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AI-900:Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals試験に向けて part final

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仕事で英語を使うようになったのと、Azureなども英語で触る機会もあるし、せっかくこうしたアウトプットの場があるので、英語でやってみることにします。拙い英語ですがご容赦ください。そのうち、英語勉強の内容も投稿できたらなんて思っています。ちなみに、TOEICは800ぐらいです。それでは、Let's do it!!

#Apply to the AI-900:MS Azure AI Fundamentals

  • At first, I passed the exam 「AI-900:Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals」!!
    • But by the way, my score was 700/700. It was just barely enough.
    • I would have not passed the exam if I could not select the correct answer at least one.
  • All I did is to learn Microsoft Azure & AI using MSLearn.
  • My AI skills are not high and I can not treat Microsoft Azure very well, but I could do it so you will be able to pass the exam if you could done the all courses of MSLearn about 「AI-900:Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals」.
    • If you could study more and more, I recommend that you study hard AI & Azure.
      • Especially, which Azure service can do what? (ex Cognitive services is what?

#Using MSLearn for AI-900

The end of the Story

  • It's hard to write these article to Qiita because I used not to write the article.
  • But it was interesting to express my experience and knowledge to somewhere.
  • That's why I'll continue to make some article from now on.
  • If it'ok, please press the LGTM button of this article.
  • At last, thank you for reading my article of Qiita. Bye-bye!

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