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scikit-learnの Perceptron.fit() のソースコードを読み解く方法 & Perceptronは特徴ゼロの重み ωi を更新するのか?

Last updated at Posted at 2025-03-03


Perceptronはpythonに加えてCython(.pyx), C で書かれている。全て読まないと理解できない。そしてChatGPTは全く役出たない。嘘ばっかり言う。


_sgd_fast.pyx などのCythonのコードは生成しなければいけない。ネット上に見当たらない。なんで。


git clone https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn.git
pip install .
pip install meson-python
pip install ninja
pip install cython
make dev

これで build/cp310/sklearn/linear_model/_sgd_fast.pyx などが生成されます。

Perceptron.fit() のコードを追う



BaseSGDClassifier.fit() への alias







  • 役割: Cythonで実装されたSGDアルゴリズムを使用してモデルをトレーニングする。この中で重みの更新が行われる。これが学習ほぼ本体
  • 主な入力: weightsinterceptaverage_weightsaverage_interceptlosspenalty_typealphaCl1_ratiodatasetvalidation_maskearly_stoppingvalidation_score_cbn_iter_no_changemax_itertolfit_interceptverboseshuffleseedweight_posweight_neglearning_rateeta0power_tone_classtintercept_decayaverage
  • 主な出力: weightsinterceptaverage_weightsaverage_interceptn_iter_



これはCythonの _seq_dataset.pyx 側が pass するだけの関数で、template側がコードの実態のようだった


Perceptronは特徴ゼロの重み ωi を更新するのか?

WeightVector64.add()の引数にある xnnzThe number of non-zero features of "x". と説明されているが、ここに至るまでにXを特徴>0だけのフィルタで絞ったコードは見つけられなかった。結果的にすべてのXが入力されており、 xnnz はmisleadな変数名だと理解した。他のルートを通ってくると xnnz はfilterされてくると想像した。




"""SGD implementation"""

import numpy as np
from time import time

from cython cimport floating
from libc.math cimport exp, fabs, isfinite, log, pow, INFINITY

from .._loss._loss cimport CyLossFunction
from ..utils._typedefs cimport uint32_t, uint8_t
from ..utils._weight_vector cimport WeightVector32, WeightVector64
from ..utils._seq_dataset cimport SequentialDataset32, SequentialDataset64

cdef extern from *:
    /* Penalty constants */
    #define NO_PENALTY 0
    #define L1 1
    #define L2 2
    #define ELASTICNET 3

    /* Learning rate constants */
    #define CONSTANT 1
    #define OPTIMAL 2
    #define INVSCALING 3
    #define ADAPTIVE 4
    #define PA1 5
    #define PA2 6
    int NO_PENALTY = 0
    int L1 = 1
    int L2 = 2
    int ELASTICNET = 3

    int CONSTANT = 1
    int OPTIMAL = 2
    int INVSCALING = 3
    int ADAPTIVE = 4
    int PA1 = 5
    int PA2 = 6

# ----------------------------------------
# Extension Types for Loss Functions
# ----------------------------------------

cdef class Regression(CyLossFunction):
    """Base class for loss functions for regression"""

    def py_loss(self, double p, double y):
        """Python version of `loss` for testing only.

        Pytest needs a python function and can't use cdef functions.

        p : double
            The prediction, `p = w^T x + intercept`.
        y : double
            The true value (aka target).

            The loss evaluated at `p` and `y`.
        return self.cy_loss(y, p)

    def py_dloss(self, double p, double y):
        """Python version of `dloss` for testing only.

        Pytest needs a python function and can't use cdef functions.

        p : double
            The prediction, `p = w^T x`.
        y : double
            The true value (aka target).

            The derivative of the loss function with regards to `p`.
        return self.cy_gradient(y, p)

cdef class Classification(CyLossFunction):
    """Base class for loss functions for classification"""

    def py_loss(self, double p, double y):
        """Python version of `loss` for testing only."""
        return self.cy_loss(y, p)

    def py_dloss(self, double p, double y):
        """Python version of `dloss` for testing only."""
        return self.cy_gradient(y, p)

cdef class ModifiedHuber(Classification):
    """Modified Huber loss for binary classification with y in {-1, 1}

    This is equivalent to quadratically smoothed SVM with gamma = 2.

    See T. Zhang 'Solving Large Scale Linear Prediction Problems Using
    Stochastic Gradient Descent', ICML'04.
    cdef double cy_loss(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double z = p * y
        if z >= 1.0:
            return 0.0
        elif z >= -1.0:
            return (1.0 - z) * (1.0 - z)
            return -4.0 * z

    cdef double cy_gradient(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double z = p * y
        if z >= 1.0:
            return 0.0
        elif z >= -1.0:
            return 2.0 * (1.0 - z) * -y
            return -4.0 * y

    def __reduce__(self):
        return ModifiedHuber, ()

cdef class Hinge(Classification):
    """Hinge loss for binary classification tasks with y in {-1,1}


    threshold : float > 0.0
        Margin threshold. When threshold=1.0, one gets the loss used by SVM.
        When threshold=0.0, one gets the loss used by the Perceptron.

    cdef double threshold

    def __init__(self, double threshold=1.0):
        self.threshold = threshold

    cdef double cy_loss(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double z = p * y
        if z <= self.threshold:
            return self.threshold - z
        return 0.0

    cdef double cy_gradient(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double z = p * y
        if z <= self.threshold:
            return -y
        return 0.0

    def __reduce__(self):
        return Hinge, (self.threshold,)

cdef class SquaredHinge(Classification):
    """Squared Hinge loss for binary classification tasks with y in {-1,1}


    threshold : float > 0.0
        Margin threshold. When threshold=1.0, one gets the loss used by
        (quadratically penalized) SVM.

    cdef double threshold

    def __init__(self, double threshold=1.0):
        self.threshold = threshold

    cdef double cy_loss(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double z = self.threshold - p * y
        if z > 0:
            return z * z
        return 0.0

    cdef double cy_gradient(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double z = self.threshold - p * y
        if z > 0:
            return -2 * y * z
        return 0.0

    def __reduce__(self):
        return SquaredHinge, (self.threshold,)

cdef class EpsilonInsensitive(Regression):
    """Epsilon-Insensitive loss (used by SVR).

    loss = max(0, |y - p| - epsilon)

    cdef double epsilon

    def __init__(self, double epsilon):
        self.epsilon = epsilon

    cdef double cy_loss(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double ret = fabs(y - p) - self.epsilon
        return ret if ret > 0 else 0

    cdef double cy_gradient(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        if y - p > self.epsilon:
            return -1
        elif p - y > self.epsilon:
            return 1
            return 0

    def __reduce__(self):
        return EpsilonInsensitive, (self.epsilon,)

cdef class SquaredEpsilonInsensitive(Regression):
    """Epsilon-Insensitive loss.

    loss = max(0, |y - p| - epsilon)^2

    cdef double epsilon

    def __init__(self, double epsilon):
        self.epsilon = epsilon

    cdef double cy_loss(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double ret = fabs(y - p) - self.epsilon
        return ret * ret if ret > 0 else 0

    cdef double cy_gradient(self, double y, double p) noexcept nogil:
        cdef double z
        z = y - p
        if z > self.epsilon:
            return -2 * (z - self.epsilon)
        elif z < -self.epsilon:
            return 2 * (-z - self.epsilon)
            return 0

    def __reduce__(self):
        return SquaredEpsilonInsensitive, (self.epsilon,)

def _plain_sgd64(
    const double[::1] weights,
    double intercept,
    const double[::1] average_weights,
    double average_intercept,
    CyLossFunction loss,
    int penalty_type,
    double alpha,
    double C,
    double l1_ratio,
    SequentialDataset64 dataset,
    const uint8_t[::1] validation_mask,
    bint early_stopping,
    int n_iter_no_change,
    unsigned int max_iter,
    double tol,
    int fit_intercept,
    int verbose,
    bint shuffle,
    uint32_t seed,
    double weight_pos,
    double weight_neg,
    int learning_rate,
    double eta0,
    double power_t,
    bint one_class,
    double t=1.0,
    double intercept_decay=1.0,
    int average=0,
    """SGD for generic loss functions and penalties with optional averaging

    weights : ndarray[double, ndim=1]
        The allocated vector of weights.
    intercept : double
        The initial intercept.
    average_weights : ndarray[double, ndim=1]
        The average weights as computed for ASGD. Should be None if average
        is 0.
    average_intercept : double
        The average intercept for ASGD. Should be 0 if average is 0.
    loss : CyLossFunction
        A concrete ``CyLossFunction`` object.
    penalty_type : int
        The penalty 2 for L2, 1 for L1, and 3 for Elastic-Net.
    alpha : float
        The regularization parameter.
    C : float
        Maximum step size for passive aggressive.
    l1_ratio : float
        The Elastic Net mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1.
        l1_ratio=0 corresponds to L2 penalty, l1_ratio=1 to L1.
    dataset : SequentialDataset
        A concrete ``SequentialDataset`` object.
    validation_mask : ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=1]
        Equal to True on the validation set.
    early_stopping : boolean
        Whether to use a stopping criterion based on the validation set.
    validation_score_cb : callable
        A callable to compute a validation score given the current
        coefficients and intercept values.
        Used only if early_stopping is True.
    n_iter_no_change : int
        Number of iteration with no improvement to wait before stopping.
    max_iter : int
        The maximum number of iterations (epochs).
    tol: double
        The tolerance for the stopping criterion.
    fit_intercept : int
        Whether or not to fit the intercept (1 or 0).
    verbose : int
        Print verbose output; 0 for quite.
    shuffle : boolean
        Whether to shuffle the training data before each epoch.
    weight_pos : float
        The weight of the positive class.
    weight_neg : float
        The weight of the negative class.
    seed : uint32_t
        Seed of the pseudorandom number generator used to shuffle the data.
    learning_rate : int
        The learning rate:
        (1) constant, eta = eta0
        (2) optimal, eta = 1.0/(alpha * t).
        (3) inverse scaling, eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t)
        (4) adaptive decrease
        (5) Passive Aggressive-I, eta = min(alpha, loss/norm(x))
        (6) Passive Aggressive-II, eta = 1.0 / (norm(x) + 0.5*alpha)
    eta0 : double
        The initial learning rate.
    power_t : double
        The exponent for inverse scaling learning rate.
    one_class : boolean
        Whether to solve the One-Class SVM optimization problem.
    t : double
        Initial state of the learning rate. This value is equal to the
        iteration count except when the learning rate is set to `optimal`.
        Default: 1.0.
    average : int
        The number of iterations before averaging starts. average=1 is
        equivalent to averaging for all iterations.

    weights : array, shape=[n_features]
        The fitted weight vector.
    intercept : float
        The fitted intercept term.
    average_weights : array shape=[n_features]
        The averaged weights across iterations. Values are valid only if
        average > 0.
    average_intercept : float
        The averaged intercept across iterations.
        Values are valid only if average > 0.
    n_iter_ : int
        The actual number of iter (epochs).

    # get the data information into easy vars
    cdef Py_ssize_t n_samples = dataset.n_samples
    cdef Py_ssize_t n_features = weights.shape[0]

    cdef WeightVector64 w = WeightVector64(weights, average_weights)
    cdef double *x_data_ptr = NULL
    cdef int *x_ind_ptr = NULL

    # helper variables
    cdef int no_improvement_count = 0
    cdef bint infinity = False
    cdef int xnnz
    cdef double eta = 0.0
    cdef double p = 0.0
    cdef double update = 0.0
    cdef double intercept_update = 0.0
    cdef double sumloss = 0.0
    cdef double score = 0.0
    cdef double best_loss = INFINITY
    cdef double best_score = -INFINITY
    cdef double y = 0.0
    cdef double sample_weight
    cdef double class_weight = 1.0
    cdef unsigned int count = 0
    cdef unsigned int train_count = n_samples - np.sum(validation_mask)
    cdef unsigned int epoch = 0
    cdef unsigned int i = 0
    cdef int is_hinge = isinstance(loss, Hinge)
    cdef double optimal_init = 0.0
    cdef double dloss = 0.0
    cdef double MAX_DLOSS = 1e12

    cdef long long sample_index

    # q vector is only used for L1 regularization
    cdef double[::1] q = None
    cdef double * q_data_ptr = NULL
    if penalty_type == L1 or penalty_type == ELASTICNET:
        q = np.zeros((n_features,), dtype=np.float64, order="c")
        q_data_ptr = &q[0]
    cdef double u = 0.0

    if penalty_type == L2:
        l1_ratio = 0.0
    elif penalty_type == L1:
        l1_ratio = 1.0

    eta = eta0

    if learning_rate == OPTIMAL:
        typw = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sqrt(alpha))
        # computing eta0, the initial learning rate
        initial_eta0 = typw / max(1.0, loss.cy_gradient(1.0, -typw))
        # initialize t such that eta at first sample equals eta0
        optimal_init = 1.0 / (initial_eta0 * alpha)

    t_start = time()
    with nogil:
        for epoch in range(max_iter):
            sumloss = 0
            if verbose > 0:
                with gil:
                    print("-- Epoch %d" % (epoch + 1))
            if shuffle:
            for i in range(n_samples):
                dataset.next(&x_data_ptr, &x_ind_ptr, &xnnz,
                             &y, &sample_weight)

                sample_index = dataset.index_data_ptr[dataset.current_index]
                if validation_mask[sample_index]:
                    # do not learn on the validation set

                p = w.dot(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz) + intercept
                if learning_rate == OPTIMAL:
                    eta = 1.0 / (alpha * (optimal_init + t - 1))
                elif learning_rate == INVSCALING:
                    eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t)

                if verbose or not early_stopping:
                    sumloss += loss.cy_loss(y, p)

                if y > 0.0:
                    class_weight = weight_pos
                    class_weight = weight_neg

                if learning_rate == PA1:
                    update = sqnorm(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz)
                    if update == 0:
                    update = min(C, loss.cy_loss(y, p) / update)
                elif learning_rate == PA2:
                    update = sqnorm(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz)
                    update = loss.cy_loss(y, p) / (update + 0.5 / C)
                    dloss = loss.cy_gradient(y, p)
                    # clip dloss with large values to avoid numerical
                    # instabilities
                    if dloss < -MAX_DLOSS:
                        dloss = -MAX_DLOSS
                    elif dloss > MAX_DLOSS:
                        dloss = MAX_DLOSS
                    update = -eta * dloss

                if learning_rate >= PA1:
                    if is_hinge:
                        # classification
                        update *= y
                    elif y - p < 0:
                        # regression
                        update *= -1

                update *= class_weight * sample_weight

                if penalty_type >= L2:
                    # do not scale to negative values when eta or alpha are too
                    # big: instead set the weights to zero
                    w.scale(max(0, 1.0 - ((1.0 - l1_ratio) * eta * alpha)))

                if update != 0.0:
                    w.add(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz, update)
                if fit_intercept == 1:
                    intercept_update = update
                    if one_class:  # specific for One-Class SVM
                        intercept_update -= 2. * eta * alpha
                    if intercept_update != 0:
                        intercept += intercept_update * intercept_decay

                if 0 < average <= t:
                    # compute the average for the intercept and update the
                    # average weights, this is done regardless as to whether
                    # the update is 0

                    w.add_average(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz,
                                  update, (t - average + 1))
                    average_intercept += ((intercept - average_intercept) /
                                          (t - average + 1))

                if penalty_type == L1 or penalty_type == ELASTICNET:
                    u += (l1_ratio * eta * alpha)
                    l1penalty64(w, q_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz, u)

                t += 1
                count += 1

            # report epoch information
            if verbose > 0:
                with gil:
                    print("Norm: %.2f, NNZs: %d, Bias: %.6f, T: %d, "
                          "Avg. loss: %f"
                          % (w.norm(), np.nonzero(weights)[0].shape[0],
                             intercept, count, sumloss / train_count))
                    print("Total training time: %.2f seconds."
                          % (time() - t_start))

            # floating-point under-/overflow check.
            if (not isfinite(intercept) or any_nonfinite(weights)):
                infinity = True

            # evaluate the score on the validation set
            if early_stopping:
                with gil:
                    score = validation_score_cb(weights.base, intercept)
                if tol > -INFINITY and score < best_score + tol:
                    no_improvement_count += 1
                    no_improvement_count = 0
                if score > best_score:
                    best_score = score
            # or evaluate the loss on the training set
                if tol > -INFINITY and sumloss > best_loss - tol * train_count:
                    no_improvement_count += 1
                    no_improvement_count = 0
                if sumloss < best_loss:
                    best_loss = sumloss

            # if there is no improvement several times in a row
            if no_improvement_count >= n_iter_no_change:
                if learning_rate == ADAPTIVE and eta > 1e-6:
                    eta = eta / 5
                    no_improvement_count = 0
                    if verbose:
                        with gil:
                            print("Convergence after %d epochs took %.2f "
                                  "seconds" % (epoch + 1, time() - t_start))

    if infinity:
        raise ValueError(("Floating-point under-/overflow occurred at epoch"
                          " #%d. Scaling input data with StandardScaler or"
                          " MinMaxScaler might help.") % (epoch + 1))


    return (
        None if average_weights is None else average_weights.base,
        epoch + 1

def _plain_sgd32(
    const float[::1] weights,
    double intercept,
    const float[::1] average_weights,
    double average_intercept,
    CyLossFunction loss,
    int penalty_type,
    double alpha,
    double C,
    double l1_ratio,
    SequentialDataset32 dataset,
    const uint8_t[::1] validation_mask,
    bint early_stopping,
    int n_iter_no_change,
    unsigned int max_iter,
    double tol,
    int fit_intercept,
    int verbose,
    bint shuffle,
    uint32_t seed,
    double weight_pos,
    double weight_neg,
    int learning_rate,
    double eta0,
    double power_t,
    bint one_class,
    double t=1.0,
    double intercept_decay=1.0,
    int average=0,
    """SGD for generic loss functions and penalties with optional averaging

    weights : ndarray[float, ndim=1]
        The allocated vector of weights.
    intercept : double
        The initial intercept.
    average_weights : ndarray[float, ndim=1]
        The average weights as computed for ASGD. Should be None if average
        is 0.
    average_intercept : double
        The average intercept for ASGD. Should be 0 if average is 0.
    loss : CyLossFunction
        A concrete ``CyLossFunction`` object.
    penalty_type : int
        The penalty 2 for L2, 1 for L1, and 3 for Elastic-Net.
    alpha : float
        The regularization parameter.
    C : float
        Maximum step size for passive aggressive.
    l1_ratio : float
        The Elastic Net mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1.
        l1_ratio=0 corresponds to L2 penalty, l1_ratio=1 to L1.
    dataset : SequentialDataset
        A concrete ``SequentialDataset`` object.
    validation_mask : ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=1]
        Equal to True on the validation set.
    early_stopping : boolean
        Whether to use a stopping criterion based on the validation set.
    validation_score_cb : callable
        A callable to compute a validation score given the current
        coefficients and intercept values.
        Used only if early_stopping is True.
    n_iter_no_change : int
        Number of iteration with no improvement to wait before stopping.
    max_iter : int
        The maximum number of iterations (epochs).
    tol: double
        The tolerance for the stopping criterion.
    fit_intercept : int
        Whether or not to fit the intercept (1 or 0).
    verbose : int
        Print verbose output; 0 for quite.
    shuffle : boolean
        Whether to shuffle the training data before each epoch.
    weight_pos : float
        The weight of the positive class.
    weight_neg : float
        The weight of the negative class.
    seed : uint32_t
        Seed of the pseudorandom number generator used to shuffle the data.
    learning_rate : int
        The learning rate:
        (1) constant, eta = eta0
        (2) optimal, eta = 1.0/(alpha * t).
        (3) inverse scaling, eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t)
        (4) adaptive decrease
        (5) Passive Aggressive-I, eta = min(alpha, loss/norm(x))
        (6) Passive Aggressive-II, eta = 1.0 / (norm(x) + 0.5*alpha)
    eta0 : double
        The initial learning rate.
    power_t : double
        The exponent for inverse scaling learning rate.
    one_class : boolean
        Whether to solve the One-Class SVM optimization problem.
    t : double
        Initial state of the learning rate. This value is equal to the
        iteration count except when the learning rate is set to `optimal`.
        Default: 1.0.
    average : int
        The number of iterations before averaging starts. average=1 is
        equivalent to averaging for all iterations.

    weights : array, shape=[n_features]
        The fitted weight vector.
    intercept : float
        The fitted intercept term.
    average_weights : array shape=[n_features]
        The averaged weights across iterations. Values are valid only if
        average > 0.
    average_intercept : float
        The averaged intercept across iterations.
        Values are valid only if average > 0.
    n_iter_ : int
        The actual number of iter (epochs).

    # get the data information into easy vars
    cdef Py_ssize_t n_samples = dataset.n_samples
    cdef Py_ssize_t n_features = weights.shape[0]

    cdef WeightVector32 w = WeightVector32(weights, average_weights)
    cdef float *x_data_ptr = NULL
    cdef int *x_ind_ptr = NULL

    # helper variables
    cdef int no_improvement_count = 0
    cdef bint infinity = False
    cdef int xnnz
    cdef double eta = 0.0
    cdef double p = 0.0
    cdef double update = 0.0
    cdef double intercept_update = 0.0
    cdef double sumloss = 0.0
    cdef double score = 0.0
    cdef double best_loss = INFINITY
    cdef double best_score = -INFINITY
    cdef float y = 0.0
    cdef float sample_weight
    cdef float class_weight = 1.0
    cdef unsigned int count = 0
    cdef unsigned int train_count = n_samples - np.sum(validation_mask)
    cdef unsigned int epoch = 0
    cdef unsigned int i = 0
    cdef int is_hinge = isinstance(loss, Hinge)
    cdef double optimal_init = 0.0
    cdef double dloss = 0.0
    cdef double MAX_DLOSS = 1e12

    cdef long long sample_index

    # q vector is only used for L1 regularization
    cdef float[::1] q = None
    cdef float * q_data_ptr = NULL
    if penalty_type == L1 or penalty_type == ELASTICNET:
        q = np.zeros((n_features,), dtype=np.float32, order="c")
        q_data_ptr = &q[0]
    cdef double u = 0.0

    if penalty_type == L2:
        l1_ratio = 0.0
    elif penalty_type == L1:
        l1_ratio = 1.0

    eta = eta0

    if learning_rate == OPTIMAL:
        typw = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sqrt(alpha))
        # computing eta0, the initial learning rate
        initial_eta0 = typw / max(1.0, loss.cy_gradient(1.0, -typw))
        # initialize t such that eta at first sample equals eta0
        optimal_init = 1.0 / (initial_eta0 * alpha)

    t_start = time()
    with nogil:
        for epoch in range(max_iter):
            sumloss = 0
            if verbose > 0:
                with gil:
                    print("-- Epoch %d" % (epoch + 1))
            if shuffle:
            for i in range(n_samples):
                dataset.next(&x_data_ptr, &x_ind_ptr, &xnnz,
                             &y, &sample_weight)

                sample_index = dataset.index_data_ptr[dataset.current_index]
                if validation_mask[sample_index]:
                    # do not learn on the validation set

                p = w.dot(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz) + intercept
                if learning_rate == OPTIMAL:
                    eta = 1.0 / (alpha * (optimal_init + t - 1))
                elif learning_rate == INVSCALING:
                    eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t)

                if verbose or not early_stopping:
                    sumloss += loss.cy_loss(y, p)

                if y > 0.0:
                    class_weight = weight_pos
                    class_weight = weight_neg

                if learning_rate == PA1:
                    update = sqnorm(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz)
                    if update == 0:
                    update = min(C, loss.cy_loss(y, p) / update)
                elif learning_rate == PA2:
                    update = sqnorm(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz)
                    update = loss.cy_loss(y, p) / (update + 0.5 / C)
                    dloss = loss.cy_gradient(y, p)
                    # clip dloss with large values to avoid numerical
                    # instabilities
                    if dloss < -MAX_DLOSS:
                        dloss = -MAX_DLOSS
                    elif dloss > MAX_DLOSS:
                        dloss = MAX_DLOSS
                    update = -eta * dloss

                if learning_rate >= PA1:
                    if is_hinge:
                        # classification
                        update *= y
                    elif y - p < 0:
                        # regression
                        update *= -1

                update *= class_weight * sample_weight

                if penalty_type >= L2:
                    # do not scale to negative values when eta or alpha are too
                    # big: instead set the weights to zero
                    w.scale(max(0, 1.0 - ((1.0 - l1_ratio) * eta * alpha)))

                if update != 0.0:
                    w.add(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz, update)
                if fit_intercept == 1:
                    intercept_update = update
                    if one_class:  # specific for One-Class SVM
                        intercept_update -= 2. * eta * alpha
                    if intercept_update != 0:
                        intercept += intercept_update * intercept_decay

                if 0 < average <= t:
                    # compute the average for the intercept and update the
                    # average weights, this is done regardless as to whether
                    # the update is 0

                    w.add_average(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz,
                                  update, (t - average + 1))
                    average_intercept += ((intercept - average_intercept) /
                                          (t - average + 1))

                if penalty_type == L1 or penalty_type == ELASTICNET:
                    u += (l1_ratio * eta * alpha)
                    l1penalty32(w, q_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz, u)

                t += 1
                count += 1

            # report epoch information
            if verbose > 0:
                with gil:
                    print("Norm: %.2f, NNZs: %d, Bias: %.6f, T: %d, "
                          "Avg. loss: %f"
                          % (w.norm(), np.nonzero(weights)[0].shape[0],
                             intercept, count, sumloss / train_count))
                    print("Total training time: %.2f seconds."
                          % (time() - t_start))

            # floating-point under-/overflow check.
            if (not isfinite(intercept) or any_nonfinite(weights)):
                infinity = True

            # evaluate the score on the validation set
            if early_stopping:
                with gil:
                    score = validation_score_cb(weights.base, intercept)
                if tol > -INFINITY and score < best_score + tol:
                    no_improvement_count += 1
                    no_improvement_count = 0
                if score > best_score:
                    best_score = score
            # or evaluate the loss on the training set
                if tol > -INFINITY and sumloss > best_loss - tol * train_count:
                    no_improvement_count += 1
                    no_improvement_count = 0
                if sumloss < best_loss:
                    best_loss = sumloss

            # if there is no improvement several times in a row
            if no_improvement_count >= n_iter_no_change:
                if learning_rate == ADAPTIVE and eta > 1e-6:
                    eta = eta / 5
                    no_improvement_count = 0
                    if verbose:
                        with gil:
                            print("Convergence after %d epochs took %.2f "
                                  "seconds" % (epoch + 1, time() - t_start))

    if infinity:
        raise ValueError(("Floating-point under-/overflow occurred at epoch"
                          " #%d. Scaling input data with StandardScaler or"
                          " MinMaxScaler might help.") % (epoch + 1))


    return (
        None if average_weights is None else average_weights.base,
        epoch + 1

cdef inline bint any_nonfinite(const floating[::1] w) noexcept nogil:
    for i in range(w.shape[0]):
        if not isfinite(w[i]):
            return True
    return 0

cdef inline double sqnorm(
    floating * x_data_ptr,
    int * x_ind_ptr,
    int xnnz,
) noexcept nogil:
    cdef double x_norm = 0.0
    cdef int j
    cdef double z
    for j in range(xnnz):
        z = x_data_ptr[j]
        x_norm += z * z
    return x_norm

cdef void l1penalty64(
    WeightVector64 w,
    double * q_data_ptr,
    int *x_ind_ptr,
    int xnnz,
    double u,
) noexcept nogil:
    """Apply the L1 penalty to each updated feature

    This implements the truncated gradient approach by
    [Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J., and Ananiadou, S., 2009].
    cdef double z = 0.0
    cdef int j = 0
    cdef int idx = 0
    cdef double wscale = w.wscale
    cdef double *w_data_ptr = w.w_data_ptr
    for j in range(xnnz):
        idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
        z = w_data_ptr[idx]
        if wscale * z > 0.0:
            w_data_ptr[idx] = max(
                0.0, w_data_ptr[idx] - ((u + q_data_ptr[idx]) / wscale))

        elif wscale * z < 0.0:
            w_data_ptr[idx] = min(
                0.0, w_data_ptr[idx] + ((u - q_data_ptr[idx]) / wscale))

        q_data_ptr[idx] += wscale * (w_data_ptr[idx] - z)

cdef void l1penalty32(
    WeightVector32 w,
    float * q_data_ptr,
    int *x_ind_ptr,
    int xnnz,
    double u,
) noexcept nogil:
    """Apply the L1 penalty to each updated feature

    This implements the truncated gradient approach by
    [Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J., and Ananiadou, S., 2009].
    cdef double z = 0.0
    cdef int j = 0
    cdef int idx = 0
    cdef double wscale = w.wscale
    cdef float *w_data_ptr = w.w_data_ptr
    for j in range(xnnz):
        idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
        z = w_data_ptr[idx]
        if wscale * z > 0.0:
            w_data_ptr[idx] = max(
                0.0, w_data_ptr[idx] - ((u + q_data_ptr[idx]) / wscale))

        elif wscale * z < 0.0:
            w_data_ptr[idx] = min(
                0.0, w_data_ptr[idx] + ((u - q_data_ptr[idx]) / wscale))

        q_data_ptr[idx] += wscale * (w_data_ptr[idx] - z)


# cython: binding=False
# Authors: The scikit-learn developers
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

cimport cython
from libc.limits cimport INT_MAX
from libc.math cimport sqrt

from ._cython_blas cimport _dot, _scal, _axpy

cdef class WeightVector64(object):
    """Dense vector represented by a scalar and a numpy array.

    The class provides methods to ``add`` a sparse vector
    and scale the vector.
    Representing a vector explicitly as a scalar times a
    vector allows for efficient scaling operations.

    w : ndarray, dtype=double, order='C'
        The numpy array which backs the weight vector.
    aw : ndarray, dtype=double, order='C'
        The numpy array which backs the average_weight vector.
    w_data_ptr : double*
        A pointer to the data of the numpy array.
    wscale : double
        The scale of the vector.
    n_features : int
        The number of features (= dimensionality of ``w``).
    sq_norm : double
        The squared norm of ``w``.

    def __cinit__(self,
                  double[::1] w,
                  double[::1] aw):

        if w.shape[0] > INT_MAX:
            raise ValueError("More than %d features not supported; got %d."
                             % (INT_MAX, w.shape[0]))
        self.w = w
        self.w_data_ptr = &w[0]
        self.wscale = 1.0
        self.n_features = w.shape[0]
        self.sq_norm = _dot(self.n_features, self.w_data_ptr, 1, self.w_data_ptr, 1)

        self.aw = aw
        if self.aw is not None:
            self.aw_data_ptr = &aw[0]
            self.average_a = 0.0
            self.average_b = 1.0

    cdef void add(self, double *x_data_ptr, int *x_ind_ptr, int xnnz,
                  double c) noexcept nogil:
        """Scales sample x by constant c and adds it to the weight vector.

        This operation updates ``sq_norm``.

        x_data_ptr : double*
            The array which holds the feature values of ``x``.
        x_ind_ptr : np.intc*
            The array which holds the feature indices of ``x``.
        xnnz : int
            The number of non-zero features of ``x``.
        c : double
            The scaling constant for the example.
        cdef int j
        cdef int idx
        cdef double val
        cdef double innerprod = 0.0
        cdef double xsqnorm = 0.0

        # the next two lines save a factor of 2!
        cdef double wscale = self.wscale
        cdef double* w_data_ptr = self.w_data_ptr

        for j in range(xnnz):
            idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
            val = x_data_ptr[j]
            innerprod += (w_data_ptr[idx] * val)
            xsqnorm += (val * val)
            w_data_ptr[idx] += val * (c / wscale)

        self.sq_norm += (xsqnorm * c * c) + (2.0 * innerprod * wscale * c)

    # Update the average weights according to the sparse trick defined
    # here: https://research.microsoft.com/pubs/192769/tricks-2012.pdf
    # by Leon Bottou
    cdef void add_average(self, double *x_data_ptr, int *x_ind_ptr, int xnnz,
                          double c, double num_iter) noexcept nogil:
        """Updates the average weight vector.

        x_data_ptr : double*
            The array which holds the feature values of ``x``.
        x_ind_ptr : np.intc*
            The array which holds the feature indices of ``x``.
        xnnz : int
            The number of non-zero features of ``x``.
        c : double
            The scaling constant for the example.
        num_iter : double
            The total number of iterations.
        cdef int j
        cdef int idx
        cdef double val
        cdef double mu = 1.0 / num_iter
        cdef double average_a = self.average_a
        cdef double wscale = self.wscale
        cdef double* aw_data_ptr = self.aw_data_ptr

        for j in range(xnnz):
            idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
            val = x_data_ptr[j]
            aw_data_ptr[idx] += (self.average_a * val * (-c / wscale))

        # Once the sample has been processed
        # update the average_a and average_b
        if num_iter > 1:
            self.average_b /= (1.0 - mu)
        self.average_a += mu * self.average_b * wscale

    cdef double dot(self, double *x_data_ptr, int *x_ind_ptr,
                    int xnnz) noexcept nogil:
        """Computes the dot product of a sample x and the weight vector.

        x_data_ptr : double*
            The array which holds the feature values of ``x``.
        x_ind_ptr : np.intc*
            The array which holds the feature indices of ``x``.
        xnnz : int
            The number of non-zero features of ``x`` (length of x_ind_ptr).

        innerprod : double
            The inner product of ``x`` and ``w``.
        cdef int j
        cdef int idx
        cdef double innerprod = 0.0
        cdef double* w_data_ptr = self.w_data_ptr
        for j in range(xnnz):
            idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
            innerprod += w_data_ptr[idx] * x_data_ptr[j]
        innerprod *= self.wscale
        return innerprod

    cdef void scale(self, double c) noexcept nogil:
        """Scales the weight vector by a constant ``c``.

        It updates ``wscale`` and ``sq_norm``. If ``wscale`` gets too
        small we call ``reset_swcale``."""
        self.wscale *= c
        self.sq_norm *= (c * c)

        if self.wscale < 1e-09:

    cdef void reset_wscale(self) noexcept nogil:
        """Scales each coef of ``w`` by ``wscale`` and resets it to 1. """
        if self.aw_data_ptr != NULL:
            _axpy(self.n_features, self.average_a,
                  self.w_data_ptr, 1, self.aw_data_ptr, 1)
            _scal(self.n_features, 1.0 / self.average_b, self.aw_data_ptr, 1)
            self.average_a = 0.0
            self.average_b = 1.0

        _scal(self.n_features, self.wscale, self.w_data_ptr, 1)
        self.wscale = 1.0

    cdef double norm(self) noexcept nogil:
        """The L2 norm of the weight vector. """
        return sqrt(self.sq_norm)

cdef class WeightVector32(object):
    """Dense vector represented by a scalar and a numpy array.

    The class provides methods to ``add`` a sparse vector
    and scale the vector.
    Representing a vector explicitly as a scalar times a
    vector allows for efficient scaling operations.

    w : ndarray, dtype=float, order='C'
        The numpy array which backs the weight vector.
    aw : ndarray, dtype=float, order='C'
        The numpy array which backs the average_weight vector.
    w_data_ptr : float*
        A pointer to the data of the numpy array.
    wscale : float
        The scale of the vector.
    n_features : int
        The number of features (= dimensionality of ``w``).
    sq_norm : float
        The squared norm of ``w``.

    def __cinit__(self,
                  float[::1] w,
                  float[::1] aw):

        if w.shape[0] > INT_MAX:
            raise ValueError("More than %d features not supported; got %d."
                             % (INT_MAX, w.shape[0]))
        self.w = w
        self.w_data_ptr = &w[0]
        self.wscale = 1.0
        self.n_features = w.shape[0]
        self.sq_norm = _dot(self.n_features, self.w_data_ptr, 1, self.w_data_ptr, 1)

        self.aw = aw
        if self.aw is not None:
            self.aw_data_ptr = &aw[0]
            self.average_a = 0.0
            self.average_b = 1.0

    cdef void add(self, float *x_data_ptr, int *x_ind_ptr, int xnnz,
                  float c) noexcept nogil:
        """Scales sample x by constant c and adds it to the weight vector.

        This operation updates ``sq_norm``.

        x_data_ptr : float*
            The array which holds the feature values of ``x``.
        x_ind_ptr : np.intc*
            The array which holds the feature indices of ``x``.
        xnnz : int
            The number of non-zero features of ``x``.
        c : float
            The scaling constant for the example.
        cdef int j
        cdef int idx
        cdef double val
        cdef double innerprod = 0.0
        cdef double xsqnorm = 0.0

        # the next two lines save a factor of 2!
        cdef float wscale = self.wscale
        cdef float* w_data_ptr = self.w_data_ptr

        for j in range(xnnz):
            idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
            val = x_data_ptr[j]
            innerprod += (w_data_ptr[idx] * val)
            xsqnorm += (val * val)
            w_data_ptr[idx] += val * (c / wscale)

        self.sq_norm += (xsqnorm * c * c) + (2.0 * innerprod * wscale * c)

    # Update the average weights according to the sparse trick defined
    # here: https://research.microsoft.com/pubs/192769/tricks-2012.pdf
    # by Leon Bottou
    cdef void add_average(self, float *x_data_ptr, int *x_ind_ptr, int xnnz,
                          float c, float num_iter) noexcept nogil:
        """Updates the average weight vector.

        x_data_ptr : float*
            The array which holds the feature values of ``x``.
        x_ind_ptr : np.intc*
            The array which holds the feature indices of ``x``.
        xnnz : int
            The number of non-zero features of ``x``.
        c : float
            The scaling constant for the example.
        num_iter : float
            The total number of iterations.
        cdef int j
        cdef int idx
        cdef double val
        cdef double mu = 1.0 / num_iter
        cdef double average_a = self.average_a
        cdef double wscale = self.wscale
        cdef float* aw_data_ptr = self.aw_data_ptr

        for j in range(xnnz):
            idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
            val = x_data_ptr[j]
            aw_data_ptr[idx] += (self.average_a * val * (-c / wscale))

        # Once the sample has been processed
        # update the average_a and average_b
        if num_iter > 1:
            self.average_b /= (1.0 - mu)
        self.average_a += mu * self.average_b * wscale

    cdef float dot(self, float *x_data_ptr, int *x_ind_ptr,
                    int xnnz) noexcept nogil:
        """Computes the dot product of a sample x and the weight vector.

        x_data_ptr : float*
            The array which holds the feature values of ``x``.
        x_ind_ptr : np.intc*
            The array which holds the feature indices of ``x``.
        xnnz : int
            The number of non-zero features of ``x`` (length of x_ind_ptr).

        innerprod : float
            The inner product of ``x`` and ``w``.
        cdef int j
        cdef int idx
        cdef double innerprod = 0.0
        cdef float* w_data_ptr = self.w_data_ptr
        for j in range(xnnz):
            idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
            innerprod += w_data_ptr[idx] * x_data_ptr[j]
        innerprod *= self.wscale
        return innerprod

    cdef void scale(self, float c) noexcept nogil:
        """Scales the weight vector by a constant ``c``.

        It updates ``wscale`` and ``sq_norm``. If ``wscale`` gets too
        small we call ``reset_swcale``."""
        self.wscale *= c
        self.sq_norm *= (c * c)

        if self.wscale < 1e-06:

    cdef void reset_wscale(self) noexcept nogil:
        """Scales each coef of ``w`` by ``wscale`` and resets it to 1. """
        if self.aw_data_ptr != NULL:
            _axpy(self.n_features, self.average_a,
                  self.w_data_ptr, 1, self.aw_data_ptr, 1)
            _scal(self.n_features, 1.0 / self.average_b, self.aw_data_ptr, 1)
            self.average_a = 0.0
            self.average_b = 1.0

        _scal(self.n_features, self.wscale, self.w_data_ptr, 1)
        self.wscale = 1.0

    cdef float norm(self) noexcept nogil:
        """The L2 norm of the weight vector. """
        return sqrt(self.sq_norm)


"""Dataset abstractions for sequential data access."""

import numpy as np

cimport cython
from libc.limits cimport INT_MAX

from ._random cimport our_rand_r
from ._typedefs cimport float32_t, float64_t, uint32_t


cdef class SequentialDataset64:
    """Base class for datasets with sequential data access.

    SequentialDataset is used to iterate over the rows of a matrix X and
    corresponding target values y, i.e. to iterate over samples.
    There are two methods to get the next sample:
        - next : Iterate sequentially (optionally randomized)
        - random : Iterate randomly (with replacement)

    index : np.ndarray
        Index array for fast shuffling.

    index_data_ptr : int
        Pointer to the index array.

    current_index : int
        Index of current sample in ``index``.
        The index of current sample in the data is given by

    n_samples : Py_ssize_t
        Number of samples in the dataset.

    seed : uint32_t
        Seed used for random sampling. This attribute is modified at each call to the
        `random` method.

    cdef void next(self, float64_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                   int *nnz, float64_t *y, float64_t *sample_weight) noexcept nogil:
        """Get the next example ``x`` from the dataset.

        This method gets the next sample looping sequentially over all samples.
        The order can be shuffled with the method ``shuffle``.
        Shuffling once before iterating over all samples corresponds to a
        random draw without replacement. It is used for instance in SGD solver.

        x_data_ptr : float64_t**
            A pointer to the float64_t array which holds the feature
            values of the next example.

        x_ind_ptr : np.intc**
            A pointer to the int array which holds the feature
            indices of the next example.

        nnz : int*
            A pointer to an int holding the number of non-zero
            values of the next example.

        y : float64_t*
            The target value of the next example.

        sample_weight : float64_t*
            The weight of the next example.
        cdef int current_index = self._get_next_index()
        self._sample(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, nnz, y, sample_weight,

    cdef int random(self, float64_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                    int *nnz, float64_t *y, float64_t *sample_weight) noexcept nogil:
        """Get a random example ``x`` from the dataset.

        This method gets next sample chosen randomly over a uniform
        distribution. It corresponds to a random draw with replacement.
        It is used for instance in SAG solver.

        x_data_ptr : float64_t**
            A pointer to the float64_t array which holds the feature
            values of the next example.

        x_ind_ptr : np.intc**
            A pointer to the int array which holds the feature
            indices of the next example.

        nnz : int*
            A pointer to an int holding the number of non-zero
            values of the next example.

        y : float64_t*
            The target value of the next example.

        sample_weight : float64_t*
            The weight of the next example.

        current_index : int
            Index of current sample.
        cdef int current_index = self._get_random_index()
        self._sample(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, nnz, y, sample_weight,
        return current_index

    cdef void shuffle(self, uint32_t seed) noexcept nogil:
        """Permutes the ordering of examples."""
        # Fisher-Yates shuffle
        cdef int *ind = self.index_data_ptr
        cdef int n = self.n_samples
        cdef unsigned i, j
        for i in range(n - 1):
            j = i + our_rand_r(&seed) % (n - i)
            ind[i], ind[j] = ind[j], ind[i]

    cdef int _get_next_index(self) noexcept nogil:
        cdef int current_index = self.current_index
        if current_index >= (self.n_samples - 1):
            current_index = -1

        current_index += 1
        self.current_index = current_index
        return self.current_index

    cdef int _get_random_index(self) noexcept nogil:
        cdef int n = self.n_samples
        cdef int current_index = our_rand_r(&self.seed) % n
        self.current_index = current_index
        return current_index

    cdef void _sample(self, float64_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                      int *nnz, float64_t *y, float64_t *sample_weight,
                      int current_index) noexcept nogil:

    def _shuffle_py(self, uint32_t seed):
        """python function used for easy testing"""

    def _next_py(self):
        """python function used for easy testing"""
        cdef int current_index = self._get_next_index()
        return self._sample_py(current_index)

    def _random_py(self):
        """python function used for easy testing"""
        cdef int current_index = self._get_random_index()
        return self._sample_py(current_index)

    def _sample_py(self, int current_index):
        """python function used for easy testing"""
        cdef float64_t* x_data_ptr
        cdef int* x_indices_ptr
        cdef int nnz, j
        cdef float64_t y, sample_weight

        # call _sample in cython
        self._sample(&x_data_ptr, &x_indices_ptr, &nnz, &y, &sample_weight,

        # transform the pointed data in numpy CSR array
        cdef float64_t[:] x_data = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.float64)
        cdef int[:] x_indices = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.int32)
        cdef int[:] x_indptr = np.asarray([0, nnz], dtype=np.int32)

        for j in range(nnz):
            x_data[j] = x_data_ptr[j]
            x_indices[j] = x_indices_ptr[j]

        cdef int sample_idx = self.index_data_ptr[current_index]

        return (
            (np.asarray(x_data), np.asarray(x_indices), np.asarray(x_indptr)),

cdef class ArrayDataset64(SequentialDataset64):
    """Dataset backed by a two-dimensional numpy array.

    The dtype of the numpy array is expected to be ``np.float64`` (float64_t)
    and C-style memory layout.

    def __cinit__(
        const float64_t[:, ::1] X,
        const float64_t[::1] Y,
        const float64_t[::1] sample_weights,
        uint32_t seed=1,
        """A ``SequentialDataset`` backed by a two-dimensional numpy array.

        X : ndarray, dtype=float64_t, ndim=2, mode='c'
            The sample array, of shape(n_samples, n_features)

        Y : ndarray, dtype=float64_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The target array, of shape(n_samples, )

        sample_weights : ndarray, dtype=float64_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The weight of each sample, of shape(n_samples,)
        if X.shape[0] > INT_MAX or X.shape[1] > INT_MAX:
            raise ValueError("More than %d samples or features not supported;"
                             " got (%d, %d)."
                             % (INT_MAX, X.shape[0], X.shape[1]))

        # keep a reference to the data to prevent garbage collection
        self.X = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.sample_weights = sample_weights

        self.n_samples = X.shape[0]
        self.n_features = X.shape[1]

        self.feature_indices = np.arange(0, self.n_features, dtype=np.intc)
        self.feature_indices_ptr = <int *> &self.feature_indices[0]

        self.current_index = -1
        self.X_stride = X.strides[0] // X.itemsize
        self.X_data_ptr = <float64_t *> &X[0, 0]
        self.Y_data_ptr = <float64_t *> &Y[0]
        self.sample_weight_data = <float64_t *> &sample_weights[0]

        # Use index array for fast shuffling
        self.index = np.arange(0, self.n_samples, dtype=np.intc)
        self.index_data_ptr = <int *> &self.index[0]
        # seed should not be 0 for our_rand_r
        self.seed = max(seed, 1)

    cdef void _sample(self, float64_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                      int *nnz, float64_t *y, float64_t *sample_weight,
                      int current_index) noexcept nogil:
        cdef long long sample_idx = self.index_data_ptr[current_index]
        cdef long long offset = sample_idx * self.X_stride

        y[0] = self.Y_data_ptr[sample_idx]
        x_data_ptr[0] = self.X_data_ptr + offset
        x_ind_ptr[0] = self.feature_indices_ptr
        nnz[0] = self.n_features
        sample_weight[0] = self.sample_weight_data[sample_idx]

cdef class CSRDataset64(SequentialDataset64):
    """A ``SequentialDataset`` backed by a scipy sparse CSR matrix. """

    def __cinit__(
        const float64_t[::1] X_data,
        const int[::1] X_indptr,
        const int[::1] X_indices,
        const float64_t[::1] Y,
        const float64_t[::1] sample_weights,
        uint32_t seed=1,
        """Dataset backed by a scipy sparse CSR matrix.

        The feature indices of ``x`` are given by x_ind_ptr[0:nnz].
        The corresponding feature values are given by

        X_data : ndarray, dtype=float64_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The data array of the CSR features matrix.

        X_indptr : ndarray, dtype=np.intc, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The index pointer array of the CSR features matrix.

        X_indices : ndarray, dtype=np.intc, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The column indices array of the CSR features matrix.

        Y : ndarray, dtype=float64_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The target values.

        sample_weights : ndarray, dtype=float64_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The weight of each sample.
        # keep a reference to the data to prevent garbage collection
        self.X_data = X_data
        self.X_indptr = X_indptr
        self.X_indices = X_indices
        self.Y = Y
        self.sample_weights = sample_weights

        self.n_samples = Y.shape[0]
        self.current_index = -1
        self.X_data_ptr = <float64_t *> &X_data[0]
        self.X_indptr_ptr = <int *> &X_indptr[0]
        self.X_indices_ptr = <int *> &X_indices[0]

        self.Y_data_ptr = <float64_t *> &Y[0]
        self.sample_weight_data = <float64_t *> &sample_weights[0]

        # Use index array for fast shuffling
        self.index = np.arange(self.n_samples, dtype=np.intc)
        self.index_data_ptr = <int *> &self.index[0]
        # seed should not be 0 for our_rand_r
        self.seed = max(seed, 1)

    cdef void _sample(self, float64_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                      int *nnz, float64_t *y, float64_t *sample_weight,
                      int current_index) noexcept nogil:
        cdef long long sample_idx = self.index_data_ptr[current_index]
        cdef long long offset = self.X_indptr_ptr[sample_idx]
        y[0] = self.Y_data_ptr[sample_idx]
        x_data_ptr[0] = self.X_data_ptr + offset
        x_ind_ptr[0] = self.X_indices_ptr + offset
        nnz[0] = self.X_indptr_ptr[sample_idx + 1] - offset
        sample_weight[0] = self.sample_weight_data[sample_idx]


cdef class SequentialDataset32:
    """Base class for datasets with sequential data access.

    SequentialDataset is used to iterate over the rows of a matrix X and
    corresponding target values y, i.e. to iterate over samples.
    There are two methods to get the next sample:
        - next : Iterate sequentially (optionally randomized)
        - random : Iterate randomly (with replacement)

    index : np.ndarray
        Index array for fast shuffling.

    index_data_ptr : int
        Pointer to the index array.

    current_index : int
        Index of current sample in ``index``.
        The index of current sample in the data is given by

    n_samples : Py_ssize_t
        Number of samples in the dataset.

    seed : uint32_t
        Seed used for random sampling. This attribute is modified at each call to the
        `random` method.

    cdef void next(self, float32_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                   int *nnz, float32_t *y, float32_t *sample_weight) noexcept nogil:
        """Get the next example ``x`` from the dataset.

        This method gets the next sample looping sequentially over all samples.
        The order can be shuffled with the method ``shuffle``.
        Shuffling once before iterating over all samples corresponds to a
        random draw without replacement. It is used for instance in SGD solver.

        x_data_ptr : float32_t**
            A pointer to the float32_t array which holds the feature
            values of the next example.

        x_ind_ptr : np.intc**
            A pointer to the int array which holds the feature
            indices of the next example.

        nnz : int*
            A pointer to an int holding the number of non-zero
            values of the next example.

        y : float32_t*
            The target value of the next example.

        sample_weight : float32_t*
            The weight of the next example.
        cdef int current_index = self._get_next_index()
        self._sample(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, nnz, y, sample_weight,

    cdef int random(self, float32_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                    int *nnz, float32_t *y, float32_t *sample_weight) noexcept nogil:
        """Get a random example ``x`` from the dataset.

        This method gets next sample chosen randomly over a uniform
        distribution. It corresponds to a random draw with replacement.
        It is used for instance in SAG solver.

        x_data_ptr : float32_t**
            A pointer to the float32_t array which holds the feature
            values of the next example.

        x_ind_ptr : np.intc**
            A pointer to the int array which holds the feature
            indices of the next example.

        nnz : int*
            A pointer to an int holding the number of non-zero
            values of the next example.

        y : float32_t*
            The target value of the next example.

        sample_weight : float32_t*
            The weight of the next example.

        current_index : int
            Index of current sample.
        cdef int current_index = self._get_random_index()
        self._sample(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, nnz, y, sample_weight,
        return current_index

    cdef void shuffle(self, uint32_t seed) noexcept nogil:
        """Permutes the ordering of examples."""
        # Fisher-Yates shuffle
        cdef int *ind = self.index_data_ptr
        cdef int n = self.n_samples
        cdef unsigned i, j
        for i in range(n - 1):
            j = i + our_rand_r(&seed) % (n - i)
            ind[i], ind[j] = ind[j], ind[i]

    cdef int _get_next_index(self) noexcept nogil:
        cdef int current_index = self.current_index
        if current_index >= (self.n_samples - 1):
            current_index = -1

        current_index += 1
        self.current_index = current_index
        return self.current_index

    cdef int _get_random_index(self) noexcept nogil:
        cdef int n = self.n_samples
        cdef int current_index = our_rand_r(&self.seed) % n
        self.current_index = current_index
        return current_index

    cdef void _sample(self, float32_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                      int *nnz, float32_t *y, float32_t *sample_weight,
                      int current_index) noexcept nogil:

    def _shuffle_py(self, uint32_t seed):
        """python function used for easy testing"""

    def _next_py(self):
        """python function used for easy testing"""
        cdef int current_index = self._get_next_index()
        return self._sample_py(current_index)

    def _random_py(self):
        """python function used for easy testing"""
        cdef int current_index = self._get_random_index()
        return self._sample_py(current_index)

    def _sample_py(self, int current_index):
        """python function used for easy testing"""
        cdef float32_t* x_data_ptr
        cdef int* x_indices_ptr
        cdef int nnz, j
        cdef float32_t y, sample_weight

        # call _sample in cython
        self._sample(&x_data_ptr, &x_indices_ptr, &nnz, &y, &sample_weight,

        # transform the pointed data in numpy CSR array
        cdef float32_t[:] x_data = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.float32)
        cdef int[:] x_indices = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.int32)
        cdef int[:] x_indptr = np.asarray([0, nnz], dtype=np.int32)

        for j in range(nnz):
            x_data[j] = x_data_ptr[j]
            x_indices[j] = x_indices_ptr[j]

        cdef int sample_idx = self.index_data_ptr[current_index]

        return (
            (np.asarray(x_data), np.asarray(x_indices), np.asarray(x_indptr)),

cdef class ArrayDataset32(SequentialDataset32):
    """Dataset backed by a two-dimensional numpy array.

    The dtype of the numpy array is expected to be ``np.float32`` (float32_t)
    and C-style memory layout.

    def __cinit__(
        const float32_t[:, ::1] X,
        const float32_t[::1] Y,
        const float32_t[::1] sample_weights,
        uint32_t seed=1,
        """A ``SequentialDataset`` backed by a two-dimensional numpy array.

        X : ndarray, dtype=float32_t, ndim=2, mode='c'
            The sample array, of shape(n_samples, n_features)

        Y : ndarray, dtype=float32_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The target array, of shape(n_samples, )

        sample_weights : ndarray, dtype=float32_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The weight of each sample, of shape(n_samples,)
        if X.shape[0] > INT_MAX or X.shape[1] > INT_MAX:
            raise ValueError("More than %d samples or features not supported;"
                             " got (%d, %d)."
                             % (INT_MAX, X.shape[0], X.shape[1]))

        # keep a reference to the data to prevent garbage collection
        self.X = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.sample_weights = sample_weights

        self.n_samples = X.shape[0]
        self.n_features = X.shape[1]

        self.feature_indices = np.arange(0, self.n_features, dtype=np.intc)
        self.feature_indices_ptr = <int *> &self.feature_indices[0]

        self.current_index = -1
        self.X_stride = X.strides[0] // X.itemsize
        self.X_data_ptr = <float32_t *> &X[0, 0]
        self.Y_data_ptr = <float32_t *> &Y[0]
        self.sample_weight_data = <float32_t *> &sample_weights[0]

        # Use index array for fast shuffling
        self.index = np.arange(0, self.n_samples, dtype=np.intc)
        self.index_data_ptr = <int *> &self.index[0]
        # seed should not be 0 for our_rand_r
        self.seed = max(seed, 1)

    cdef void _sample(self, float32_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                      int *nnz, float32_t *y, float32_t *sample_weight,
                      int current_index) noexcept nogil:
        cdef long long sample_idx = self.index_data_ptr[current_index]
        cdef long long offset = sample_idx * self.X_stride

        y[0] = self.Y_data_ptr[sample_idx]
        x_data_ptr[0] = self.X_data_ptr + offset
        x_ind_ptr[0] = self.feature_indices_ptr
        nnz[0] = self.n_features
        sample_weight[0] = self.sample_weight_data[sample_idx]

cdef class CSRDataset32(SequentialDataset32):
    """A ``SequentialDataset`` backed by a scipy sparse CSR matrix. """

    def __cinit__(
        const float32_t[::1] X_data,
        const int[::1] X_indptr,
        const int[::1] X_indices,
        const float32_t[::1] Y,
        const float32_t[::1] sample_weights,
        uint32_t seed=1,
        """Dataset backed by a scipy sparse CSR matrix.

        The feature indices of ``x`` are given by x_ind_ptr[0:nnz].
        The corresponding feature values are given by

        X_data : ndarray, dtype=float32_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The data array of the CSR features matrix.

        X_indptr : ndarray, dtype=np.intc, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The index pointer array of the CSR features matrix.

        X_indices : ndarray, dtype=np.intc, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The column indices array of the CSR features matrix.

        Y : ndarray, dtype=float32_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The target values.

        sample_weights : ndarray, dtype=float32_t, ndim=1, mode='c'
            The weight of each sample.
        # keep a reference to the data to prevent garbage collection
        self.X_data = X_data
        self.X_indptr = X_indptr
        self.X_indices = X_indices
        self.Y = Y
        self.sample_weights = sample_weights

        self.n_samples = Y.shape[0]
        self.current_index = -1
        self.X_data_ptr = <float32_t *> &X_data[0]
        self.X_indptr_ptr = <int *> &X_indptr[0]
        self.X_indices_ptr = <int *> &X_indices[0]

        self.Y_data_ptr = <float32_t *> &Y[0]
        self.sample_weight_data = <float32_t *> &sample_weights[0]

        # Use index array for fast shuffling
        self.index = np.arange(self.n_samples, dtype=np.intc)
        self.index_data_ptr = <int *> &self.index[0]
        # seed should not be 0 for our_rand_r
        self.seed = max(seed, 1)

    cdef void _sample(self, float32_t **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
                      int *nnz, float32_t *y, float32_t *sample_weight,
                      int current_index) noexcept nogil:
        cdef long long sample_idx = self.index_data_ptr[current_index]
        cdef long long offset = self.X_indptr_ptr[sample_idx]
        y[0] = self.Y_data_ptr[sample_idx]
        x_data_ptr[0] = self.X_data_ptr + offset
        x_ind_ptr[0] = self.X_indices_ptr + offset
        nnz[0] = self.X_indptr_ptr[sample_idx + 1] - offset
        sample_weight[0] = self.sample_weight_data[sample_idx]


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