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Sub PDF_Proc()
'参照設定(Acrobat Proが必要)
'AcrobatまたはAdobe Acrobat 10.0 Type Library
Dim FSO As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim Fol_Path1 As String
Dim Fol_Path2 As String
Dim PDF_Path1 As String
Dim PDF_Path2 As String
Dim PDF_SavePath As String
Dim New_Acro As New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
Dim Acro_Join1 As New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
Dim Acro_Join2 As New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
Dim Page_Num1 As Long
Dim Page_Num2 As Long
Dim lRet As Long
Dim lPages As Long

Fol_Path1 = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\VBA関連\VBA練習\PDF結合\結合前"

Fol_Path2 = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\VBA関連\VBA練習\PDF結合\結合後"

PDF_Path1 = FSO.BuildPath(Fol_Path1, "テスト1.pdf")
PDF_Path2 = FSO.BuildPath(Fol_Path1, "テスト2.pdf")
PDF_SavePath = FSO.BuildPath(Fol_Path2, "保存.pdf")

lRet = New_Acro.Create()

lPages = 0

lRet = Acro_Join1.Open(PDF_Path1)

Page_Num1 = Acro_Join1.GetNumPages()

lRet = New_Acro.InsertPages(lPages - 1, Acro_Join1, 0, Page_Num1, False)

lRet = Acro_Join1.Close()

lPages = lPages + Page_Num1
lRet = Acro_Join2.Open(PDF_Path2)

Page_Num2 = Acro_Join2.GetNumPages()

lRet = New_Acro.InsertPages(lPages - 1, Acro_Join2, 0, Page_Num2, False)

lRet = New_Acro.Save(1, PDF_SavePath)

lRet = Acro_Join2.Close()

Set New_Acro = Nothing
Set Acro_Join1 = Nothing
Set Acro_Join2 = Nothing

End Sub

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