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C++17, C++14, C++11 に併せた std::shared_mutex, std::shared_timed_mutex, std::mutex から mutex_type, read_lock_type, write_lock_type を扱う例

Last updated at Posted at 2016-03-14


C++11 から標準ライブラリーに入った std::mutex から C++14 では std::shared_timed_mutex 、 C++17(予定)では std::shared_mutex が追加される事で、 READ アクセス向けと WRITE アクセス向けにロックレベルを制御できるようになりました。

そこで、翻訳環境の C++ 規格の対応に応じて READ / WRITE 向けのロックを使い分ける簡単なコード例を示したいと思います。

  • usagi/mutex.hxx
#pragma once

#if __cplusplus >= 201402
  #include <shared_mutex>
  #include <mutex>

namespace usagi
  namespace mutex
#if __cplusplus > 201402
    // C++17
    using read_write_mutex_type = std::shared_mutex;
    using read_lock_type = std::shared_lock< read_write_mutex_type >;
    using write_lock_type = std::lock_guard< read_write_mutex_type >;
#elif __cplusplus == 201402
    // C++14
    using read_write_mutex_type = std::shared_timed_mutex;
    using read_lock_type = std::shared_lock< read_write_mutex_type >;
    using write_lock_type = std::lock_guard< read_write_mutex_type >;
#elif __cplusplus >= 201103
    // C++11
    using read_write_mutex_type = std::mutex;
    using read_lock_type = std::lock_guard< read_write_mutex_type >;
    using write_lock_type = std::lock_guard< read_write_mutex_type >;
    #error not supported


class my_example_type
  my_something_type                   my_something;
  usagi::mutex::read_write_mutex_type my_mutex_for_something;
  auto get_something_sum_of_xyz()
    usagi::mutex::read_lock_type read_lock( my_mutex_for_something );
    return my_something.x + my_something.y + my_something.z;
  auto set_something_sum_of_xyz( const somevalue_type x, const somevalue_type y, const somevalue_type z )
    usagi::mutex::write_lock_type write_lock( my_mutex_for_something );
    my_something.x = x;
    my_something.y = y;
    my_something.z = z;



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