Keyboard Maestroで実行する方が素直に動作します。
Keyboard Maestroで実行すれば、押しているキーを無視してマクロ実行してくれるので、発火キーにSHIFT等含まれていても問題なし。
Keyboard Maestroのマクロは以下。
tell application "System Events"
set a to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
tell window 1 of process a
set b to text field 1
on error
set b to text field 1 of sheet 1
on error
return false
end try
end try
set focused of b to true
set c to value of b
set d to offset in (reverse of characters of c as text) of "."
return d
end tell
end tell
Save to Variableで戻り値を変数に格納し、以降のマクロで使っています。
tell application "System Events"
set a to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
tell window 1 of process a
set b to text field 1
on error
set b to text field 1 of sheet 1
on error
return false
end try
end try
set focused of b to true
set c to value of b
set d to offset in (reverse of characters of c as text) of "."
key code 125
repeat d times
key code 123
end repeat
delay 0.1
key code 126 using {shift down}
return d
end tell
end tell