transactions that are customer-related |
Sales | InvoiceLines | Detail lines from customer invoices |
Sales | Invoices | Details of customer invoices |
Sales | OrderLines | Detail lines from customer orders |
Sales | Orders | Detail of customer orders |
Sales | SpecialDeals | Special pricing (can include fixed prices, discount $ or discount %) |
Warehouse | Colors | Stock items can (optionally) have colors |
Warehouse | PackageTypes | Ways that stock items can be packaged (ie: each, box, carton, pallet, kg, etc. |
Warehouse | StockGroups | Groups for categorizing stock items (ie: novelties, toys, edible novelties, etc.) |
Warehouse | StockItemHoldings | Non-temporal attributes for stock items |
Warehouse | StockItems | Main entity table for stock items |
Warehouse | StockItemStockGroups | Which stock items are in which stock groups |
Warehouse | StockItemTransactions | Transactions covering all movements of all stock items |