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More than 5 years have passed since last update.

(三方库 sqlite3) sqlite 语法见 Sqlite.rtf
(导入libsqlite3.bylib )


NSString * path = NSHomeDirectory();
path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents/hello.db"];
// 创建数据库对象
self.db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:path];
if ([self.db open]) {
    [self createTable];

// 创建二维表

-(void) createTable{
//如果表存在就什么都不做 (if not exists)

NSString * sql = @"create table if not exists tb_student(stuid integer primary key,stuname varchar(20) not null,stubirth date,stuaddress varchar(50));";
if ([self.db executeUpdate:sql]) {
    //  [self insertData];


/*插入数据/ (对方法的注释 是有方法时会有提示)
-(void) insertData{

static NSArray * lastNames = nil;
static NSArray * firstNames = nil;
static NSArray * address = nil;

lastNames = @[@"趙",@"钱",@"孙",@"李",@"上官",@"东方"];
firstNames = @[@"莫愁",@"飘雪",@"霸",@"千锋",@"浩南",@"大神",@"苟且"];
address = @[@"四川成都",@"北京海淀",@"重庆渝北",@"上海浦东"];

NSString * sql = @"insert into tb_student (stuname,stuaddress,stubirth) values (?,?,'1990-1-1')";
int lIndex = arc4random() % lastNames.count;
int fIndex = arc4random() % firstNames.count;
int aIndex = arc4random() % address.count;

NSString * fullName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",lastNames[lIndex],firstNames[fIndex]];

if ([self.db executeUpdate:sql,fullName,address[aIndex]]) {
//    [self showData:self.db];


-(void) showData{

NSString * sql = @"select * from tb_student;";
//结果集  游标
FMResultSet * rs = [self.db executeQuery:sql];
//[rs next]  取到一行 就返回
while ([rs next]) {
    printf("学号:%d  ",[rs intForColumn:@"stuid"]);
    printf("姓名:%s  ",[[rs stringForColumn:@"stuname"] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
    printf("生日:%s  ",[[rs stringForColumn:@"stubirth"] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
    printf("家庭住址:%s\n",[[rs stringForColumn:@"stuaddress"] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);



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