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Apex で組織の設定情報取得方法について

Last updated at Posted at 2019-05-27



public class OrganizationMetadata {
    private static OrganizationMetadata instance;
    private OrganizationMetadata (){}
    public static OrganizationMetadata getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new OrganizationMetadata();
            // Organization オブジェクト
            Organization orgInfo = [SELECT Id, Name, InstanceName, NamespacePrefix, OrganizationType, IsSandbox FROM Organization LIMIT 1];
            instance.InstanceName                 = orgInfo.InstanceName;
            instance.IsProduction                 = orgInfo.IsSandbox == false;
            instance.IsSandbox                    = orgInfo.IsSandbox;
            instance.Namespace                    = orgInfo.NamespacePrefix;
            instance.OrganizationId               = orgInfo.Id;
            instance.OrganizationName             = orgInfo.Name;
            instance.OrganizationType             = orgInfo.OrganizationType;

            // Organization クラス
            ConnectApi.OrganizationSettings orgSetting = ConnectApi.Organization.getSettings();
            instance.isCommunityEnabled           = orgSetting.features.communitiesEnabled;
            instance.IsChatterEnabled             = orgSetting.features.chatter;
            instance.IsMultiCurrencyEnabled       = orgSetting.features.multiCurrency;
            // Schema クラス
            Map<String, Schema.SobjectType> sobjectTypes = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
            instance.IsPersonAccountEnabled       = sobjectTypes.get('Account').getDescribe().fields.getMap().containsKey('IsPersonAccount');
            instance.IsTerritoryManagementEnabled = sobjectTypes.containsKey('Territory');
            // Url
            instance.BaseUrl                      = Url.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
        return instance;

    public String InstanceName                  {get; private set;}
    public Boolean IsProduction                 {get; private set;}
    public Boolean IsSandbox                    {get; private set;}
    public String Namespace                     {get; private set;}
    public Id OrganizationId                    {get; private set;}
    public String OrganizationName              {get; private set;}
    public String OrganizationType              {get; private set;}
    public Boolean isCommunityEnabled           {get; private set;}
    public Boolean IsChatterEnabled             {get; private set;}
    public Boolean IsMultiCurrencyEnabled       {get; private set;}
    public Boolean IsPersonAccountEnabled       {get; private set;}
    public Boolean IsTerritoryManagementEnabled {get; private set;}
    public String BaseUrl                       {get; private set;}

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