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Splunkの中心で愛を叫ぶ Splunk>, with Love

Last updated at Posted at 2020-02-01

:raised_hands:バレンタインデー記念 Celebrate St. Valentine's Day:raised_hands:



| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count as x
| eval x=if(x=1,0.00000,1.80000)
| makecontinuous x span=0.01
| eval z=split("A#B#C#D","#")
| stats values(x) as x by z
| stats count by x z
| eval y = case(x < 1 AND (z="A" OR z="C"),exact(pow(x,(2/3))) + exact(sqrt(1 - pow(x,2)))
,x < 1 AND (z="B" OR z="D"),exact(pow(x,(2/3))) - exact(sqrt(1 - pow(x,2))))
| eval x = if(z="C" OR z="D",x * -1, x)
| table x , y
| sort 0 x
| rename y as LOVE

#まとめ Conclusion
:grin:チョコ食べたい。:chocolate_bar: I want to eat chocolate.
#蛇足的ななにか Superfluity
cf. ハートの方程式 TheFormulaOfHeart


- +
+ C A
- D B

方程式のプラスマイナスは象限により変わりますので、それをeval if()で制御しつつ、Y軸で対象の図形であるため、_-1_をかけて変換しています。

This figure will draw two Y points for one X point.
Also, to create a sequence for four quadrants
makecontinuous creates a sequence of quadrants (0-1) and increases it to four with stats and mvexpand.

Since the plus and minus of the equation varies depending on the quadrant,
while controlling it with eval if(), since it is the target figure on the Y axis, -1 is multiplied and converted.


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