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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2018-02-21


#! /usr/local/bin/  
set terminal postscript enhanced solid color "Helvetica" 30
set output "test.ps"
set tics font "Helvetica,30"

set palette rgb 21,22,23
set ticslevel 0
set cbrange [0:0.12]
set cbtic 0.03 
set format y  "{%0.1F}"
set format x  "{%0.1F}"
set format cb  "{%0.2F}"
set xrange [-1:1]
set yrange [-1:1]
# set yrange [-1.14546:1.14546]
set colorbox user origin 0.715,0.245
set rmargin 9
#unset colorbox
set size 1,1.1
set border back
set xlabel "q_x [2{/Symbol p}/a]" offset 0,.5
set xtics 1 offset 0,.2
set ytics 1 offset 0.2,0
set ylabel "q_y [2{/Symbol p}/a]" offset 2.5,0 rotate by 90
set zlabel "g^2 (eV)"

set arrow from 0.33300, 0.57677  to 0.6670,  0   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from 0.6670,  0.00000  to 0.33300, 0.57677-1.14546   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from 0.33300, 0.57677-1.14546 to  -0.33300, -0.57677   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from -0.33300, -0.57677  to -0.667, 0.00   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from -0.667,0 to -0.333,0.57677    nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from -0.333,0.57677 to 0.333,0.57677    nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
#set cblabel "eV^2"  offset -2,5 rotate by 90

range1="u 4:5:(sqrt($2))"
range2="u ($4):(-$5):(sqrt($2))"
range3="u ((1-$4)/2+sqrt(3)/2*(1.71819-$5)):(-sqrt(3)/2*$4+$5/2):(sqrt($2))"
range4="u ((1-$4)/2+sqrt(3)/2*(1.71819-$5)-2):(-sqrt(3)/2*$4+$5/2):(sqrt($2))"
range5="u ($4-1):($5-1.71819):(sqrt($2))"
range6="u ($4-1):(-$5+1.71819):(sqrt($2)):(sqrt($2))"
opt="w points palette pointsize 1 pointtype 5 notitle"

set title "TA" offset 0,-0.7
plot Plt_dat @range1 @opt, Plt_dat @range2 @opt, Plt_dat @range3 @opt, Plt_dat @range4 @opt,Plt_dat @range5 @opt, Plt_dat @range6 @opt

!evince test.eps



無くても動くけどvi環境でgnuplotスクリプトに色が付かない時にはこれで色がつく。パスが分からなければコマンドラインでwhich gnuplotで表示できる。

set terminal postscript enhanced solid color "Helvetica" 30
set tics font "Helvetica,10" 


set palette rgb 21,22,23




set palette defined (0 'white', 0.25 'blue', 0.5 'green', 0.75 'yellow', 1 'red')


set format y  "{%0.1F}"
set format x  "{%0.1F}"
set format cb  "{%0.2F}"


set colorbox user origin 0.715,0.245  #カラーバーの位置調整
set size 1,1.1  #プロットするグラフのサイズ変更。これで縦横比も調整可能
set rmargin 9 #グラフ外側(right side)のマージン変更
set border back #グラフの枠をプロットの奥に
set arrow from 0.33300, 0.57677  to 0.6670,  0   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from 0.6670,  0.00000  to 0.33300, 0.57677-1.14546   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from 0.33300, 0.57677-1.14546 to  -0.33300, -0.57677   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from -0.33300, -0.57677  to -0.667, 0.00   nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from -0.667,0 to -0.333,0.57677    nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"
set arrow from -0.333,0.57677 to 0.333,0.57677    nohead front  lw 3 lc rgb "white"


range1="u 4:5:(sqrt($2))"
range2="u ($4):(-$5):(sqrt($2))"
range3="u ((1-$4)/2+sqrt(3)/2*(1.71819-$5)):(-sqrt(3)/2*$4+$5/2):(sqrt($2))"
range4="u ((1-$4)/2+sqrt(3)/2*(1.71819-$5)-2):(-sqrt(3)/2*$4+$5/2):(sqrt($2))"
range5="u ($4-1):($5-1.71819):(sqrt($2))"
range6="u ($4-1):(-$5+1.71819):(sqrt($2)):(sqrt($2))"
opt="w points palette pointsize 1 pointtype 5 notitle"

set title "TA" offset 0,-0.7
plot Plt_dat @range1 @opt, Plt_dat @range2 @opt, Plt_dat @range3 @opt, Plt_dat @range4 @opt,Plt_dat @range5 @opt, Plt_dat @range6 @opt

プロット時のオプションやプロットの仕方をStringの変数として定義。使うときは @変数(eg. @range1@opt)として使う。


plot "crysDPconst_0.333-0.333TA" u 4:5:(sqrt($2)) w points palette pointsize 0.3 pointtype 5 notitle, "crysDPconst_0.333-0.333TA" u ($4):(-$5):(sqrt($2)) w points palette pointsize 0.3 pointtype 5 notitle , "crysDPconst_0.333-0.333TA" u ((1-$4)/2+sqrt(3)/2*(1.71819-$5)):(-sqrt(3)/2*$4+$5/2):(sqrt($2)) w points palette pointsize 0.3 pointtype 5 notitle, "crysDPconst_0.333-0.333TA" u ((1-$4)/2+sqrt(3)/2*(1.7    1819-$5)-2):(-sqrt(3)/2*$4+$5/2):(sqrt($2))  w points palette pointsize 0.3 pointtype 5 notitle ,"crysDPconst_0.333-0.333TA" u ($4-1):($5-1.71819):(sqrt($2))  w points palette pointsize 0.3 pointtype 5 notitle , "crysDPconst_0.333-0.333TA" u  ($4-1):(-$5+1.71819):(sqrt($2)):(sqrt($2)) w points palette pointsize 0.3 pointtype 5 notitle

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