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cassandra-stress userモードに関するメモ

Last updated at Posted at 2019-11-09

0. はじめに

・本記載は、Cassandra-stressについて、ディストリビューション、バージョン = DSE 4.8.16をベースに記載

1. userモードの概要


2. yamlファイル定義


① keyspace: keyspace_definition:


< 定義の記載例 >

keyspace: stest01
  CREATE KEYSPACE stest01 WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': 3};

② table: table_definition:


< 定義の記載例 >

table: test01
table_definition: |
  CREATE TABLE test01 (
        name text,
        date timestamp,
        address inet,
        ino int,
        iname text,
        uid timeuuid,
        PRIMARY KEY(name, date)
  ) WITH compaction = { 'class':'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' }

③ columnspec:


< 定義の記載例 >

  - name: name
    size: uniform(1..20)
  - name: date
    cluster: fixed(1)
  - name: address
    population: exp(1..4)
  - name: ino
    population: exp(1..1000)
  - name: iname
    size: fixed(8)
    population: uniform(1..5)

< データパターン指定の項目 >

パラメタ 意味 デフォルト
size text,blob,set,listのcolumnのフィールドの長さを定義、例えば、fixed(5)指定すると、固定で長さ5になるし、uniform(1..10)とすると長さ1~10の分布となる。 UNIFORM(4..8)
population 列の値が変動する範囲を定義、テキスト項目だと母集団の数の指定になるし、数値的な項目だと指定した範囲の値となる。例えば、text型でuniform(1..10)とすると値の母集団10とおりとなるし、int型でfixed(10)だと値がすべて10になる。 UNIFORM(1..100B)
cluster 各partitionごとのclustering keyの数を制御。例えば、fixed(4)指定すると、partitionごとにclustering key 4レコードずつ生成 FIXED(1)

< 分布の指定 >

パラメタ 意味
EXP(min..max) 最小~最大範囲の指数分布(ランダム)
EXTREME(min..max,shape) 最小~最大範囲の極値分布  
GAUSSIAN(min..max,stdvrng) 指定された標準偏差による正規分布
GAUSSIAN(min..max,mean,stdvrng) 指定された標準偏差による正規分布
UNIFORM(min..max) 最小~最大範囲のの均一分布
FIXED(val) 常に同じ値を返す

④ insert:


< 定義の記載例 >

  partitions: fixed(10)
  batchtype: UNLOGGED

< 指定項目 >

指定 意味 デフォルト
Partitions insertするパーティションの数 FIXED(1)
Batch type 使用するCQLバッチのタイプ UNLOGGED指定でパフォーマンスを向上可能 LOGGED

⑤ queries:


< 定義の記載例 >

      cql: select address from test01 where name = ? and date = ?
      fields: samerow 

3. 実行方法

・opsで実行する操作とそれぞれの操作数を指定 ※"("と")"のところでエスケープバックスラッシュ要

< サブオプション,追加パラメタの一部 >

パラメタ パラメタ種別 意味 デフォルト 備考
-rate サブオプション threads=?とかthreads<=?とかで実行スレッド数を指定 4スレッドから開始し、スループットが飽和するまでスレッドを増加して実行していく(最大1000まで) ・「4.実行例」を参照
profile=? 追加パラメタ userオプション指定時、YAMLファイルを指定 -
truncate=? 追加パラメタ 作成したテーブルをtruncateする never(once,alwaysの選択可)
duration=? 追加パラメタ 1回あたりの実行時間を指定 秒/分/時間で指定 - ・n=と同時指定はできない
n=? 追加パラメタ 実行する操作回数 - ・durationと同時指定はできない。例えばn=100でinsert=3,simpe1=1なら、insert:75回、simple1操作:25回実行
n>? 追加パラメタ 不確定収束を受け入れる前に実行する最小実行回数を指定 - ・durationと同時指定はできない
n<? 追加パラメタ 不確定収束を受け入れる前に実行する最大実行回数を指定 - ・durationと同時指定はできない


① insert 100回実行を1スレッド固定で実行

# cassandra-stress user profile=stest02.yaml ops\(insert=1\) n=100 -rate threads=1 
Connected to cluster: Test Cluster
Datatacenter: DC1; Host: localhost/; Rack: RAC1
Created schema. Sleeping 1s for propagation.
Sleeping 2s...
Running [insert] with 1 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
Generating batches with [5..5] partitions and [20..20] rows (of [20..20] total rows in the partitions)
total,            20,      90,     452,    1809,    10.5,     8.1,    21.0,    21.0,    21.0,    21.0,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 90 [insert:90]
partition rate            : 452 [insert:452]
row rate                  : 1809 [insert:1809]
latency mean              : 10.5 [insert:10.5]
latency median            : 8.1 [insert:8.1]
latency 95th percentile   : 21.0 [insert:21.0]
latency 99th percentile   : 21.0 [insert:21.0]
latency 99.9th percentile : 21.0 [insert:21.0]
latency max               : 21.0 [insert:21.0]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00

② insert 100回実行をスレッド条件増加しながら16スレッドまで

# cassandra-stress user profile=stest02.yaml ops\(insert=1\) n=100 -rate threads\<=16
Connected to cluster: Test Cluster
Datatacenter: DC1; Host: localhost/; Rack: RAC1
Created schema. Sleeping 1s for propagation.
Sleeping 2s...
Running with 4 threadCount
Running [insert] with 4 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
Generating batches with [5..5] partitions and [20..20] rows (of [20..20] total rows in the partitions)
total,            20,      95,     477,    1906,    39.4,    31.7,   125.7,   125.7,   125.7,   125.7,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 95 [insert:95]
partition rate            : 477 [insert:477]
row rate                  : 1906 [insert:1906]
latency mean              : 39.4 [insert:39.4]
latency median            : 31.7 [insert:31.7]
latency 95th percentile   : 125.7 [insert:125.7]
latency 99th percentile   : 125.7 [insert:125.7]
latency 99.9th percentile : 125.7 [insert:125.7]
latency max               : 125.7 [insert:125.7]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Sleeping for 15s
Running with 8 threadCount
Running [insert] with 8 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
total,            20,     247,    1234,    4937,    51.8,    53.0,    78.6,    78.6,    78.6,    78.6,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 247 [insert:247]
partition rate            : 1234 [insert:1234]
row rate                  : 4937 [insert:4937]
latency mean              : 51.8 [insert:51.8]
latency median            : 53.0 [insert:53.0]
latency 95th percentile   : 78.6 [insert:78.6]
latency 99th percentile   : 78.6 [insert:78.6]
latency 99.9th percentile : 78.6 [insert:78.6]
latency max               : 78.6 [insert:78.6]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Improvement over 4 threadCount: 159%
Sleeping for 15s
Running with 16 threadCount
Running [insert] with 16 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
total,            20,     208,    1042,    4166,   109.1,   118.0,   148.4,   148.4,   148.4,   148.4,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 208 [insert:208]
partition rate            : 1042 [insert:1042]
row rate                  : 4166 [insert:4166]
latency mean              : 109.1 [insert:109.1]
latency median            : 118.0 [insert:118.0]
latency 95th percentile   : 148.4 [insert:148.4]
latency 99th percentile   : 148.4 [insert:148.4]
latency 99.9th percentile : 148.4 [insert:148.4]
latency max               : 148.4 [insert:148.4]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Improvement over 8 threadCount: -15%
            id, type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
 4 threadCount, insert,           20,      95,     477,    1906,    39.4,    31.7,   125.7,   125.7,   125.7,   125.7,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 4 threadCount, total,            20,      95,     477,    1906,    39.4,    31.7,   125.7,   125.7,   125.7,   125.7,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 8 threadCount, insert,           20,     247,    1234,    4937,    51.8,    53.0,    78.6,    78.6,    78.6,    78.6,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 8 threadCount, total,            20,     247,    1234,    4937,    51.8,    53.0,    78.6,    78.6,    78.6,    78.6,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
16 threadCount, insert,           20,     208,    1042,    4166,   109.1,   118.0,   148.4,   148.4,   148.4,   148.4,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
16 threadCount, total,            20,     208,    1042,    4166,   109.1,   118.0,   148.4,   148.4,   148.4,   148.4,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

② insert 100回実行をスレッド条件増加しながら実行 ( 飽和するまで )

※-rate auto指定と同じ (たぶん)

# cassandra-stress user profile=stest02.yaml ops\(insert=1\) n=100
Connected to cluster: Test Cluster
Datatacenter: DC1; Host: localhost/; Rack: RAC1
Created schema. Sleeping 1s for propagation.
Sleeping 2s...
Running with 4 threadCount
Running [insert] with 4 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
Generating batches with [5..5] partitions and [20..20] rows (of [20..20] total rows in the partitions)
total,            20,      97,     486,    1943,    38.0,    24.9,   150.4,   150.4,   150.4,   150.4,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 97 [insert:97]
partition rate            : 486 [insert:486]
row rate                  : 1943 [insert:1943]
latency mean              : 38.0 [insert:38.0]
latency median            : 24.9 [insert:24.9]
latency 95th percentile   : 150.4 [insert:150.4]
latency 99th percentile   : 150.4 [insert:150.4]
latency 99.9th percentile : 150.4 [insert:150.4]
latency max               : 150.4 [insert:150.4]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Sleeping for 15s
Running with 8 threadCount
Running [insert] with 8 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
total,            20,     263,    1317,    5270,    44.3,    47.8,    75.5,    75.5,    75.5,    75.5,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 263 [insert:263]
partition rate            : 1317 [insert:1317]
row rate                  : 5270 [insert:5270]
latency mean              : 44.3 [insert:44.3]
latency median            : 47.8 [insert:47.8]
latency 95th percentile   : 75.5 [insert:75.5]
latency 99th percentile   : 75.5 [insert:75.5]
latency 99.9th percentile : 75.5 [insert:75.5]
latency max               : 75.5 [insert:75.5]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Improvement over 4 threadCount: 171%
Sleeping for 15s
Running with 16 threadCount
Running [insert] with 16 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
total,            20,     259,    1296,    5185,    83.1,    85.4,   122.9,   122.9,   122.9,   122.9,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 259 [insert:259]
partition rate            : 1296 [insert:1296]
row rate                  : 5185 [insert:5185]
latency mean              : 83.1 [insert:83.1]
latency median            : 85.4 [insert:85.4]
latency 95th percentile   : 122.9 [insert:122.9]
latency 99th percentile   : 122.9 [insert:122.9]
latency 99.9th percentile : 122.9 [insert:122.9]
latency max               : 122.9 [insert:122.9]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Improvement over 8 threadCount: -2%
Sleeping for 15s
Running with 24 threadCount
Running [insert] with 24 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
total,            20,    4137,   20685,   82738,   134.0,   132.2,   159.2,   159.2,   159.2,   159.2,    0.0, -0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 4137 [insert:4137]
partition rate            : 20685 [insert:20685]
row rate                  : 82738 [insert:82738]
latency mean              : 134.0 [insert:134.0]
latency median            : 132.2 [insert:132.2]
latency 95th percentile   : 159.2 [insert:159.2]
latency 99th percentile   : 159.2 [insert:159.2]
latency 99.9th percentile : 159.2 [insert:159.2]
latency max               : 159.2 [insert:159.2]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:100]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Improvement over 16 threadCount: 1497%
Sleeping for 15s
Running with 36 threadCount
Running [insert] with 36 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb

op rate                   : NaN [insert:NaN]
partition rate            : NaN [insert:NaN]
row rate                  : NaN [insert:NaN]
latency mean              : NaN [insert:NaN]
latency median            : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency 95th percentile   : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency 99th percentile   : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency 99.9th percentile : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency max               : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
Total partitions          : 0 [insert:0]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Improvement over 24 threadCount: -100%
Sleeping for 15s
Running with 54 threadCount
Running [insert] with 54 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb

op rate                   : NaN [insert:NaN]
partition rate            : NaN [insert:NaN]
row rate                  : NaN [insert:NaN]
latency mean              : NaN [insert:NaN]
latency median            : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency 95th percentile   : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency 99th percentile   : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency 99.9th percentile : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
latency max               : 0.0 [insert:0.0]
Total partitions          : 0 [insert:0]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00
Improvement over 36 threadCount: NaN%
Sleeping for 15s
            id, type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
 4 threadCount, insert,           20,      97,     486,    1943,    38.0,    24.9,   150.4,   150.4,   150.4,   150.4,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 4 threadCount, total,            20,      97,     486,    1943,    38.0,    24.9,   150.4,   150.4,   150.4,   150.4,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 8 threadCount, insert,           20,     263,    1317,    5270,    44.3,    47.8,    75.5,    75.5,    75.5,    75.5,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 8 threadCount, total,            20,     263,    1317,    5270,    44.3,    47.8,    75.5,    75.5,    75.5,    75.5,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
16 threadCount, insert,           20,     259,    1296,    5185,    83.1,    85.4,   122.9,   122.9,   122.9,   122.9,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
16 threadCount, total,            20,     259,    1296,    5185,    83.1,    85.4,   122.9,   122.9,   122.9,   122.9,    0.1,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
24 threadCount, insert,           20,    4137,   20685,   82738,   134.0,   132.2,   159.2,   159.2,   159.2,   159.2,    0.0, -0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
24 threadCount, total,            20,    4137,   20685,   82738,   134.0,   132.2,   159.2,   159.2,   159.2,   159.2,    0.0, -0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
36 threadCount, insert,            0,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.0,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
36 threadCount, total,             0,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.0,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
54 threadCount, insert,            0,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.0,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
54 threadCount, total,             0,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     NaN,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.0,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
[root@cs7ds4001 tools]#

④ insertとクエリを混ぜ混ぜで実行


# cassandra-stress user profile=stest02.yaml ops\(insert=1,select1=1\) n=100 -rate threads=1
Connected to cluster: Test Cluster
Datatacenter: DC1; Host: localhost/; Rack: RAC1
Created schema. Sleeping 1s for propagation.
Sleeping 2s...
Running [insert, select1] with 1 threads for 100 iteration
type,      total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
Generating batches with [5..5] partitions and [20..20] rows (of [20..20] total rows in the partitions)
insert,           17,      73,     366,    1465,     9.7,     8.2,    22.3,    22.3,    22.3,    22.3,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
select1,          15,      83,      83,      83,     3.7,     2.7,    11.3,    11.3,    11.3,    11.3,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
total,            32,     138,     431,    1529,     6.9,     5.7,    15.7,    22.3,    22.3,    22.3,    0.2,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

op rate                   : 138 [insert:73, select1:83]
partition rate            : 431 [insert:366, select1:83]
row rate                  : 1529 [insert:1465, select1:83]
latency mean              : 6.9 [insert:9.7, select1:3.7]
latency median            : 5.7 [insert:8.2, select1:2.7]
latency 95th percentile   : 15.7 [insert:22.3, select1:11.3]
latency 99th percentile   : 22.3 [insert:22.3, select1:11.3]
latency 99.9th percentile : 22.3 [insert:22.3, select1:11.3]
latency max               : 22.3 [insert:22.3, select1:11.3]
Total partitions          : 100 [insert:85, select1:15]
Total errors              : 0 [insert:0, select1:0]
total gc count            : 0
total gc mb               : 0
total gc time (s)         : 0
avg gc time(ms)           : NaN
stdev gc time(ms)         : 0
Total operation time      : 00:00:00

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