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Heroku PHPのドキュメントルートを環境変数から指定する

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web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 htdocs




web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 $DOC_ROOT


$ heroku config:set DOC_ROOT=htdocs



ちなみに、vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 --helpのコマンドでヘルプが確認出来た。

$ heroku run 'vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 --help'

Boots PHP-FPM together with Apache2 on Heroku and for local development.

  heroku-php-apache2 [options] [<DOCUMENT_ROOT>]

   -C <httpd.inc.conf>     The path to the configuration file to include inside
                           the Apache2 VHost config (see option -c below). Will
                           be included inside the '<VirtualHost>' section just
                           after the '<Directory>' & 'ProxyPassMatch' directives.
                           Recommended approach when customizing Apache2's config
                           in most cases, unless you need to set fundamental
                           server level options.
                           [default: $COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php/conf/apache2/default_include.conf]
   -c <httpd.conf>         The path to the full VHost configuration file that is
                           included after Heroku's (or your local) Apache2 config
                           is loaded. Must contain a 'Listen ${PORT}' directive
                           and should have a '<VirtualHost>' and likely also a
                           '<Directory>' section (see option -C above).
                           [default: $COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php/conf/apache2/heroku.conf]
   -F <php-fpm.inc.conf>   The path to the configuration file to include at the
                           end of php-fpm.conf (see option -f below), in the
                           '[www]' pool section. Recommended approach when
                           customizing PHP-FPM's configuration in most cases,
                           unless you need to set global options.
   -f <php-fpm.conf>       The path to the full PHP-FPM configuration file.
                           [default: $COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php/conf/php/php-fpm.conf]
   -h, --help              Display this help screen and exit.
   -i <php.ini>            The path to the php.ini file to use.
                           [default: $COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php/conf/php/php.ini]
                           exist, it will be created. Wildcards are allowed, but
   -l <tailme.log>         Path to additional log file to tail to STDERR so its
                           contents appear in 'heroku logs'. If the file does not
                           Note: this option can be repeated multiple times.
                           must be quoted and must match already existing files.
   -p <PORT>               Port to listen on for HTTP traffic. If this argument
                           is not given, then the port number to use is read from
                           the $PORT environment variable, or a random port is
                           chosen if that variable does not exist.
   -v, --verbose           Be more verbose during startup.

 All file paths must be relative to '/app'.

 Any file name that ends in '.php' will be run through the PHP interpreter first.
 You may use this for templating although this is less useful than e.g. for Nginx
 where unlike in Apache2, you cannot reference environment variables in config
 files using a '${VARNAME}' syntax.

 If you would like to use the -C and -c or -F and -f options together, make sure
 you retain the appropriate include mechanisms (see default configs for details).



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