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DALL-Eで日本の歴史的衣装 第7戦 戦国時代 稲姫を描かせてみる

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-02

戦国時代の小袖が難しいのであれば鎧はどうか? ということで稲姫(徳川家康の家臣で四天王の一人、本多忠勝の娘で真田信幸の妻、小松殿)が鎧を付けた姿を描かせてみました。小袖は無理だけれども鎧は細かい時代考証にこだわらなければ生成可能なようです。そして、ポイントは稲姫本人を描かせるのではなく、変身写真館に来ている現代の観光客が稲姫を演じようとしているという設定にすること。

DALL·E 2024-01-02 13.41.21 - A modern-day tourist in a historical attire photo studio, dressed as a Sengoku period warrior princess, resembling Princess Ina (Lady Komatsu). She is.png
A modern-day tourist in a historical attire photo studio, dressed as a Sengoku period warrior princess, resembling Princess Ina (Lady Komatsu). She is wearing Sengoku era armor, but without a helmet, to showcase her long, straight black hair, simply tied at the back, reaching down to her waist. She holds a fake spear, emulating Princess Ina's signature weapon. The tourist does not wear makeup, maintaining a simple appearance. The background is a photo studio with subtle historical Japanese elements.

DALL·E 2024-01-02 13.44.03 - A modern-day tourist in a historical attire photo studio, dressed as a Sengoku period warrior princess, similar to Princess Ina (Lady Komatsu), standi.png
A modern-day tourist in a historical attire photo studio, dressed as a Sengoku period warrior princess, similar to Princess Ina (Lady Komatsu), standing in front of a gate, as if defending her fort. This scene emulates a famous scene associated with Princess Ina. She is wearing Sengoku era armor, without a helmet. Her hair is long, straight, black, of one length, without bangs, and simply tied at the back. She is holding a fake spear, and there is no makeup on her face, emphasizing simplicity. The gate in the background resembles a traditional Japanese fort gate.


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