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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2012-02-17

使用する際はAPPPATH/classes に pagination.php というファイルを作成して以下のクラスを定義し、bootstrap.phpのAutoloaderで読み込んでください。


class Pagination extends Fuel\Core\Pagination

	 * @var array The HTML for the display
	public static $template = array(
		'wrapper_start'  => '<div class="pagination"><ul> ',
		'wrapper_end'    => ' </ul></div>',
		'page_start'     => '<li>',
		'page_end'       => '</li>',
		'previous_start' => '<li class="prev">',
		'active_previous_start' => '<li class="prev disabled">',
		'previous_end'   => '</li>',
		'previous_mark'  => '&laquo; ',
		'next_start'     => '<li class="next"> ',
		'active_next_start' => '<li class="next disabled">',
		'next_end'       => ' </li>',
		'next_mark'      => ' &raquo;',
		'active_start'   => '<li class="active"><a>',
		'active_end'     => '</a></li>',

	 * @var	mixed	The pagination Parameter
	protected static $pagination_param;
	 * Creates the pagination links
	 * @access public
	 * @return mixed    The pagination links
	public static function create_links()
		if (static::$total_pages == 1)
			return '';

		\Lang::load('pagination', true);

		$pagination  = static::$template['wrapper_start'];
		$pagination .= static::prev_link('');
		$pagination .= static::page_links();
		$pagination .= static::next_link('');
		$pagination .= static::$template['wrapper_end'];

		return $pagination;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Pagination Page Number links
	 * @access public
	 * @return mixed    Markup for page number links
	public static function page_links()
		if (static::$total_pages == 1)
			return '';

		$pagination = '';

		// Let's get the starting page number, this is determined using num_links
		$start = ((static::$current_page - static::$num_links) > 0) ? static::$current_page - (static::$num_links - 1) : 1;

		// Let's get the ending page number
		$end   = ((static::$current_page + static::$num_links) < static::$total_pages) ? static::$current_page + static::$num_links : static::$total_pages;

		for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++)
			if (static::$current_page == $i)
				$pagination .= static::$template['active_start'].$i.static::$template['active_end'];
				$url = ($i == 1) ? '' : '/'.$i;
				$pagination .= static::$template['page_start']
								.\Html::anchor(rtrim(static::$pagination_url, '/').$url.static::$pagination_param, $i)
		return $pagination;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Pagination "Next" link
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $value The text displayed in link
	 * @return mixed    The next link
	public static function next_link($value)
		if (static::$total_pages == 1)
			return '';

		if (static::$current_page == static::$total_pages)
			return static::$template['active_next_start']."<a>"
			$next_page = static::$current_page + 1;
			return static::$template['next_start']
				.\Html::anchor(rtrim(static::$pagination_url, '/').'/'.$next_page.static::$pagination_param, $value.static::$template['next_mark'])

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Pagination "Previous" link
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $value The text displayed in link
	 * @return mixed    The previous link
	public static function prev_link($value)
		if (static::$total_pages == 1)
			return '';

		if (static::$current_page == 1)
			return static::$template['active_previous_start']."<a>"
			$previous_page = static::$current_page - 1;
			$previous_page = ($previous_page == 1) ? '' : '/'.$previous_page;
			return static::$template['previous_start']
				.\Html::anchor(rtrim(static::$pagination_url, '/').$previous_page.static::$pagination_param, static::$template['previous_mark'].$value)

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Delete article

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