~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge 2021/Adobe Bridge Opener Preferences.xml
tell application "System Events"
set bridgeIdentify to null
set alist to bundle identifier of every process
repeat with i from 1 to count of alist
set a to item i of alist
if a contains "com.adobe.bridge" then
set bridgeIdentify to a as text
end if
end repeat
if bridgeIdentify is null then
display alert "バージョンを取得したいので、Bridgeは起動しておいてください"
error number -128
set BridgeA to ":Adobe Bridge Opener Preferences.xml"
set BridgeB to ":AdobeBridgeOpenerPreferences.xml"
if bridgeIdentify is "com.adobe.bridge14" then set bPath to "Bridge 2024" & BridgeB
if bridgeIdentify is "com.adobe.bridge" then set bPath to "Bridge 2025" & BridgeB
if bridgeIdentify is "com.adobe.bridge12" then set bPath to "Bridge 2022" & BridgeA
if bridgeIdentify is "com.adobe.bridge11" then set bPath to "Bridge 2021" & BridgeA
if bridgeIdentify is "com.adobe.bridge13" then set bPath to "Bridge 2023" & BridgeB
if bridgeIdentify is "com.adobe.bridge9" then set bPath to "Bridge CC 2019" & BridgeA
end if
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set fileTarget to (home as text) & "Library:Application Support:Adobe:" & (bPath as text)
try --実在判定
fileTarget as alias
on error
display alert "設定ファイルがありません。Bridge環境設定「ファイルタイプの関連付け」で、PNGなどの設定を適当に変更すると、自動的に環境設定ファイルが作成されますので、もう一度このスクリプトを実行してください"
end try
set fileTarget to do shell script "echo " & fileTarget & " | sed -e 's| |\\\\ |g'"
set app_path to (choose file with prompt "Photoshop本体を選択してください")'s POSIX path
set nameTemp to (items 1 thru -2 of characters of app_path)
set app_path to POSIX path of (nameTemp as string)
do shell script "sed -i -e 's|\\(app_name=\"Photoshop\"\\).*|\\1 app_path=\"" & app_path & "\">|g' " & POSIX path of fileTarget
end tell
set Bridge to application id bridgeIdentify
if Bridge is running then tell Bridge to quit
repeat while Bridge is running
delay 0.5
end repeat
tell Bridge
display alert "書き替えました"
end tell