- リストxsを要素数に応じて分割する
- 要素数が偶数のとき: xs = ys ++ zs (※ length ys = length zs)
- 奇数個のとき: xs = ys ++ [ x ] ++ zs (※ length ys = length zs)
- どちらの場合でも∃ zs ∈ pal. xs = ys ++ zs ++ reverse ysの形に変形できる
- ys ++ reverse ysと∀ x. ys ++ [ x ] ++ reverse ysは回文になる
module palindrome where
open import Data.List
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq hiding ([_] ; setoid)
import Data.List.Properties as ListProps
open import Relation.Binary
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Algebra
import list as ListProps'
data IsPalindrome {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} : List A → Set ℓ where
[]-pal : IsPalindrome []
[_]-pal : ∀ x → IsPalindrome [ x ]
pal-step : ∀ x {xs} → IsPalindrome xs → IsPalindrome (x ∷ xs ∷ʳ x)
module Helper {ℓ}{A : Set ℓ} where
open ≡-Reasoning
open ListProps' A public
.pal-[]-rev : ∀ (xs : List A) → IsPalindrome (xs ++ reverse xs)
pal-[]-rev [] = []-pal
pal-[]-rev (x ∷ xs) = subst IsPalindrome (sym h) (pal-step x (pal-[]-rev xs))
where h : (x ∷ xs) ++ reverse (x ∷ xs) ≡ x ∷ (xs ++ reverse xs) ∷ʳ x
h = begin
(x ∷ xs) ++ reverse (x ∷ xs)
≡⟨ cong (λ z → x ∷ xs ++ z) (ListProps.unfold-reverse x xs) ⟩
x ∷ (xs ++ (reverse xs ∷ʳ x))
≡⟨ cong (_∷_ x) (sym (App.assoc xs (reverse xs) [ x ])) ⟩
x ∷ (xs ++ reverse xs) ++ [ x ] ∎
.pal-[_]-rev : ∀ (y : A) xs → IsPalindrome (xs ++ [ y ] ++ reverse xs)
pal-[_]-rev y [] = [ y ]-pal
pal-[_]-rev y (x ∷ xs) = subst IsPalindrome (sym h) (pal-step x (pal-[ y ]-rev xs))
where h : (x ∷ xs) ++ (y ∷ []) ++ reverse (x ∷ xs) ≡
x ∷ (xs ++ [ y ] ++ reverse xs) ∷ʳ x
h = begin
(x ∷ xs) ++ [ y ] ++ reverse (x ∷ xs)
≡⟨ cong (λ z → (x ∷ xs) ++ [ y ] ++ z) (ListProps.unfold-reverse x xs) ⟩
x ∷ xs ++ [ y ] ++ (reverse xs ++ [ x ])
≡⟨ cong (_∷_ x) (begin
xs ++ [ y ] ++ (reverse xs ++ [ x ])
≡⟨ cong (_++_ xs) (sym (App.assoc [ y ] (reverse xs) [ x ])) ⟩
xs ++ ([ y ] ++ reverse xs ++ [ x ])
≡⟨ sym (App.assoc xs (y ∷ reverse xs) [ x ]) ⟩
(xs ++ [ y ] ++ reverse xs) ∷ʳ x
∎) ⟩
x ∷ (xs ++ [ y ] ++ reverse xs) ∷ʳ x ∎
module Properties {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} where
open ≡-Reasoning
open Helper {A = A}
.reverse-++-lem : ∀ (y : A) ys zs →
reverse (ys ++ [ y ] ++ zs) ≡ reverse zs ++ [ y ] ++ reverse ys
reverse-++-lem y ys zs = begin
reverse (ys ++ [ y ] ++ zs)
≡⟨ ListProps.reverse-++-commute ys (y ∷ zs) ⟩
reverse ([ y ] ++ zs) ++ reverse ys
≡⟨ cong (λ z → z ++ reverse ys) (ListProps.reverse-++-commute [ y ] zs) ⟩
(reverse zs ++ [ y ]) ++ reverse ys
≡⟨ App.assoc (reverse zs) [ y ] (reverse ys) ⟩
reverse zs ++ [ y ] ++ reverse ys
-- palindrome_converse
.reverse-id-pal : ∀ (xs : List A) → xs ≡ reverse xs → IsPalindrome xs
reverse-id-pal xs with split xs
... | inj₁ (y , ys , zs , hlen , heq) rewrite heq = λ h →
let h1 = begin
ys ++ [ y ] ++ zs ≡⟨ h ⟩
reverse (ys ++ [ y ] ++ zs) ≡⟨ reverse-++-lem y ys zs ⟩
reverse zs ++ [ y ] ++ reverse ys
hlen' : SameLength ys (reverse zs)
hlen' = SL.trans hlen (reverse-SameLen zs)
h2 = ++-SameLen-injectiveʳ hlen' h1
h2' : [ y ] SL.≈ [ y ]
h2' = ListProps'.∷-samelen ListProps'.[]-samelen
h3 : zs ≡ reverse ys
h3 = ++-SameLen-injectiveʳ h2' h2
in subst (λ z → IsPalindrome (ys ++ [ y ] ++ z)) (sym h3) (pal-[ y ]-rev ys)
... | inj₂ (ys , zs , hlen , heq) rewrite heq = λ h →
let h1 : ys ++ zs ≡ reverse zs ++ reverse ys
h1 = trans h (ListProps.reverse-++-commute ys zs)
h2 : ys SL.≈ reverse zs
h2 = SL.trans hlen (reverse-SameLen zs)
in subst (λ z → IsPalindrome (ys ++ z))
(sym (++-SameLen-injectiveʳ h2 h1)) (pal-[]-rev ys)
open import Level
module list {o} (A : Set o) where
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding (setoid ; [_])
open import Relation.Binary
open import Algebra
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
data SameLength : Rel (List A) o where
[]-samelen : SameLength [] []
∷-samelen : ∀ {xs ys} → SameLength xs ys → ∀ {x y} → SameLength (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys)
setoid : Setoid o o
setoid = record { Carrier = List A; _≈_ = SameLength; isEquivalence = record {
refl = refl'; sym = sym'; trans = trans' }
where refl' : {x : List A} → SameLength x x
refl' {[]} = []-samelen
refl' {x ∷ x₁} = ∷-samelen refl'
sym' : {i j : List A} → SameLength i j → SameLength j i
sym' []-samelen = []-samelen
sym' (∷-samelen h) = ∷-samelen (sym' h)
trans' : {i j k : List A} → SameLength i j → SameLength j k → SameLength i k
trans' []-samelen i = i
trans' (∷-samelen h) (∷-samelen i) = ∷-samelen (trans' h i)
module SL = Setoid setoid
module App = Monoid (monoid A)
∷-∷ʳ-SameLen : ∀ {x y} xs → SameLength (x ∷ xs) (xs ∷ʳ y)
∷-∷ʳ-SameLen {x} {y} [] = ∷-samelen []-samelen
∷-∷ʳ-SameLen {x} {y} (z ∷ zs) = ∷-samelen (∷-∷ʳ-SameLen zs)
reverse-SameLen : ∀ xs → SameLength xs (reverse xs)
reverse-SameLen [] = []-samelen
reverse-SameLen (x ∷ xs) = (subst (λ z → SameLength (x ∷ xs) z)
(sym (unfold-reverse x xs))
(SL.trans (∷-samelen (reverse-SameLen xs) {y = x})
(∷-∷ʳ-SameLen (reverse xs))))
++-SameLen-injectiveˡ : ∀ {xs ys zs ws} → xs SL.≈ zs → xs ++ ys ≡ zs ++ ws → xs ≡ zs
++-SameLen-injectiveˡ []-samelen h = refl
++-SameLen-injectiveˡ (∷-samelen sl) h with ∷-injective h
... | (h1 , h2) = cong₂ _∷_ h1 (++-SameLen-injectiveˡ sl h2)
++-SameLen-injectiveʳ : ∀ {xs ys zs ws} → xs SL.≈ zs → xs ++ ys ≡ zs ++ ws → ys ≡ ws
++-SameLen-injectiveʳ []-samelen h = h
++-SameLen-injectiveʳ (∷-samelen hlen) h = ++-SameLen-injectiveʳ hlen (proj₂ (∷-injective h))
open ≡-Reasoning
∷-inv : ∀ (xs : List A) → ∃₂ (λ y ys → xs ≡ y ∷ ys) ⊎ xs ≡ []
∷-inv [] = inj₂ refl
∷-inv (x ∷ xs) = inj₁ (x , xs , refl)
init-last : ∀ (xs : List A) → ∃₂ (λ ys y → xs ≡ ys ∷ʳ y) ⊎ xs ≡ []
init-last [] = inj₂ refl
init-last (x ∷ xs) with init-last xs
... | inj₁ (zs , z , h) = inj₁ (x ∷ zs , z , cong (_∷_ x) h)
... | inj₂ h = inj₁ ([] , x , cong (_∷_ x) h)
split : ∀ (xs : List A) →
∃ (λ y → ∃₂ (λ (ys zs : List A) →
SameLength ys zs × xs ≡ ys ++ [ y ] ++ zs)) ⊎
∃₂ (λ (ys zs : List A) → SameLength ys zs × xs ≡ ys ++ zs)
split [] = inj₂ ([] , [] , []-samelen , refl)
split (x ∷ xs) with split xs
... | inj₁ (y , ys , zs , hlen , heq) = inj₂ (x ∷ ys , y ∷ zs , ∷-samelen hlen , cong (_∷_ x) heq)
... | inj₂ (ys , zs , hlen , heq) with init-last ys
... | inj₁ (vs , v , h) = inj₁ (v , x ∷ vs , zs ,
SL.trans (∷-∷ʳ-SameLen _) (subst (λ a → SameLength a zs) h hlen) ,
cong (_∷_ x) (trans heq (trans (cong (λ a → a ++ zs) h) (Monoid.assoc (monoid A) vs [ v ] zs))))
... | inj₂ h with subst (λ a → SameLength a zs) h hlen | hlen | heq
split (x ∷ .[]) | inj₂ (.[] , .[] , hlen , heq) | inj₂ h | []-samelen | []-samelen | refl =
inj₁ (x , [] , [] , []-samelen , refl)
++[] : ∀ (xs : List A) → xs ++ [] ≡ xs
++[] [] = refl
++[] (x ∷ xs) = cong (_∷_ x) (++[] xs)