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Sub kinmuCheck()
    Debug.Print "=== 処理開始==="

    Dim i As Integer
    i = 1
    Dim n As Integer 'データの行数

    Do While Cells(i, 1) <> ""  'Do While〜Loop構文
        i = i + 1
    n = i - 1

     Debug.Print "読込データの行数:" & n

    ' チェックカラーの設定 =>checkColorの変数値を変更する
    Dim checkColor As String
    checkColor = vbCyan  'vbRed, vbBlue, vbGreen, vbMagenta, vbCyan, vbYellow

    For i = 2 To n
        Call sigyoCheck(i, checkColor)

        Call nyukanCheck(i, checkColor)

        Call logOnCheck(i, checkColor)

        Call logOffCheck(i, checkColor)

        Call taikanCheck(i, checkColor)

        Debug.Print i & " 行目の処理完了"

    Next i

End Sub

Sub sigyoCheck(i As Integer, checkColor As String)

        ' 空欄と文字(スペース記号含む)のスキップ
        If Cells(i, 16).Value = "" Then
            GoTo Continue   'ループ処理を抜けるための処理。後の行にあるContinue:とセットになっている。
        ElseIf TypeName(Cells(i, 16).Value) = "String" Then
            GoTo Continue
        End If

        '   始業時刻の取得
        Dim shigyo As Date
        shigyo = Cells(i, 16).Value

        '  分の取得
        Dim mm As Integer
        mm = Minute(shigyo)

        If mm Mod 10 <> 0 Then
            Cells(i, 16).Interior.Color = checkColor
        End If


End Sub

Sub nyukanCheck(i, checkColor)

        ' 空欄と文字(スペース記号含む)のスキップ
        If Cells(i, 13).Value = "" Then
            GoTo Continue
        ElseIf TypeName(Cells(i, 13).Value) = "String" Then
            GoTo Continue
        End If

        '  入館時刻の取得
        Dim nyukan As Date
        nyukan = Cells(i, 13).Value
        '   始業時刻の取得
        Dim shigyo As Date
        shigyo = Cells(i, 16).Value
         ' 差を計算( 分単位 )
        Dim gap As Date
        gap = DateDiff("n", nyukan, shigyo)

        If gap < 0 Then
            Cells(i, 19).Interior.Color = checkColor
        ElseIf gap > 60 Then
            Cells(i, 19).Interior.Color = checkColor
        End If


End Sub

Sub logOnCheck(i, checkColor)

        ' 空欄と文字(スペース記号含む)のスキップ
        If Cells(i, 15).Value = "" Then
            GoTo Continue
        ElseIf TypeName(Cells(i, 15).Value) = "String" Then
            GoTo Continue
        End If

        '   ログオン時刻の取得
        Dim logOn As Date
        logOn = Cells(i, 15).Value
        '   始業時刻の取得
        Dim shigyo As Date
        shigyo = Cells(i, 16).Value
         ' 差を計算( 分単位 )
        Dim gap As Date
        gap = DateDiff("n", logOn, shigyo)

        If gap < 0 Then
            Cells(i, 20).Interior.Color = checkColor
        ElseIf gap > 30 Then
            Cells(i, 20).Interior.Color = checkColor
        End If


End Sub

Sub logOffCheck(i, checkColor)

        ' 空欄と文字(スペース記号含む)のスキップ
        If Cells(i, 31).Value = "" Then
            GoTo Continue
        ElseIf TypeName(Cells(i, 31).Value) = "String" Then
            GoTo Continue
        End If

        '   ログオフ時刻の取得
        Dim logOff As Date
        logOff = Cells(i, 31).Value
        '    終業時刻の取得
        Dim syugyo As Date
        syugyo = Cells(i, 32).Value
         ' 差を計算( 分単位 )
        Dim gap As Date
        gap = DateDiff("n", logOff, syugyo)

        If gap < 0 Then
            Cells(i, 36).Interior.Color = checkColor
        ElseIf gap > 9 Then
            Cells(i, 36).Interior.Color = checkColor
        End If


End Sub

Sub taikanCheck(i, checkColor)

        ' 空欄と文字(スペース記号含む)のスキップ
        If Cells(i, 29).Value = "" Then
            GoTo Continue
        ElseIf TypeName(Cells(i, 29).Value) = "String" Then
            GoTo Continue
        End If

        '   ログオフ時刻の取得
        Dim logOff As Date
        logOff = Cells(i, 31).Value
        '    終業時刻の取得
        Dim syugyo As Date
        syugyo = Cells(i, 32).Value
        ' 退館時刻の取得
        Dim taikan As Date
        taikan = Cells(i, 29).Value

        Dim gap As Date

        gap = DateDiff("n", syugyo, taikan)

        If gap < 0 Then
            Cells(i, 35).Interior.Color = checkColor
        ElseIf gap > 30 Then
            Cells(i, 35).Interior.Color = checkColor
        End If

        ' ログオフと退館の乖離
        gap = DateDiff("n", logOff, taikan)

        If gap < 0 Then
            Cells(i, 34).Interior.Color = checkColor
        ElseIf gap > 30 Then
            Cells(i, 34).Interior.Color = checkColor
        End If


End Sub

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