Note: This article is also available in English below. Jump to the English version.
- ソースコードを中間表現(バイトコード)に変換
- バイトコードの最適化
- 実行時の解釈
- 実行時の型チェック
- 型の自動変換
- オブジェクトのメタデータ管理
- 参照カウントの管理
- ガベージコレクション
- メモリの動的割り当て
# Python
c = a + b
# 内部で実行される主な処理
1. 変数aの型チェック
2. 変数bの型チェック
3. 演算子のディスパッチ
4. 新しいオブジェクトの作成
5. 参照カウントの更新
# これらの処理で500以上の命令が実行される可能性があります
1. GILフリーの実現へ向けて
Python 3.13で導入された実験的な「no-GIL」ビルドは、Pythonの並列処理における最大の制約を解決しようとする試みです。
- マルチスレッドでのCPU処理が事実上不可能
- コア数が増えても性能が向上しない
- 並列処理に依存するアプリケーションの性能低下
- 真の並列処理が可能に
- マルチコアCPUの活用
- シングルスレッド性能への影響を最小化
2. JITコンパイラの実装
Python 3.13で導入された実験的なJITコンパイラは、将来的な性能向上の基盤となります:
- 約5%の性能向上
- 特定のパターンの最適化
- ループ処理の効率化
- コード実行パターンの学習
- 動的な最適化の拡張
- より積極的なインライン化
1. Cythonによる最適化
# 通常のPython
def calculate_sum(lst):
return sum(x * x for x in lst)
# Cython最適化版
cdef calculate_sum(double[:] lst):
cdef double total = 0
cdef int i
for i in range(len(lst)):
total += lst[i] * lst[i]
return total
- 処理時間:70ナノ秒 → 14ナノ秒
- メモリ使用量の削減
- CPU命令数の大幅減少
2. SPy:静的型付けの導入
- 全ての変数に型宣言が必要
- コンパイル時の型チェック
- 実行時オーバーヘッドの削減
- CやC++に近い実行速度
- 型関連のバグの早期発見
- 最適化の機会増加
- IDEのサポート向上
3. 不死オブジェクトの活用
# 従来の方式
normal_dict = {} # 参照カウントが変動
# 不死オブジェクト
class Cache:
def __init__(self):
self._data = {}
def get(self, key):
return self._data.get(key)
- GILフリーでの並列アクセス
- メモリ管理のオーバーヘッド削減
- スレッド間の競合減少
- Tiobeインデックスで18%のシェア(史上最高)
- GitHubでJavaScriptを上回る使用率
- AI・機械学習分野での事実上の標準言語に
- JITコンパイラの機能拡張
- GILフリービルドの安定化
- メモリ管理の最適化
- 型システムの強化
- 並列処理の改善
- パターンマッチングの拡張
- InfoWorld記事
- PyCon US 2024公式サイト
- Python 3.13リリースノート
- Cython公式ドキュメント
- Python Developer's Guide - Removing the GIL
Why Python Is Slow and How It's Being Fixed
While Python is known for its flexibility and beginner-friendly nature, it has traditionally lagged behind other programming languages in terms of execution speed. Recently, InfoWorld published an intriguing article highlighting Python's significant evolution in 2024. This post delves into the fundamental reasons why Python is considered "slow" and explores the innovative optimization techniques that emerged in 2024.
Why Is Python "Slow"?
The Nature of an Interpreted Language
There's a famous saying in the Python community: "Python pays the cost at runtime." This refers to the substantial overhead that occurs during program execution:
Bytecode Conversion Process:
- Converting source code to intermediate representation (bytecode)
- Bytecode optimization
- Runtime interpretation
Dynamic Typing Overhead:
- Runtime type checking
- Automatic type conversion
- Object metadata management
Memory Management Costs:
- Reference count management
- Garbage collection
- Dynamic memory allocation
As a result, even simple operations are decomposed into numerous CPU instructions. For example, adding two numbers involves these steps:
# Python
c = a + b
# Internal operations
1. Type check for variable a
2. Type check for variable b
3. Operator dispatch
4. New object creation
5. Reference count update
# These operations can result in over 500 instructions
Major Improvements in 2024
1. Towards a GIL-Free Python
Python 3.13's experimental "no-GIL" build attempts to solve Python's biggest constraint in parallel processing.
GIL Problems:
- Effectively prevents CPU-bound multithreading
- Performance doesn't scale with core count
- Performance degradation in parallel-dependent applications
No-GIL Build Benefits:
- Enables true parallel processing
- Leverages multi-core CPUs
- Minimizes impact on single-threaded performance
2. JIT Compiler Implementation
The experimental JIT compiler introduced in Python 3.13 lays the groundwork for future performance improvements:
Current Improvements:
- Approximately 5% performance gain
- Optimization of specific patterns
- Enhanced loop processing
Future Prospects:
- Learning code execution patterns
- Expanding dynamic optimization
- More aggressive inlining
Innovative Optimization Approaches
1. Cython Optimization
Cython achieves dramatic speed improvements by compiling Python code to C:
# Standard Python
def calculate_sum(lst):
return sum(x * x for x in lst)
# Cython-optimized version
cdef calculate_sum(double[:] lst):
cdef double total = 0
cdef int i
for i in range(len(lst)):
total += lst[i] * lst[i]
return total
Optimization results:
- Processing time: 70ns → 14ns
- Reduced memory usage
- Significantly fewer CPU instructions
2. SPy: Introduction of Static Typing
SPy represents a new approach to improving execution speed through static typing:
- Mandatory type declarations
- Compile-time type checking
- Reduced runtime overhead
- Performance comparable to C/C++
- Early detection of type-related bugs
- Increased optimization opportunities
- Enhanced IDE support
3. Leveraging Immortal Objects
Immortal objects present an innovative approach to bypassing GIL constraints by fixing reference counts:
# Traditional approach
normal_dict = {} # Variable reference count
# Immortal object
class Cache:
def __init__(self):
self._data = {}
def get(self, key):
return self._data.get(key)
- GIL-free parallel access
- Reduced memory management overhead
- Decreased thread contention
Python's Current State and Future
Market Position
In 2024, Python achieved:
- 18% share in the TIOBE index (historic high)
- Surpassed JavaScript usage on GitHub
- Became the de facto standard for AI and machine learning
Future Outlook
Performance Improvements:
- JIT compiler functionality expansion
- GIL-free build stabilization
- Memory management optimization
Language Features:
- Type system enhancement
- Parallel processing improvements
- Pattern matching extensions
While Python has been known as a "slow" language, the innovative improvements in 2024 are significantly changing this perception. The introduction of GIL-free builds and JIT compilation particularly challenges conventional wisdom about Python's performance limitations.
Moreover, Python's unique position as "the second-best language for almost everything while being the most user-friendly and fastest to develop in" is further strengthened by these improvements. With new optimization techniques and improved runtime environments, Python is becoming an increasingly practical choice for a wider range of applications.
- InfoWorld article "Python in 2024: Faster, more powerful, and more popular than ever" (December 25, 2024)
- PyCon US 2024 Official Site (December 2024)
- Python 3.13 Release Notes (December 2024)
- Cython Official Documentation
- Python Developer's Guide - Removing the GIL