-- InDesign側でなく、実行側のPsでアラートを出すための関数
on PSMsg(DispMesg)
tell application id "com.adobe.photoshop" to display alert DispMesg
end PSMsg
tell application id "com.adobe.photoshop"
if (count of documents) = 0 then
my PSMsg("画像が開かれていません")
end if
set myFile to current document
set myFilePath to file path of current document
end tell
tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
if (count of documents) = 0 then
my PSMsg("⚠️InDesignドキュメントが開かれていません")
end if
-- 単位をmmに、定規をスプレッドに
tell view preferences
set idoriRuler to ruler origin
set idoriHoriunits to horizontal measurement units
set idoriVerunits to vertical measurement units
set ruler origin to spread origin
set horizontal measurement units to millimeters
set vertical measurement units to millimeters
end tell
set myLinkObj to active document's links whose file path = myFilePath
if (count of myLinkObj) = 0 then
my PSMsg("この画像は配置されていません")
end if
set myMaxScale to 0
repeat with i in myLinkObj
if status of i is normal then
set myScale to absolute horizontal scale of parent of i
if myScale > myMaxScale then
set myMaxScale to myScale
set myLargestLink to i
end if
end if
end repeat
set myLink to parent of myLargestLink
set myLinkParent to parent of myLink
set myPPI to effective ppi of myLink
set a to item 1 of geometric bounds of myLink
set myLinkBounds to {}
repeat with i from 1 to 4
set mL to item i of geometric bounds of myLink
set mP to item i of geometric bounds of myLinkParent
if i = 1 or i = 3 then
set myPPIXY to item 1 of myPPI
set myPPIXY to item 2 of myPPI
end if
if i ≤ 2 then
set end of myLinkBounds to round (myPPIXY / 25.4 * (mP - mL))
set end of myLinkBounds to round (myPPIXY / 25.4 * (mL - mP))
end if
end repeat
end tell
tell application id "com.adobe.photoshop"
set oriUnit to ruler units of settings
set ruler units of settings to pixel units
set myX to width of myFile
set myY to height of myFile
set myGuide to {}
repeat with i in myLinkBounds
if i ≤ 0 then
set end of myGuide to 0
set end of myGuide to i as number
end if
end repeat
set horizontalGuides to {item 1 of myGuide, myY - (item 3 of myGuide)}
set verticalGuides to {item 2 of myGuide, myX - (item 4 of myGuide)}
repeat with i in horizontalGuides
do javascript "app.activeDocument.guides.add(Direction.HORIZONTAL, " & i & ");"
end repeat
repeat with i in verticalGuides
do javascript "app.activeDocument.guides.add(Direction.VERTICAL, " & i & ");"
end repeat
-- マイナス値があるかどうかをテキスト化で判定
if (myLinkBounds as string) contains "-" then
set bgLayer to background layer of myFile
set name of bgLayer to "背景"
end try
set myCanvas to {}
repeat with i in myLinkBounds
if i ≥ 0 then
set end of myCanvas to 0
set end of myCanvas to (i as number) * -1
end if
end repeat
do javascript "app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas(" & myX + (item 4 of myCanvas) & ", " & myY + (item 3 of myCanvas) & ", AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);"
do javascript "app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas(" & myX + (item 2 of myCanvas) + (item 4 of myCanvas) & ", " & myY + (item 1 of myCanvas) + (item 3 of myCanvas) & ", AnchorPosition.BOTTOMRIGHT);"
end if
set ruler units of settings to oriUnit
end tell
tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
tell view preferences
set ruler origin to idoriRuler
set horizontal measurement units to idoriHoriunits
set vertical measurement units to idoriVerunits
end tell
end tell