さて、今回はD-wave(Leap)のOnline Learningで紹介されている、制限付きボルツマンマシン(RBM)のトレーニングに量子コンピュータ(D-wave)をする方法について書きます。
0 サンプルコード(ノートブック)の場所
D-wave(Leap)にログインして、下方にスクロールすると左側に「Online Learning」というリンクが見えますので、これをクリックします。
遷移先の画面で、下方にスクロールすると、「Training a Restricted Boltzmann Machine to Add」と表示されますので、これをクリックします。
するとページが展開されるので、「RBM ADDER EXAMPLE NOTEBOOk(CLOUD-BASED)をクリックします。
##1. Introduction to Boltzmann machines
##2 Model design
from dwave_bm.rbm import BM
# Model dimensions.
num_visible = 10
num_hidden = [9, 5] # the hidden layer is a bipartite graph of 9 by 5
# Create the Boltzmann machine object
r = BM(num_visible=num_visible, num_hidden=num_hidden)
# Dimensions
# Bias vector to visibles
print("b: {}".format(r.b_vect.shape))
# Bias vector to hiddens
print("c: {}".format(r.c_vect.shape))
# Weights between visibles and hiddens
print("W: {}".format(r.weights.shape))
# Lateral connections in hidden layer
print("X: {}".format(r.X.shape))
# Do not clamp any bits
clamped_bits = []
# Draw the samples
samples = r.sample_clamped_model(clamped_bits)
print "Obtained {} samples. The first 5 samples are:".format(len(samples))
print samples[0:5,:]
import numpy as np
N = len(samples)
# Calculate the mean of each variable by summing rows
means = sum([samples[i,:] for i in range(N)]) / float(N)
# Calculate the standard deviation of each variable
# with the row of means calculated above
stddevs = np.sqrt(sum([(samples[i,:] - means)**2 for i in range(N)]) / float(N))
print "means = {}".format(means)
##3 Training the hand-crafted semi-RBM with the QPU
これから、RBMをトレーニングします。まず、rbm_configs.jsonを作成します。rbm_configs.jsonには「D-wave leapのurl」、「接続の為のトークン」、「ソルバー名」を入れるようです。、下記のコードを見ると、tokenとsolver_nameは空になっているので、個々に、自身のtokenと、使用するソルバーの名前を入れなければいけない様子です。
# JSON config file with hardware credentials
# and structural information
import json
import os
hw_config_file_sample = 'rbm_configs.json'
# Set location for the configuration file to current working directory (CWD), if writeable, or /tmp/
write_base_path = os.getcwd()
if not os.access(write_base_path, os.W_OK):
hw_config_file = os.path.join(write_base_path, 'rbm_configs_example.json')
# define url, token and solver_name for running jobs on the hardware
url = 'https://cloud.dwavesys.com/sapi'
token = ''
solver_name = ''
with open(hw_config_file_sample, 'r') as cf:
hw_config = json.load(cf)
# overwrite url, token and solver_name in the config
hw_config['url'] = url
hw_config['token'] = token
hw_config['solver'] = solver_name
# save to a new json file
with open(hw_config_file, 'w') as cf:
json.dump(hw_config, cf, indent=4)
# print the config file
with open(hw_config_file, 'r') as cf:
for line in cf.readlines():
print line
そして、次のコードで、BMに対応するQuboファイルをロードします。原文で、下記コードの解説として「Here we load the model we designed earlier. 」と書いてあるのですが、このノートブックで実行したセルの中に、qubo-sample.txtを出力するようなコードは見当たりませんでした。というわけで、qubo-sample.txtはこのノートブックの為に、あらかじめ準備してあったサンプルかなと思われます。
# The file storing the designed model
model_file = 'dwave_bm/dimacs/qubo-sample.txt'
# Since the model was designed to fit into the native QPU graph,
# we use the BMPlacer class to load the problem graph.
from dwave_bm.rbm import BM, BMPlacer
placer = BMPlacer(num_visible, num_hidden, json_file=hw_config_file)
model = placer.read_model_dimacs_qubo(model_file)
# Create our BM object and pass it the designed model
r = BM(num_visible=num_visible, num_hidden=num_hidden,
W_mask=placer.W_mask, X_mask=placer.X_mask,
m = np.load('dwave_bm/data/3-3-4.npz')
data_pos = m['data_pos']
data_pos = data_pos[np.random.permutation(data_pos.shape[0])]
# Valid samplers are 'cd-10', 'pcd-10', 'hw'
sampler = 'hw'
# Function subscribe_logger writes the state of the BM out to
# disk (perhaps when )
from dwave_bm.example_utils import subscribe_logger
save_model = True
save_fig = False
# define a folder to save your result
result_folder = '/tmp/results/test_' + sampler
subscribe_logger(r, result_folder)
# This is how often we want to run the logger.
log_frequency = 10
# The maximum number of epochs to train.
# epochs = 10001
epochs = 101
# Minibatch size and number of samples are used to estimate the
# gradient of the cost function.
minibatch_size = 64
# Learning rate and momentum are used to calculate the next point
# \theta after the gradient is known.
eta0 = 0.5
learning_rate = [eta0*(1 / (1 + i / 200.0)) for i in range(epochs)]
momentum = 0.5
# Train the BM. Takes some time.
# Uncomment the following code to train your BM on the D-Wave quantum computer when it is necessary
# For debug purpose, try using `cd` or `pcd` as the sampler
# r.train(data_pos,
# minibatch_size=minibatch_size,
# max_epochs=epochs,
# learning_rate=learning_rate,
# momentum=momentum,
# sampler=sampler,
# part_l=placer.part_l,
# part_r=placer.part_r,
# save_model=save_model,
# save_fig=save_fig,
# hw_config_file=hw_config_file,
# every_n_epochs=log_frequency,
# )
# Some boilerplate to set up the environment
%matplotlib inline
sampler = 'hw'
# The directory in which to look for results.
# To use pre-generated results, set result_folder variable to 'results/hw'
result_folder = '/tmp/results/test_' + sampler
# A function to load the model saved during our previous training run
def load_model(epoch):
from dwave_bm.example_utils import result_filename
fn, result_epoch = result_filename(directory=result_folder,
print "Loading model from '{}' for epoch '{}'".format(fn, result_epoch)
return np.load(fn)
# The result epoch we would like to investigate
result_epoch = 'latest'
# We use the function defined above to load a model
m = load_model(result_epoch)
# The model is a numpy archive, which has several 'files' that
# parametrize the trained BM and some metadata
##4 Exploring the QPU-trained semi-RBM
# Create a BM from a model saved in a previous training session
def load_BM(epoch=None):
from dwave_bm.rbm import BM
# Load the saved model, using function defined above
m = load_model(epoch)
# Create a BM object seeded with the loaded model
return BM(num_visible=num_visible, num_hidden=num_hidden, model=m)
# Sample from the passed BM, clamping the inputs
def sample_clamped_inputs( r, # The BM to sample from
a = [1, 0, 1], # a = 5 by default
b = [0, 1, 1], # b = 3 by default
# Gather the clamps. The inputs are arranged with a first, then b,
# in the order of visibles.
clamped_bits = a + b
# We can now sample from the clamped model.
samples = r.sample_clamped_model(clamped_bits)
# Show off some of the samples we got
print "Obtained {} samples. The first 5 samples are:".format(len(samples))
print samples[0:5, :]
# For binary to int conversion
from dwave_bm.example_utils import b2d
# Find the correct answer from the integer values represented
# by the clamped visible inputs
correct_s = b2d(a) + b2d(b)
# Count the number of samples that corresponded to the correct answer
hits = map(b2d, samples).count(correct_s)
# Print out the hit rate
print "A total of {}/{} samples gave the correct answer.".format(hits, len(samples))
return samples
# Now that we have some convenient ways of loading and sampling
# BMs, we can start out by loading the BM we had at the end
# of our previous training session.
r_trained = load_BM('latest')
# Here we set the values to which to clamp the inputs
a = [1, 0, 1] # a = 5
b = [0, 1, 1] # b = 3
# We can then draw some samples from it.
samples_trained = sample_clamped_inputs(r_trained, a=a, b=b)
どうやら、このサンプルはPython2時代のもので、メンテされていないようです。D-wave leap上のnotebookで動かすことができないので、EC2に、Python2の環境を今更ながらですが作ってみて、チャレンジしてみようかなと思います。でもそもそもなんでこのサンプルメンテされてないんだろ?面白い応用例だと思うんですが。