terraformer 使ってますか?
terraformerのimportでリソースにAWS Lambdaを指定すると次のようなエラーになります。MacのHomebrewでのエラー解消方法メモです。
- terraformer 0.8.24 (Homebrewでインストール。2024年1月時点で最新)
$ terraformer import aws -r=lambda
2024/01/10 23:02:30 aws importing default region
2024/01/10 23:02:33 aws importing... lambda
2024/01/10 23:02:34 aws error initializing resources in service lambda, err: operation error Lambda: GetPolicy, https response error StatusCode: 404, RequestID: da938aca-5ec3-4c77-a108-b854aa062ad1, ResourceNotFoundException: The resource you requested does not exist.
2024/01/10 23:02:34 aws Connecting....
Error: Import AWS Lambda ends w/ an error #1599
$ brew unlink terraformer
$ brew install --HEAD --force terraformer
$ terraformer import aws -r=lambda
2024/01/10 23:27:08 aws importing default region
2024/01/10 23:27:11 aws importing... lambda
2024/01/10 23:27:15 aws done importing lambda
2024/01/10 23:27:15 Number of resources for service lambda: 1
2024/01/10 23:27:15 Refreshing state... aws_lambda_function.tfer--test
2024/01/10 23:27:17 Filtered number of resources for service lambda: 1
2024/01/10 23:27:17 aws Connecting....
2024/01/10 23:27:17 aws save lambda
2024/01/10 23:27:17 aws save tfstate for lambda