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How to create an app like Instagram and TikTok

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If I would have got across this question before some months my immediate reaction would be that Instagram and TikTok are two completely different platforms and cannot be compared as both the platform requires different sets of features. But in recent times due to sudden outrage on TikTok regarding data privacy, it has been banned in many countries especially their largest market India.

Instagram saw an opportunity because the type of content offered on TikTok was very much popular among the youth and launched a new feature within Instagram i.e Instagram Reels. Even now comparing Instagram and TikTok is still not justified because of different offerings of both the platform but will try to share with you the information based on the middle ground between the two.

Common Features in Instagram and TikTok

· Easy and Quick registration with social media integration

· Explore tab to search Users or Hashtags to follow as well as recommend content based on interest

· Upload content with options to add filter within the app

· Personal chat feature to share platform contents in direct messages.

· Feature to share content on other social media platforms

· Users profile to check out all the activities of oneself.

· Follow Different User and Business profiles

· Reaction to content feature such as Like, Share, Comment

Unique or Differentiating feature in Instagram over TikTok

· Group Chat to share content within a community

· Individual and group video chat feature

· E-commerce option for businesses

· Upload Collage or Boomerang content for fun

· Upload high-resolution image

Differentiating feature in TikTok over Instagram

· Algorithm that recommends unique content based on user interest

· Edit audio as well as upload new audio to share unique content on it.

· Unique video editing as well as duet video making feature

Once you decide on the type of platform you wish to build based on the feature selection mentioned above as well as offering new and unique features that would increase user engagement.

After selecting the features, you need to find out the technology you would require to implement those features. The best technology that you might need to develop app like TikTok or Instagram can be referred to in below Image

It is always advisable to work with professionals in developing an app because they would be able to guide you on every step you would require for fulfilling your needs and implement it successfully for optimum performance.

Blog Source - https://www.webcluesinfotech.com/how-to-create-an-app-like-tiktok/


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