- 山口 歩夢@Ayumu-y
データエンジニアとして働いています! Snowflake Squadです。 主にStreamlitについて情報発信をしています。 ※発言はあくまでも個人の見解です
- @nttd-kashiwabaray
NTTデータ GenAIビジネス推進室 2020-2024 APN AWS Top Engineer 2020-2022 APN ALL Certifications Engineer(2020年は全体で14人のみ) 2022 AWS DeepRacerリーグ日本大会、アジア大会優勝 2022、2023 AWS DeepRacer Championship ファイナリスト
- Jyoti threading Salon@jyotithreadingsalon
I welcome everyone to this business and try it. Honesty is our ethos and we promise to put our clients first. We will never recommend a service or sell you a product you do not need.
- Whole Melt Extracts@wholemeltextracts
Discover the purity of Whole Melt Extracts, a leading live rosins brand shaping the industry.
- Odem Shop@odemshopat
OdemShop is a Swiss based B2B wholesaler of medical products. Our range includes a wide selection of items such as rapid tests, protective clothing, and diagnostic equipment.
- Kenta Ojapi@kenta_ojapi
- さっと@satto_sann
触っている技術:Python, React, Ruby, Go, Docker, k8s, SDN(Trema, Faucet) OSS: FastAPI Contributor
- @channnnsm
- Shinmori Akihiro@ashinmori
言語(自然言語&プログラミング言語)にずっと興味を持っています。 座右の銘: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."