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Last updated at Posted at 2017-06-07



int line_num;
int count;

float px, py, pz;
float dx, dy, dz;

float ampx, ampy, ampz;

float pn_time;

float offsetx;
float offsety;
float offsetz;
float offsetd;

float tlx, tly, tlz;
float stx, sty, stz;
float enx, eny, enz;
float dtx, dty, dtz;

ArrayList<LineObject> lines = new ArrayList<LineObject> ();
ArrayList<BranchGrow> trees = new ArrayList<BranchGrow> ();

void setup () {

	size (1920, 1080, P3D);
	colorMode (RGB, 256);
	background (200);

	line_num = 2000;

	offsetx = width / 2;
	offsety = height / 2;
	offsetz = 0.0;
	offsetd = -90.0;

	px = offsetx;
	py = offsety;
	pz = offsetz;

	ampx = 0.0;
	ampy = 0.0;
	ampz = 4000.0;

	pn_time = 0.0;

	count = 0;


void draw () {

	background (200);
	pz -= 40.0;
	px = ampz * noise (pz / 200000.0, pn_time);
	py = 0.0;

	dx = px + random (-1000, 1000);
	dy = py + random (-1000, 1000);
	dz = pz;

	pn_time += 0.01;

	lines.add (new LineObject (px, py, pz, dx, dy, dz));

	if (lines.size () > line_num) {
		lines.remove (0);

	if (lines.size () > 80){

		tlx = offsetx;
		tly = offsety;
		tlz = offsetz;

		float pcamx = lines.get (lines.size () - 60).px;
		float pcamy = lines.get (lines.size () - 60).py;
		float pcamz = lines.get (lines.size () - 60).pz;

		float ncamx = lines.get (lines.size () - 20).px;
		float ncamy = lines.get (lines.size () - 20).py;
		float ncamz = lines.get (lines.size () - 20).pz;

		camera (pcamx + offsetx, pcamy + offsety - 60, pcamz + offsetz,
				ncamx + offsetx, ncamy + offsety - 60, ncamz + offsetz,
				0.0, 1.0, 1.0);

		translate (tlx, tly, tlz);

		for (int i = 0; i < lines.size () - 1; i++) {
			if (i > 0) {
				stroke (100);
				strokeWeight (1);
				stx = lines.get (i).px;
				sty = lines.get (i).py;
				stz = lines.get (i).pz;
				enx = lines.get (i - 1).px;
				eny = lines.get (i - 1).py;
				enz = lines.get (i - 1).pz;
				dtx = lines.get (i).dx;
				dty = lines.get (i).dy;
				dtz = lines.get (i).dz;
				beginShape ();
				vertex (stx - 10, sty, stz);
				vertex (enx - 10, eny, enz);
				vertex (enx + 10, eny, enz);
				vertex (stx + 10, sty, stz);
				endShape ();
				stroke (100);
				strokeWeight (4);
				//point (dtx, dty, dtz);

		strokeWeight (1);

		stroke (180);
		line (-10000, -20, pz - 1000, 10000, -20, pz - 1000);
		stroke (140);
		line (-10000, 0, pz - 1000, 10000, 0, pz - 1000);
		stroke (180);
		line (-10000, 20, pz - 1000, 10000, 20, pz - 1000);

		count += 1;

		if (count % 2 == 0) {
			trees.add (new BranchGrow (px + random (-300, 300), py, pz, 0));

		for (BranchGrow b: trees) {
			b.drawTree ();

		if (trees.size () > 30) {
			trees.remove (0);


	//saveFrame ();


class LineObject {

	float px, py, pz;
	float dx, dy, dz;

	LineObject (float px, float py, float pz, float dx, float dy, float dz) {

		this.px = px;
		this.py = py;
		this.pz = pz;
		this.dx = dx;
		this.dy = dy;
		this.dz = dz;



class BranchGrow {

	int count;

	int step;

	float alpha;

	float tr_scale;
	float tr_angle;
	float tr_length;
	float tr_startd;
	float tr_startx;
	float tr_starty;
	float tr_startz;

	int[] c;
	int[] w;

	float[] nx;
	float[] ny;
	float[] nz;
	float[] px;
	float[] py;
	float[] pz;

	BranchGrow (float x, float y, float z, float a) {

		count = 0;

		step = 10;

		alpha = a;

		tr_scale = 0.98;
		tr_angle = 32.0;
		tr_length = 30.0;
		tr_startd = 0.0;
		tr_startx = x;
		tr_starty = y;
		tr_startz = z;

		c = new int[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];
		w = new int[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];

		nx = new float[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];
		ny = new float[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];
		nz = new float[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];
		px = new float[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];
		py = new float[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];
		pz = new float[int (pow (2, step)) * 2];

		createTree (tr_startx, tr_starty, tr_startz, tr_length, tr_startd, step);


	void createTree (float x01, float y01, float z01, float len, float deg, int n) {

		int c = int (500 / (n + 1));
		int w = int ((n + 1) / 3);

		float x02 = x01 + len * cos (radians (deg + offsetd));
		float y02 = y01 + len * sin (radians (deg + offsetd));
		float z02 = z01 + random (-30, 30);

		savePoints (x02, y02, z02, x01, y01, z01, c, w);

		if (n > 0) {

			float deg01 = random (-tr_angle, tr_angle);
			float scl01 = random (random (10, 20), len * tr_scale);
			createTree (x02, y02, z02, scl01, deg + deg01, n - 1);

			float deg02 = random (-tr_angle, tr_angle);
			float scl02 = random (random (10, 20), len * tr_scale);
			createTree (x02, y02, z02, scl02, deg + deg02, n - 1);



	void savePoints (float x01, float y01, float z01, float x02, float y02, float z02, int c, int w) {

		this.c[count] = c;
		this.w[count] = w;

		nx[count] = x02;
		ny[count] = y02;
		nz[count] = z02;
		px[count] = x01;
		py[count] = y01;
		pz[count] = z01;

		count += 1;


	void drawTree () {

		alpha += 3.2;

		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

			stroke (c[i], alpha);
			strokeWeight (w[i]);

			line (nx[i], ny[i], nz[i], px[i], py[i], pz[i]);




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