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typescriptで Property 'content' does not exist on type 'HTMLElement'. が出るとき

Last updated at Posted at 2018-02-13


  • jqueryで取得したmetaタグからcontentの値をts上で取得するには
  • (<HTMLMetaElement>$('meta[name="csrf-token"]')[0]).contentみたいにキャストすると良いよ




ERROR in ./commons/api.ts
[tsl] ERROR in /path/to/issus/issus/app/assets/javascripts/commons/api.ts(65,46)
      TS2339: Property 'content' does not exist on type 'HTMLElement'.


export default class API {

  // 中略

  private static getRailsToken (): string {
    return $('meta[name="csrf-token"]')[0].content // ← ココ

  // 中略


どうやら $('meta[name="csrf-token"]')[0]HTMLElementという型であり、そこにcontentというプロパティが無いらしい。


interface HTMLElement extends Element {
    accessKey: string;
    readonly children: HTMLCollection;
    contentEditable: string;
    readonly dataset: DOMStringMap;
    dir: string;
    draggable: boolean;
    hidden: boolean;
    hideFocus: boolean;
    innerText: string;
    readonly isContentEditable: boolean;
    lang: string;
    readonly offsetHeight: number;
    readonly offsetLeft: number;
    readonly offsetParent: Element;
    readonly offsetTop: number;
    readonly offsetWidth: number;
    onabort: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    onactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    onbeforeactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    onbeforecopy: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
    onbeforecut: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
    onbeforedeactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    onbeforepaste: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
    onblur: (this: HTMLElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
    oncanplay: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    oncanplaythrough: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onchange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onclick: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    oncontextmenu: (this: HTMLElement, ev: PointerEvent) => any;
    oncopy: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
    oncuechange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    oncut: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
    ondblclick: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    ondeactivate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    ondrag: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
    ondragend: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
    ondragenter: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
    ondragleave: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
    ondragover: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
    ondragstart: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
    ondrop: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent) => any;
    ondurationchange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onemptied: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onended: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MediaStreamErrorEvent) => any;
    onerror: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ErrorEvent) => any;
    onfocus: (this: HTMLElement, ev: FocusEvent) => any;
    oninput: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    oninvalid: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onkeydown: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
    onkeypress: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
    onkeyup: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any;
    onload: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onloadeddata: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onloadedmetadata: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onloadstart: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onmousedown: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    onmouseenter: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    onmouseleave: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    onmousemove: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    onmouseout: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    onmouseover: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    onmouseup: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent) => any;
    onmousewheel: (this: HTMLElement, ev: WheelEvent) => any;
    onmscontentzoom: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    onmsmanipulationstatechanged: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MSManipulationEvent) => any;
    onpaste: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent) => any;
    onpause: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onplay: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onplaying: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onprogress: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ProgressEvent) => any;
    onratechange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onreset: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onscroll: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    onseeked: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onseeking: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onselect: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent) => any;
    onselectstart: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onstalled: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onsubmit: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onsuspend: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    ontimeupdate: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onvolumechange: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    onwaiting: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event) => any;
    outerText: string;
    spellcheck: boolean;
    readonly style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
    tabIndex: number;
    title: string;
    blur(): void;
    click(): void;
    dragDrop(): boolean;
    focus(): void;
    msGetInputContext(): MSInputMethodContext;
    addEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
    addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;



interface HTMLMetaElement extends HTMLElement {
      * Sets or retrieves the character set used to encode the object.
    charset: string;
      * Gets or sets meta-information to associate with httpEquiv or name.
    content: string;
      * Gets or sets information used to bind the value of a content attribute of a meta element to an HTTP response header.
    httpEquiv: string;
      * Sets or retrieves the value specified in the content attribute of the meta object.
    name: string;
      * Sets or retrieves a scheme to be used in interpreting the value of a property specified for the object.
    scheme: string;
      * Sets or retrieves the URL property that will be loaded after the specified time has elapsed. 
    url: string;
    addEventListener<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLMetaElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
    addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, useCapture?: boolean): void;


export default class API {

  // 中略

  private static getRailsToken (): string {
    return (<HTMLMetaElement>$('meta[name="csrf-token"]')[0]).content

  // 中略




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