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RaspberryPi3/RaspberryPi4 + PX-W3U4 + EPGStationで構築する録画鯖

Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-08




  1. RaspberryPi3
  2. PX-W3U4
  3. カードリーダー



  • イメージは「Raspbian Buster Lite 2019-07-10」を使用した



$ sudo apt-get install build-essential bc git bison flex libssl-dev autoconf automake pcscd libpcsclite-dev pcsc-tools git build-essential cmake libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev pcscd pcsc-tools pkg-config npm sqlite3 ffmpeg


$ mkdir -p ~/usr/src # kernelのソースコードはポリシー的にrootで/usr/srcに配置したほうがよいかも
$ pushd ~/usr/src
$ git clone -b rpi-5.6.y --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux.git linux-5.6.y


  • 時間がかかる(3~4時間?)のでtmuxとかでセッションの復旧ができるようにしておいたほうがよい
    (make -j 4 zImage modules dtbs 10869.38s user 1444.11s system 391% cpu 52:22.40 total)
$ pushd linux-5.6.y
$ KERNEL=kernel7
$ make bcm2709_defconfig
$ make -j 4 zImage modules dtbs
$ sudo make modules_install
$ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/*.dtb /boot/
$ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* /boot/overlays/
$ sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/README /boot/overlays/
$ sudo scripts/mkknlimg arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot/$KERNEL.img
$ popd


$ git clone https://github.com/nns779/px4_drv.git
$ pushd px4_drv/fwtool && make -j 4
$ wget http://plex-net.co.jp/download/pxw3u4v1.4.zip && unzip pxw3u4v1.4.zip
$ sudo ./fwtool x64/PXW3U4.sys /lib/firmware/it930x-firmware.bin
$ popd
$ pushd px4_drv/driver
$ make -j 4
$ sudo make install
$ sudo modprobe px4_drv
$ ls /dev/px4video*
$ popd


$ git clone https://github.com/stz2012/libarib25.git
$ pushd libarib25
$ cmake .
$ make -j 4
$ sudo make install


$ git clone https://github.com/stz2012/recpt1.git
$ pushd recpt1/recpt1
$ sed -i -e "/^char \*bsdev\[NUM_BSDEV\] = {$/a \ \ \ \ \"/dev/px4video1\",\n\ \ \ \ \"/dev/px4video0\"," pt1_dev.h
$ sed -i -e "/^char \*isdb_t_dev\[NUM_ISDB_T_DEV\] = {$/a \ \ \ \ \"/dev/px4video2\",\n\ \ \ \ \"/dev/px4video3\"," pt1_dev.h
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure --enable-b25
$ make -j 4
$ sudo make install
$ pushd /tmp
$ recpt1 --b25 --strip 21 20 test.ts # 試しに録画しtest.tsがVLCなどで再生できることを確認
$ popd; popd


$ ######################################### ↓古い {
$ pushd /tmp
$ curl -sL http://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo bash -
$ popd
$ sudo apt install -y nodejs
$ sudo npm install pm2@2.10.4 -g
$ sudo npm install mirakurun -g --unsafe --production
$ sudo npm install arib-b25-stream-test -g --unsafe
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER video
$ sudo mirakurun config tuners # チューナーの設定を変更
$ ######################################### } ↓新しい(20/3/2) {
$ pushd /tmp
$ curl -sL http://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo bash -
$ popd
$ sudo apt install -y nodejs
$ sudo npm install pm2 -g
$ sudo npm install mirakurun -g --unsafe --production
$ sudo npm install arib-b25-stream-test -g --unsafe
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER video
$ sudo mirakurun config tuners # チューナーの設定を変更
$ ######################################### }
- name: PX4-S1
    - BS
    - CS
  command: recpt1 --device /dev/px4video0 --lnb 15 <channel> - -
  decoder: arib-b25-stream-test
  isDisabled: false

- name: PX4-S2
    - BS
    - CS
  command: recpt1 --device /dev/px4video1 --lnb 15 <channel> - -
  decoder: arib-b25-stream-test
  isDisabled: false

- name: PX4-T1
    - GR
  command: recpt1 --device /dev/px4video2 <channel> - -
  decoder: arib-b25-stream-test
  isDisabled: false

- name: PX4-T2
    - GR
  command: recpt1 --device /dev/px4video3 <channel> - -
  decoder: arib-b25-stream-test
  isDisabled: false
$ sudo mirakurun restart
$ sudo curl -X PUT "http://localhost:40772/api/config/channels/scan" # しばし待つ
$ sudo mirakurun restart
$ sudo npm install rivarun -g
$ sudo rivarun --list | sed 's/},/},\n/g' # チャンネルを確認
$ sudo pm2 install pm2-logrotate
$ sudo vim /etc/logrotate.d/mirakurun
  rotate 53


$ git clone https://github.com/l3tnun/EPGStation.git
$ pushd EPGStation
$ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
$ sudo npm run build
$ cp config/config.sample.json config/config.json
$ cp config/operatorLogConfig.sample.json config/operatorLogConfig.json
$ cp config/serviceLogConfig.sample.json config/serviceLogConfig.json
$ sudo vim /usr/local/etc/mirakurun/channel.yml
- name: NHKEテレ
  type: GR
  channel: '13'
- name: トップタワー
  type: GR
  channel: '17'
- name: CBCテレビ
  type: GR
  channel: '18'
- name: 中京テレビ
  type: GR
  channel: '19'
- name: NHK総合
  type: GR
  channel: '20'
- name: 東海テレビ01
  type: GR
  channel: '21'
- name: メ~テレ
  type: GR
  channel: '22'
- name: テレビ愛知
  type: GR
  channel: '23'
- name: 三重テレビ
  type: GR
  channel: '27'
- name: ぎふチャン
  type: GR
  channel: '30'
- name: BS Asahi
  type: BS
  channel: BS01_0
  serviceId: 151
- name: BS Asahi (Sub)
  type: BS
  channel: BS01_0
  serviceId: 152
- name: BS-TBS
  type: BS
  channel: BS01_1
  serviceId: 161
- name: WOWOW Prime
  type: BS
  channel: BS03_0
  serviceId: 191
  isDisabled: true
- name: BS JAPAN
  type: BS
  channel: BS03_1
  serviceId: 171
- name: WOWOW Live
  type: BS
  channel: BS05_0
  serviceId: 192
  isDisabled: true
- name: WOWOW Cinema
  type: BS
  channel: BS05_1
  serviceId: 193
  isDisabled: true
- name: BS11
  type: BS
  channel: BS09_0
  serviceId: 211
- name: BS SPTV
  type: BS
  channel: BS11_1
  serviceId: 241
  isDisabled: true
- name: BS Nippon (Sub)
  type: BS
  channel: BS13_0
  serviceId: 142
- name: BS Nippon
  type: BS
  channel: BS13_0
  serviceId: 141
- name: BS Fuji
  type: BS
  channel: BS13_1
  serviceId: 181
- name: NHK BS1 (Sub)
  type: BS
  channel: BS15_0
  serviceId: 102
- name: NHK BS1
  type: BS
  channel: BS15_0
  serviceId: 101
- name: NHK BS Premium (Sub)
  type: BS
  channel: BS15_1
  serviceId: 104
- name: NHK BS Premium
  type: BS
  channel: BS15_1
  serviceId: 103
- name: TV Asahi Ch. 2
  type: CS
  channel: CS2
  serviceId: 299
  isDisabled: true
- name: TV Asahi Ch. 1
  type: CS
  channel: CS2
  serviceId: 298
  isDisabled: true
- name: SPTV Promo
  type: CS
  channel: CS4
  serviceId: 100
- name: AT-X
  type: CS
  channel: CS16
  serviceId: 333
  isDisabled: true
- name: AT-X HD
  type: SKY
  channel: ATXHD
  serviceId: 33435
  satelite: JCSAT3A
  isDisabled: true
- name: AXN HD
  type: SKY
  channel: AXNHD
  serviceId: 33418
  satelite: JCSAT4A
  isDisabled: true
- name: BS SPTV
  type: SKY
  channel: CH585
  serviceId: 33353
  satelite: JCSAT3A
  isDisabled: true
- name: 放送大学BSキャンパスex
  type: BS
  channel: BS11_2
  serviceId: 231
- name: 放送大学BSキャンパスon
  type: BS
  channel: BS11_2
  serviceId: 232

  "ffmpeg": "/usr/bin/ffmpeg",
  "ffprobe": "/usr/bin/ffprobe",
  "recorded": "/mnt/TV",
$ sudo pm2 startup
$ sudo pm2 start dist/server/index.js --name "epgstation"
$ sudo pm2 save
$ popd



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