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100 numpy exercises in Julia v0.6.2

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100 julialang exercisesを見て面白そうだったので、自分もやってみました。編集リクエストも考えたのですが、上記の記事の頃に比べて元ネタ(100 numpy exercises)に問題が追加されているのと、上記の記事がJulia v0.4時代のものでいろいろと変更が必要な部分があったので、新たに記事を起こしました。@chezouさんの回答そのままのものもたくさんあります。
Julia v0.6.2で確認しています。



1. Import the numpy package under the name np (★☆☆)

1. numpyパッケージを名前npでインポートする (★☆☆)

# nothing to do

2. Print the numpy version and the configuration (★☆☆)

2. バージョンと詳細な環境を表示する (★☆☆)


3. Create a null vector of size 10 (★☆☆)

3. サイズが10のゼロベクトルを作成 (★☆☆)

Z = zeros(10)

# without initialization
# ゼロ初期化が必要ない場合
Z = Vector{Float64}(10)

4. How to find the memory size of any array (★☆☆)

4. 配列のメモリ上のサイズを得る (★☆☆)

Z = zeros(10, 10)
@printf("%d bytes\n", sizeof(Z))

5. How to get the documentation of the numpy add function from the command line? (★☆☆)

5. コマンドラインから加算演算子のドキュメントを表示する (★☆☆)

%run `julia -e "print(@doc +)"`

6. Create a null vector of size 10 but the fifth value which is 1 (★☆☆)

6. サイズ10のゼロベクトル(ただし、5番目の要素のみ1)を作成 (★☆☆)

Z = zeros(10)
Z[5] = 1

# another solution
Z = @. ifelse(1:10 == 5, 1, 0)

7. Create a vector with values ranging from 10 to 49 (★☆☆)

7. 10から49までの連続値のベクトルを作成 (★☆☆)

Z = collect(10:49)

# another solition
Z = range(10, 40)

# obtains Float64 vector
# 浮動小数点数のベクトルが欲しい場合
Z = collect(10.0:49)
# or
Z = range(10.0, 40)

8. Reverse a vector (first element becomes last) (★☆☆)

8. ベクトルを反転する (最初の要素が最後になるように) (★☆☆)

Z = collect(0:49)

# straightforward method
# 直接的な方法
Z = collect(0:49)
Z = Z[end:-1:1]

9. Create a 3x3 matrix with values ranging from 0 to 8 (★☆☆)

9. 0から8までの連続値を格納する 3x3 行列を作成 (★☆☆)

Z = reshape(0:8, 3, 3)

10. Find indices of non-zero elements from [1,2,0,0,4,0] (★☆☆)

10. [1,2,0,0,4,0] の非ゼロ要素の番号を取得 (★☆☆)

nz = find([1, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0])

11. Create a 3x3 identity matrix (★☆☆)

11. 3x3 の単位行列を作成 (★☆☆)

Z = eye(3)

# using UniformScaling
Z = zeros(3, 3) + I

12. 3x3x3 次元のランダム配列を作成 (★☆☆)

Z = rand(3, 3, 3)

13. Create a 10x10 array with random values and find the minimum and maximum values (★☆☆)

13. 10x10 のランダム配列を作成し、最大値と最小値を得る (★☆☆)

Z = rand(10, 10)
Zmin, Zmax = extrema(Z)
@show (Zmin, Zmax)

14. Create a random vector of size 30 and find the mean value (★☆☆)

14. 30要素のランダムベクトルを作成し、平均値を計算する (★☆☆)

Z = rand(30)
m = mean(Z)
@show m

15. Create a 2d array with 1 on the border and 0 inside (★☆☆)

15. 外周では値1、内部では値0をとる2次元配列を作成する (★☆☆)

Z = ones(10, 10)
Z[2:end-1, 2:end-1] .= 0

# using comprehension
# 内包表記の利用
Z = [ifelse(all(1 .< (i,j) .< 10), 0, 1) for i in 1:10, j in 1:10]

16. How to add a border (filled with 0's) around an existing array? (★☆☆)

16. 既存の行列の周囲を1列ずつ拡張する (0で埋める) (★☆☆)

Z = ones(5, 5)

Z2 = zeros(eltype(Z), size(Z) .+ 2)
Z2[2:end-1, 2:end-1] = Z
@show Z2

# another solution
Z2 = [checkbounds(Bool, Z, i, j) ? Z[i, j] : zero(eltype(Z)) for i in 0:size(Z, 1)+1, j in 0:size(Z, 2)+1]
@show Z2

17. What is the result of the following expression? (★☆☆)

17. 以下を実行した結果は? (★☆☆)

println(0 * NaN)         # => NaN
println(NaN == NaN)      # => false
println(Inf > NaN)       # => false
println(NaN - NaN)       # => NaN
println(0.3 == 3 * 0.1)  # => false

18. Create a 5x5 matrix with values 1,2,3,4 just below the diagonal (★☆☆)

18. 対角要素の1つ下に1,2,3,4が並ぶ5x5行列を作成する (★☆☆)

Z = diagm(1:4, -1)

19. Create a 8x8 matrix and fill it with a checkerboard pattern (★☆☆)

19. 市松模様に初期化された8x8行列を作成 (★☆☆)

Z = [(i + j) % 2 for i in 1:8, j in 1:8]

20. Consider a (6,7,8) shape array, what is the index (x,y,z) of the 100th element?

20. サイズが(6,7,8)の配列を考える。100番目の要素のインデックス(x,y,z)は?

println(ind2sub((6, 7, 8), 100))

21. Create a checkerboard 8x8 matrix using the tile function (★☆☆)

21. tile関数を利用して市松模様の8x8行列を作成 (★☆☆)

# numpy's tile equal to repmat
Z = repmat([0 1; 1 0], 4, 4)

22. Normalize a 5x5 random matrix (★☆☆)

22. 5x5のランダム行列を正規化する (★☆☆)

Z = rand(5, 5)
Zmax, Zmin = extrema(Z)
@. Z = (Z - Zmin) / (Zmax - Zmin)
@show Z

23. Create a custom dtype that describes a color as four unsigned bytes (RGBA) (★☆☆)

23. 4個の符号なしバイト(RGBA) で構成されるカスタムdtypeを作成する (★☆☆)

# composite type
mutable struct Color

# immutable composite type
# 変更不可能な型
struct Color

24. Multiply a 5x3 matrix by a 3x2 matrix (real matrix product) (★☆☆)

24. 5x3行列と3x2行列の乗算する (行列の乗算) (★☆☆)

Z = ones(5, 3) * ones(3, 2)

25. Given a 1D array, negate all elements which are between 3 and 8, in place. (★☆☆)

25. 与えられた1次元配列の3より大きく8以下の要素の符号を反転させる(★☆☆)

Z = collect(1:10)
@. Z = flipsign(Z, ifelse(3 .< Z .≤ 8, -1, 1))
@show Z

26. What is the output of the following script? (★☆☆)

# skip

27. Consider an integer vector Z, which of these expressions are legal? (★☆☆)

27. Zが整数であるとき下のうち正当(エラーにならない)な文は? (★☆☆)

# all of these expression are legal.
# 全て正当(エラーにならない)文です。
2 << Z >> 2
Z <- Z

28. What are the result of the following expressions?

0.0 / 0.0 # => NaN
0 / 0 #     => NaN

29. How to round away from zero a float array ? (★☆☆)

29. 実数値の配列を絶対値が大きくなる方向に丸めて整数にする (★☆☆)

# using Distributions package in order to create uniformly distributed random number
# 一様分布の乱数を生成するためにDistributionsパッケージを使っています。
using Distributions
Z = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 10)
@. Z = copysign(ceil(abs(Z)), Z)
@show Z

# another solution
using Distributions
Z = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 10)
@. Z = ifelse(Z > 0, ceil(Z), floor(Z))
@show Z

30. How to find common values between two arrays? (★☆☆)

30. 2つの配列の共通要素を取得する (★☆☆)

Z1 = rand(1:10, 10)
Z2 = rand(1:10, 10)
@show unique(Z1  Z2)

# using Set
@show collect(Set(Z1)  Set(Z2))

(未)31. How to ignore all numpy warnings (not recommended)? (★☆☆)

# Suicide mode on
defaults = np.seterr(all="ignore")
Z = np.ones(1) / 0

# Back to sanity
_ = np.seterr(**defaults)

An equivalent way, with a context manager:

with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
    Z = np.ones(1) / 0

32. Is the following expressions true? (★☆☆)

32. 以下の式はtrueか? (★☆☆)

sqrt(-1) == sqrt(complex(-1))  ## in Julia, sqrt(-1) raises DomainError

33. How to get the dates of yesterday, today and tomorrow? (★☆☆)

33. 昨日、今日、明日の日付を取得する (★☆☆)

yesterday = Date(now()) - Dates.Day(1)
today     = Date(now())
tomorrow  = Date(now()) + Dates.Day(1)

34. How to get all the dates corresponding to the month of July 2016? (★★☆)

34. 2016年7月の日付を全て取得する (★★☆)

Z = collect(Date("2016-07"):Dates.Day(1):Date("2016-08"))[1:end-1]

35. How to compute ((A+B)*(-A/2)) in place (without copy)? (★★☆)

35. ((A+B)*(-A/2)) をその場で (コピーしないで) 計算する? (★★☆)

A = ones(3)
B = fill(2.0, 3)
@. A = (A + B) * (-A / 2)

36. Extract the integer part of a random array using 5 different methods (★★☆)

36. ランダム実数値配列の、整数部分を5つの異なる方法で取得する (★★☆)

using Distributions
Z = rand(Uniform(0, 10), 10)
@show floor.(Z)
@show floor.(Int, Z)
@show @. Z - mod1(Z, 1)
@show @. ceil(Z) - 1
@show trunc.(Z)

37. Create a 5x5 matrix with row values ranging from 0 to 4 (★★☆)

37. 各行が0から4までの連続値である5x5行列を作成する (★★☆)

Z = zeros(5, 5)
Z .= (0:4)'
@show Z

# another solution
Z = repmat((0:4)', 4)
@show Z

# another solution using broadcast syntax
# broadcast構文を用いた方法
Z = zeros(5) .+ (0:4)'
@show Z

38. Consider a generator function that generates 10 integers and use it to build an array (★☆☆)

38. 10個の整数を生成する生成関数を作成し、それを用いて配列を得る (★☆☆)

function generate()
    Channel(ctype=Int) do ch
        for i in 1:10
            put!(ch, i)

Z = collect(generate())
@show Z

39. Create a vector of size 10 with values ranging from 0 to 1, both excluded (★★☆)

39. 0から1の範囲を等分するサイズ10のベクトルを作成する。ただし、両端(0と1)を除く (★★☆)

Z = linspace(0, 1, 12)[2:end-1]
@show Z

40. Create a random vector of size 10 and sort it (★★☆)

40. サイズ10のランダムベクトルを整列する (★★☆)

Z = rand(10)
@show Z

41. How to sum a small array faster than np.sum? (★★☆)

# skip

42. Consider two random array A and B, check if they are equal (★★☆)

42. 2つの乱数配列A, Bが等しいか判定する (★★☆)

A = rand(0.0:1, 5)  # Float64 array
B = rand(0.0:1, 5)  # Float64 array

# Assuming identical shape of the arrays and a tolerance for the comparison of values
equal = A  B
@show equal

# Checking both the shape and the element values, no tolerance (values have to be exactly equal)
equal = A == B
@show equal

43. Make an array immutable (read-only) (★★☆)

43. 配列を不変(書き換え不可)にする (★★☆)

# tuple acts (almost) like immutable vector

# Slow
Z = zeros(10)
Z = (Z...)
Z[1] = 1 # error

# Fast
Z = zeros(10)
Z = ntuple(i->Z[i], length(Z))
Z[1] = 1 # error

44. Consider a random 10x2 matrix representing cartesian coordinates, convert them to polar coordinates (★★☆)

44. 直交座標の点を表す10x2の乱数行列を、極座標に変換する (★★☆)

Z = rand(10,2)
@views X, Y = Z[:, 1], Z[:,2]  # use view to avoid copy
R = hypot.(X, Y)
T = atan2.(Y, X)
@show R
@show T

45. Create random vector of size 10 and replace the maximum value by 0 (★★☆)

45. サイズ10の乱数ベクトルを生成し、最大値を0に置換する(★★☆)

Z = rand(100)
Z[indmax(Z)] = 0
@show Z

46. Create a structured array with x and y coordinates covering the [0,1]x[0,1] area (★★☆)

46. [0,1]x[0,1]の範囲で、x and y 座標を表す構造化された配列のグリッドを作成する(★★☆)

struct Point
Z = [Point(x, y) for x in linspace(0,1,10), y in linspace(0,1,10)]
@show Z

47. Given two arrays, X and Y, construct the Cauchy matrix C (Cij =1/(xi - yj))

47. 2つの配列X, Yからコーシー行列 Cを作成する (ただし、Cij =1/(xi - yj))

X = collect(0:7)
Y = X + 0.5
C = @. 1 / (X - Y')
@show det(C)

48. Print the minimum and maximum representable value for each numpy scalar type (★★☆)

48. それぞれのnumpyのスカラー型が表現可能な最大の値と最小の値を表示する (★★☆)

for dtype in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
for dtype in (Float32, Float64)

49. How to print all the values of an array? (★★☆)

49. 配列のすべての値を表示する (★★☆)

Z = zeros(16, 16)

50. How to find the closest value (to a given scalar) in a vector? (★★☆)

50. ベクトルから与えられた値に最も近い値を取り出す (★★☆)

using Distributions
Z = 1:100
V = rand(Uniform(1, 100))
println(Z[indmin(abs.(Z .- V))])

51. Create a structured array representing a position (x,y) and a color (r,g,b) (★★☆)

51. 位置(x,y)と色(r,g,b)を表す構造化配列を作成する (★★☆)

struct Position
struct Color
struct Point
Z = map(_->Point(Position(0,0), Color(0,0,0)), 1:10)
@show Z

52. Consider a random vector with shape (100,2) representing coordinates, find point by point distances (★★☆)

52. 座標を表す(100,2)の乱数配列から、全ての点の間の距離を計算する (★★☆)

Z = rand(10, 2)
X, Y = @views Z[:, 1], Z[:, 2]
D = @. hypot(X - X', Y - Y')
@show D

53. How to convert a float (32 bits) array into an integer (32 bits) in place?

53. 浮動小数点(32ビット)の配列を、その場で整数(32ビット)の配列に変換する

Z = convert(Vector{Float32}, 0:9)

Z2 = reinterpret(Int32, Z)
Z2 .= Z
@assert pointer(Z) == pointer(Z2)
@show Z2

(未)54. How to read the following file? (★★☆)

from io import StringIO

# Fake file 
s = StringIO("""1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n
                6,  ,  , 7, 8\n
                 ,  , 9,10,11\n""")
Z = np.genfromtxt(s, delimiter=",", dtype=np.int)
@show Z

55. What is the equivalent of enumerate for numpy arrays? (★★☆)

55. numpy配列のenumerateアクセス (★★☆)

Z = reshape(1:9, 3, 3)
for (index, value) in enumerate(Z)
    println("$index $value $(Z[index])")
for (index, value) in enumerate(IndexCartesian(), Z)
    println("$index $value")

56. Generate a generic 2D Gaussian-like array (★★☆)

56. 2次元のガウス分布(係数をのぞく)の配列を作成する (★★☆)

X, Y = linspace(-1, 1, 10), linspace(-1, 1, 10)
σ, μ = 1.0, 0.0

# using broadcast
G = @. exp(-(abs2(X - μ) + abs2(Y' - μ)) / 2σ^2)
@show G

# using comprehension
G = [ exp(-sum(abs2, (x, y) .- μ) / 2σ^2) for x in X, y in Y]
@show G

57. How to randomly place p elements in a 2D array? (★★☆)

57. 2次元配列にp個の要素をランダムに配置する (★★☆)

n = 10
p = 3

using StatsBase
Z = zeros(n, n)
Z[sample(eachindex(Z), p, replace=false)] .= 1
@show Z

58. Subtract the mean of each row of a matrix (★★☆)

58. 配列から各行の平均値を差し引く (★★☆)

X = rand(5, 10)
Y = X .- mean(X, 1)
@show Y

59. How to I sort an array by the nth column? (★★☆)

59. 行列の各行をn番目の列をキーとして整列する (★★☆)

Z = rand(0:9, 3, 3)
n = 2
@show Z
@show sortrows(Z, by=row->row[n])

60. How to tell if a given 2D array has null columns? (★★☆)

60. 与えられた2次元配列に、値がすべてゼロの列があるか判定する (★★☆)

Z = rand(0:2, 3, 10)
println(any(all(iszero, Z, 1)))

61. Find the nearest value from a given value in an array (★★☆)

61. 配列から与えられた値に最も近い値を取り出す (★★☆)

Z = rand(10, 10)
z = 0.5
m = Z[indmin(abs.(Z - z))]
@show m

(未)62. Considering two arrays with shape (1,3) and (3,1), how to compute their sum using an iterator? (★★☆)

A = np.arange(3).reshape(3,1)
B = np.arange(3).reshape(1,3)
it = np.nditer([A,B,None])
for x,y,z in it: z[...] = x + y

63. Create an array class that has a name attribute (★★☆)

class NamedArray(np.ndarray):
    def __new__(cls, array, name="no name"):
        obj = np.asarray(array).view(cls)
        obj.name = name
        return obj
    def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
        if obj is None: return
        self.info = getattr(obj, 'name', "no name")

Z = NamedArray(np.arange(10), "range_10")
print (Z.name)

(未)64. Consider a given vector, how to add 1 to each element indexed by a second vector (be careful with repeated indices)? (★★★)

# Author: Brett Olsen

Z = np.ones(10)
I = np.random.randint(0,len(Z),20)
Z += np.bincount(I, minlength=len(Z))

# Another solution
# Author: Bartosz Telenczuk
np.add.at(Z, I, 1)

65. How to accumulate elements of a vector (X) to an array (F) based on an index list (I)? (★★★)

65. インデックスリストIのもとでベクトルXの要素を加算する(★★★)

X = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
I = [1, 3, 9, 3, 4, 1]
F = zeros(Int, maximum(I))
foreach((i,x) -> F[i] += x, I, X)
@show F

# another solution (using StatsBase)
using StatsBase
X = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
I = [1, 3, 9, 3, 4, 1]
F = counts(I, maximum(I), Weights(X))
@show F

(未)66. Considering a (w,h,3) image of (dtype=ubyte), compute the number of unique colors (★★★)

# Author: Nadav Horesh

w,h = 16,16
I = np.random.randint(0,2,(h,w,3)).astype(np.ubyte)
F = I[...,0]*256*256 + I[...,1]*256 +I[...,2]
n = len(np.unique(F))

67. Considering a four dimensions array, how to get sum over the last two axis at once? (★★★)

67. 4次元配列の後ろの2つの次元についての和を計算する (★★★)

A = rand(1:10, 3, 4, 3, 4)
last2dims = ndims(A)-1, ndims(A)
sum2 = squeeze(sum(A, last2dims), last2dims)

(未)68. Considering a one-dimensional vector D, how to compute means of subsets of D using a vector S of same size describing subset indices? (★★★)

# Author: Jaime Fernández del Río

D = np.random.uniform(0,1,100)
S = np.random.randint(0,10,100)
D_sums = np.bincount(S, weights=D)
D_counts = np.bincount(S)
D_means = D_sums / D_counts

# Pandas solution as a reference due to more intuitive code
import pandas as pd

69. How to get the diagonal of a dot product? (★★★)

69. 行列の積の対角要素を取得する (★★★)

A = rand(5, 5)
B = rand(5, 5)

# Slow (Straightforward)
diag(A * B)

# Fast version
sum(A .* B', 2)

# using Einsum
using Einsum
@einsum C[i] := A[i, j] * B[j, i]

70. Consider the vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], how to build a new vector with 3 consecutive zeros q1 interleaved between each value? (★★★)

70. ベクトル [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]から、各要素の間に3個のゼロを挿入した新しいベクトルを作成する (★★★)

Z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
nz = 3
Z0 = zeros(eltype(Z), length(Z) + (length(Z)-1)*nz)
Z0[1:nz+1:end] = Z
@show Z0

# another solution
Z0 = reshape([Z repmat(zero(Z), 1, nz)]', :)

71. Consider an array of dimension (5,5,3), how to mulitply it by an array with dimensions (5,5)? (★★★)

71. 次元が(5,5,3)の配列に、次元が(5,5)の配列を(要素毎に)乗算する (★★★)

A = ones(5, 5, 3)
B = 2*ones(5,5)
@show A .* B

(未)72. How to swap two rows of an array? (★★★)

# Author: Eelco Hoogendoorn

A = np.arange(25).reshape(5,5)
A[[0,1]] = A[[1,0]]

73. Consider a set of 10 triplets describing 10 triangles (with shared vertices), find the set of unique line segments composing all the triangles (★★★)

73. それぞれ3点で構成される10個の三角形を考える。全ての三角形を構成する線分を重複をのぞいて得る (★★★)

faces = rand(1:100, 10, 3)
F = circshift(repeat(faces, inner=(1,2)), (0,-1))
F = reshape(F', 2, :)
G = unique(extrema(F, 1))
@show G

(未)74. Given an array C that is a bincount, how to produce an array A such that np.bincount(A) == C? (★★★)

# Author: Jaime Fernández del Río

C = np.bincount([1,1,2,3,4,4,6])
A = np.repeat(np.arange(len(C)), C)

75. How to compute averages using a sliding window over an array? (★★★)

75. 配列の移動平均を計算する (★★★)

moving_average(a, n) = @views cumsum(vcat(sum(a[1:n]), a[n+1:end] - a[1:end-n]))/n
Z = collect(0:19)
@show moving_average(Z, 3)

76. Consider a one-dimensional array Z, build a two-dimensional array whose first row is (Z[0],Z[1],Z[2]) and each subsequent row is shifted by 1 (last row should be (Z[-3],Z[-2],Z[-1]) (★★★)

rolling(a, window) = a[(1:window)' .+ (0:length(a)-window)]
Z = rolling(1:9, 3)
@show Z

77. How to negate a boolean, or to change the sign of a float inplace? (★★★)

77. その場で(コピーなしで)、真偽値ベクトルを論理否定する、浮動小数点ベクトルの符号を反転する (★★★)

Z = bitrand(100)
@. Z = !Z

Z = rand(0:1, 100)
@. Z = 1 - Z

using Distributions
Z = rand(Uniform(-1, 1), 10)
@. Z = -Z

78. Consider 2 sets of points P0,P1 describing lines (2d) and a point p, how to compute distance from p to each line i (P0[i],P1[i])? (★★★)

78. 2次元平面上の2組の点の配列P0, P1と点pを与えられたとき、点pから(P0[i],P1[i])を通る直線iへの距離を求める (★★★)

function distance(P0, P1, p)
    T = @. P1 - P0
    a, b, c = @. T[:, 2], -T[:, 1], P0[:, 2]*T[:, 1] - P0[:, 1]*T[:, 2]
    return @. abs(a*p[:, 1]' + b*p[:, 2]' + c) / hypot(a, b)

using Distributions
P0 = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 10, 2)
P1 = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 10, 2)
p  = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 1, 2)
@show distance(P0, P1, p)

79. Consider 2 sets of points P0,P1 describing lines (2d) and a set of points P, how to compute distance from each point j (P[j]) to each line i (P0[i],P1[i])? (★★★)

79. 2次元平面上の2組の点の配列P0, P1と点pを与えられたとき、各点j (P[j]) から(P0[i],P1[i])を通る直線iへの距離を求める (★★★)

# based on distance function from previous question
using Distributions
P0 = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 10, 2)
P1 = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 10, 2)
p  = rand(Uniform(-10, 10), 10, 2)
@show distance(P1, P2, p)

80. Consider an arbitrary array, write a function that extract a subpart with a fixed shape and centered on a given element (pad with a fill value when necessary) (★★★)

80. 行列を与えられて、指定された位置を中心とした小行列を取り出す (必要な場合は、fillで埋める) (★★★)

Z = rand(0:9, 10, 10)
shape = (5, 5)
fillval  = 0
cposition = (2, 2)

Zinds = @. range(cposition - shape÷2, shape)
R = [checkbounds(Bool, Z, i, j) ? Z[i,j] : fillval for i in Zinds[1], j in Zinds[2]]
@show Z
@show R

81. Consider an array Z = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14], how to generate an array R = [[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5], [3,4,5,6], ..., [11,12,13,14]]? (★★★)

81. 配列 Z = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] から、新たな配列 R = [[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5], [3,4,5,6], ..., [11,12,13,14]] を作成する (★★★)

Z = collect(1:14)
n = 4

R = Z[(1:n)' .+ (0:length(Z)-n)]

82. Compute a matrix rank (★★★)

82. 行列のランクを計算する (★★★)

Z = rand(10, 10)

83. How to find the most frequent value in an array?

83. 配列に最も多く出現する値を得る

Z = rand(1:10, 50)

# Slow
print(indmax(count(Z .== v) for v in 1:maximum(Z)))

# Fast
F = zero(1:maximum(Z))
foreach(v -> F[v] += 1, Z)

# using StatsBase
using StatsBase

# for arbitrary array
Z = rand(["the", "be", "and", "of", "a", "in", "to", "have"], 50)
F = Dict{eltype(Z), Int}()
for z in Z
    F[z] = get(F, z, 0) + 1
kv = reduce(F) do kv1, kv2
    ifelse(kv1[2] > kv2[2], kv1, kv2)

# using PriorityQueue
using DataStructures
Z = rand(["the", "be", "and", "of", "a", "in", "to", "have"], 50)
F = PriorityQueue{eltype(Z), Int}(Base.Order.Reverse)
for z in Z
    F[z] = get(F, z, 0) + 1

84. Extract all the contiguous 3x3 blocks from a random 10x10 matrix (★★★)

84. 10x10行列から、全ての3x3の小行列を取り出す (★★★)

Z = rand(1:5, 10, 10)
n = 3

C = [Z[i+k, j+l] for i in 1:size(Z, 1)-n+1, j in 1:size(Z, 2)-n+1, k in range(0, n), l in range(0, n)]

# another solution (using broadcast)
C = broadcast((i,j,k,l) -> Z[i+k, j+l],
              1:size(Z, 1)-n+1,
              reshape(1:size(Z, 2)-n+1, (1,:)),
              reshape(range(0, n), (1,1,:)),
              reshape(range(0, n), (1,1,1,:)))

(未)85. Create a 2D array subclass such that Z[i,j] == Z[j,i] (★★★)

# Author: Eric O. Lebigot
# Note: only works for 2d array and value setting using indices

class Symetric(np.ndarray):
    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        i,j = index
        super(Symetric, self).__setitem__((i,j), value)
        super(Symetric, self).__setitem__((j,i), value)

def symetric(Z):
    return np.asarray(Z + Z.T - np.diag(Z.diagonal())).view(Symetric)

S = symetric(np.random.randint(0,10,(5,5)))
S[2,3] = 42

(未)86. Consider a set of p matrices wich shape (n,n) and a set of p vectors with shape (n,1). How to compute the sum of of the p matrix products at once? (result has shape (n,1)) (★★★)

# Author: Stefan van der Walt

p, n = 10, 20
M = np.ones((p,n,n))
V = np.ones((p,n,1))
S = np.tensordot(M, V, axes=[[0, 2], [0, 1]])

# It works, because:
# M is (p,n,n)
# V is (p,n,1)
# Thus, summing over the paired axes 0 and 0 (of M and V independently),
# and 2 and 1, to remain with a (n,1) vector.

87. Consider a 16x16 array, how to get the block-sum (block size is 4x4)? (★★★)

87. 16x16の行列の、4x4の小行列毎の和を計算する (★★★)

using Base.Iterators
Z = ones(16,16)
k = 4
S = [sum(Z[i,j]) for i in partition(indices(Z,1), k), j in partition(indices(Z,1), k)]

88. How to implement the Game of Life using numpy arrays? (★★★)

88. numpyの配列を用いてライフゲームを実装する (★★★)

function iterate!(Z)
    # Count neighbours
    N = @views (Z[1:end-2, 1:end-2] + Z[1:end-2, 2:end-1] + Z[1:end-2, 3:end] +
                Z[2:end-1, 1:end-2]                       + Z[2:end-1, 3:end] +
                Z[3:end  , 1:end-2] + Z[3:end  , 2:end-1] + Z[3:end  , 3:end])

    # Apply rules
    birth = @. @views (N==3) & !Z[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
    survive =  @views @. ((N==2) | (N==3)) & Z[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
    fill!(Z, false)
    @views fill!(Z[2:end-1, 2:end-1][birth .| survive], true)

Z = bitrand(50, 50)
for _ in 1:100
@show Z

(未)89. How to get the n largest values of an array (★★★)

Z = np.arange(10000)
n = 5

# Slow
print (Z[np.argsort(Z)[-n:]])

# Fast
print (Z[np.argpartition(-Z,n)[:n]])

90. Given an arbitrary number of vectors, build the cartesian product (every combinations of every item) (★★★)

90. 複数のベクトルを与えられたとき、その直積(各要素の全ての組み合わせ)を得る (★★★)

using IterTools
collect(product([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7])) |> display

(未)91. How to create a record array from a regular array? (★★★)

Z = np.array([("Hello", 2.5, 3),
              ("World", 3.6, 2)])
R = np.core.records.fromarrays(Z.T, 
                               names='col1, col2, col3',
                               formats = 'S8, f8, i8')

(未)92. Consider a large vector Z, compute Z to the power of 3 using 3 different methods (★★★)

# Author: Ryan G.

x = np.random.rand(5e7)

%timeit np.power(x,3)
%timeit x*x*x
%timeit np.einsum('i,i,i->i',x,x,x)

93. Consider two arrays A and B of shape (8,3) and (2,2). How to find rows of A that contain elements of each row of B regardless of the order of the elements in B? (★★★)

93. (8,3)次元の配列Aと、(2,2)次元の配列Bを考える。Aの行のうち、Bの行の要素を全て含むもの(順序は問わない)を取り出す (★★★)

A = rand(0:4, 8, 3)
B = rand(0:4, 2, 2)
rows = filter(indices(A, 1)) do i
    all(any(map(b->contains(==, A[i,:], b), B), 2))
@show rows

94. Considering a 10x3 matrix, extract rows with unequal values (e.g. [2,2,3]) (★★★)

94. 10x3行列から、全ての値が同じでない行を取り出す ([2,2,3]など) (★★★)

Z = rand(0:4, 10, 3)
E = squeeze(all(Z .== Z[:,1], 2), 2)
U = Z[.!E, :]
@show Z
@show U

95. Convert a vector of ints into a matrix binary representation (★★★)

95. 整数ベクトルから、各整数に対応する2進数表現の行列を得る (★★★)

I0 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 32, 64, 128]
B = @. Int(!iszero(I0 & 2^(7:-1:0)'))
@show B

96. Given a two dimensional array, how to extract unique rows? (★★★)

96. 2次元配列から、重複のない行を取り出す。(★★★)

Z = rand(0:1, 6, 3)
Z[unique(i->Z[i,:], indices(Z,1)), :]

(未)97. Considering 2 vectors A & B, write the einsum equivalent of inner, outer, sum, and mul function (★★★)

# Author: Alex Riley
# Make sure to read: http://ajcr.net/Basic-guide-to-einsum/

A = np.random.uniform(0,1,10)
B = np.random.uniform(0,1,10)

np.einsum('i->', A)       # np.sum(A)
np.einsum('i,i->i', A, B) # A * B
np.einsum('i,i', A, B)    # np.inner(A, B)
np.einsum('i,j->ij', A, B)    # np.outer(A, B)

98. Considering a path described by two vectors (X,Y), how to sample it using equidistant samples (★★★)?

98. (X,Y)の2つのベクトルで表現されるパス(折れ線)があるとき、そのパスから等間隔で点を得る(補間する) (★★★)?

function interp1(x, v, xq)
    i = map(xq1->clamp(searchsortedfirst(x, xq1), 2, length(x)), xq)
    return @. (v[i] - v[i-1])/(x[i] - x[i-1]) * (xq - x[i]) + v[i]

ϕ = 0:0.1:10π
a = 1
X = @. a*ϕ*cos(ϕ)
Y = @. a*ϕ*sin(ϕ)

dr = hypot.(diff(X), diff(Y)) # segment lengths
r = vcat(0, cumsum(dr))
r_int = linspace(0, last(r), 200) # regular spaced path
X_int = interp1(r, X, r_int)  # integrate path
Y_int = interp1(r, Y, r_int)

99. Given an integer n and a 2D array X, select from X the rows which can be interpreted as draws from a multinomial distribution with n degrees, i.e., the rows which only contain integers and which sum to n. (★★★)

99. 整数nと2次元配列Xを与えられたとき、Xから母数nの多項分布と解釈可能な行 (つまり、要素がすべて整数でかつ合計がnとなっている行) を抽出する。 (★★★)

X = [1.0 0.0 3.0 8.0
     2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
     1.5 2.5 1.0 0.0]
n = 4

M = @. $squeeze($all(iszero(first(modf(X))), 2) & ($sum(X, 2) == n), 2)
display(X[M, :])

100. Compute bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals for the mean of a 1D array X (i.e., resample the elements of an array with replacement N times, compute the mean of each sample, and then compute percentiles over the means). (★★★)

100. 1次元配列Xの期待値の95%信頼区間をブートストラップ法により求める (N回リサンプリングして平均値を計算し、分位数を求める) (★★★)

X = randn(100) # random 1D array
N = 1000 # number of bootstrap samples
means = squeeze(mean(rand(X, (length(X), N)), 1), 1)
confint = quantile(means, [0.025, 0.975])

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