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How to strip tags in Javascript?

Last updated at Posted at 2013-07-12

The 'strip_tags' method is from php, but how to do it in javascript?

There's two solution, choose one of these according to your requirement.

Solution 1

If you simply needs to output plain text.

You can use regular expression to strip all tags from string like the code below.

var stripped = original.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"")

Solution 2

If you have to output some simple font tags like '<p><i><b>'.

Using the strip_tags function of php.js which is a website for porting language from php to js.

After you include the library from php.js, you can write some sample like these.

//strip_tags(inputString, allowTags)
strip_tags("<script>alert('test')</script><p>Hello, world.</p>", "<p>")

result will output:

alert('test')<p>Hello, world.</p>

Hope these help. :)


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