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GoとRustで学ぶCustom AWS Lambda Runtimes 〜よりLambdaらしいCustom Runtime実装編〜

Last updated at Posted at 2018-12-24



Custom Runtimeでもこんな風に独自イベントやhandlerを書きたい!

package main

import (


type MyEvent struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

func MyHandler(ctx runtime.Context, event MyEvent) ([]byte, error) {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", event.Name), nil

func main() {



前記事でも紹介したRustのCustom Runtimeのおおよその構成を踏襲して実装して見ます。


runtime-clientはCustom Runtimeで登場した4つのAPIを愚直にハンドルするためのAPIクライアントです。必要な型も定義しています。

package runtime

import (


const (
	RUNTIME_API_VERSION = "2018-06-01"
	CONTENT_TYPE        = "application/json"

type Client interface {
	NextInvocation() ([]byte, *EventContext, error)
	InvocationResponse(awsRequestId string, content []byte) error
	InvocationError(awsRequestId string, err error) error
	InitializationError(err error) error

// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-api.html#runtimes-api-next
type EventContext struct {
	InvokedFunctionArn string
	AwsRequestId       string
	RuntimeTraceId     string
	DeadlineMs         int64
	ClientContext      ClientContext
	CognitoIdentity    CognitoIdentity

type CognitoIdentity struct {
	identityId     string
	identityPoolId string

type ClientContext struct {
	client      ClientApplication
	custom      map[string]string
	environment map[string]string

type ClientApplication struct {
	installationId string
	appTitle       string
	appVersionName string
	appVersionCode string
	appPackageName string

type client struct {
	endpoint string
	client   *http.Client

func NewClient(endpoint string) Client {
	return &client{
		endpoint: endpoint,
		client:   http.DefaultClient,

// http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/next

// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-api.html#runtimes-api-next
func (c *client) NextInvocation() ([]byte, *EventContext, error) {
	url := c.endpoint + "/" + RUNTIME_API_VERSION + "/runtime/invocation/next"
	resp, err := c.client.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("failed to get a response")
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	ec, err := getEventContext(resp.Header)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("failed to get an event context")

	b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("failed to get an event")

	return b, ec, nil

// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-api.html#runtimes-api-response
func (c *client) InvocationResponse(awsRequestId string, content []byte) error {
	// /runtime/invocation/AwsRequestId/response
	url := c.endpoint + "/" + RUNTIME_API_VERSION + "/runtime/invocation/" + awsRequestId + "/response"

	resp, err := c.client.Post(url, CONTENT_TYPE, bytes.NewBuffer(content))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to post content")
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	return nil

// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-api.html#runtimes-api-invokeerror
func (c *client) InvocationError(awsRequestId string, aerr error) error {
	// /runtime/invocation/AwsRequestId/error
	url := c.endpoint + "/" + RUNTIME_API_VERSION + "/runtime/invocation/" + awsRequestId + "/error"
	errs, err := json.Marshal(aerr)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to post content")

	resp, err := c.client.Post(url, CONTENT_TYPE, bytes.NewBuffer(errs))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to post content")
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	return nil

// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-api.html#runtimes-api-initerror
func (c *client) InitializationError(aerr error) error {
	// /runtime/init/error
	url := c.endpoint + "/" + RUNTIME_API_VERSION + "/runtime/init/error"
	errs, err := json.Marshal(aerr)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to post content")

	resp, err := c.client.Post(url, CONTENT_TYPE, bytes.NewBuffer(errs))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to post content")
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	return nil

func getEventContext(header http.Header) (*EventContext, error) {
	invokedFunctionArn := header.Get("Lambda-Runtime-Invoked-Function-Arn")
	awsRequestId := header.Get("Lambda-Runtime-Aws-Request-Id")
	runtimeTraceId := header.Get("Lambda-Runtime-Trace-Id")

	runtimeDeadlineMs, err := strconv.ParseInt(header.Get("Lambda-Runtime-Deadline-Ms"), 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse Lambda-Runtime-Deadline-Ms")

	ev := &EventContext{
		InvokedFunctionArn: invokedFunctionArn,
		AwsRequestId:       awsRequestId,
		RuntimeTraceId:     runtimeTraceId,
		DeadlineMs:         runtimeDeadlineMs,

	runtimeClientContext := header.Get("Lambda-Runtime-Client-Context")
	if runtimeClientContext != "" {
		var clientContext ClientContext
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(runtimeClientContext), &clientContext); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal ClientContext")

		ev.ClientContext = clientContext

	runtimeCognitoIdentity := header.Get("Lambda-Runtime-Cognito-Identity") // 型
	if runtimeCognitoIdentity != "" {
		var cognitoIdentity CognitoIdentity
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(runtimeClientContext), &cognitoIdentity); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal ClientContext")

		ev.CognitoIdentity = cognitoIdentity

	return ev, nil





package runtime

import (


type ConfigProvider interface {
	GetFunctionSettings() (*FunctionSettings, error)
	GetRuntimeApiEndpoint() string

type FunctionSettings struct {
	functionName string
	memorySize   int32
	version      string
	logStream    string
	logGroup     string

type configProvider struct{}

func NewConfigProvider() ConfigProvider {
	return &configProvider{}

func (c configProvider) GetFunctionSettings() (*FunctionSettings, error) {
	functionName := os.Getenv("AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME")
	version := os.Getenv("AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_VERSION")
	logStream := os.Getenv("AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_STREAM_NAME")
	logGroup := os.Getenv("AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_GROUP_NAME")
	memoryStr := os.Getenv("AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE")
	memorySize, err := strconv.Atoi(memoryStr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse memoryStr: %s to int", memoryStr)

	return &FunctionSettings{
		functionName: functionName,
		memorySize:   int32(memorySize),
		version:      version,
		logStream:    logStream,
		logGroup:     logGroup,
	}, nil

func (c configProvider) GetRuntimeApiEndpoint() string {
	return "http://" + os.Getenv("AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API")


package runtime

import (

type Handler interface {
	// ここでイベントの型に[]byteを指定してしまうと各ハンドラーでイベントをデシリアライズしないといけないので
	// interface{}型などにして型チェックを行いながら共通のデシリアライズ処理を実装すると
	// より柔軟になりそうです。
	Run(ctx Context, event []byte) ([]byte, error)

type handler func(ctx Context, event []byte) ([]byte, error)

// func型に名前を付けてRunメソッドを定義することでHandler interfaceを実装し、
// 自分で定義したハンドラーを渡せるようにしているところがポイントです。
// 本家aws-lambda-goでもそのように実装してあり参考にしました。
func (h handler) Run(ctx Context, event []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	response, err := h(ctx, event)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	responseBytes, err := json.Marshal(response)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return responseBytes, nil

func Start(h handler) {
	startWithConfig(h, NewConfigProvider())

func startWithConfig(h handler, config ConfigProvider) {
	endpoint := config.GetRuntimeApiEndpoint()
	settings, err := config.GetFunctionSettings()
	if endpoint == "" || err != nil {
		log.Fatal("failed to init lambda")

	startWithRuntimeClient(h, *settings, NewClient(endpoint))


func startWithRuntimeClient(h handler, s FunctionSettings, c Client) {
	NewRuntime(c, h, s).Start()

type Runtime struct {
	client   Client
	handler  Handler
	settings FunctionSettings

type Context struct {
	MemorySize         int32
	FunctionName       string
	FunctionVersion    string
	InvokedFunctionArn string
	AwsRequestId       string
	XrayTraceId        string
	LogStreamName      string
	LogGroupName       string
	ClientContext      ClientContext
	Identity           CognitoIdentity
	Deadline           int64

func NewRuntime(client Client, handler Handler, settings FunctionSettings) *Runtime {
	return &Runtime{
		client:   client,
		handler:  handler,
		settings: settings,

func (r *Runtime) Start() {
	for {
		ctx, ev := r.getNextEvent()
		requestId := ctx.AwsRequestId
		result, err := r.handler.Run(ctx, ev)
		if err != nil {
			err := r.client.InvocationError(requestId, err)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("failed to invoke an error")
		err = r.client.InvocationResponse(requestId, result)
		if err != nil {
			err := r.client.InvocationError(requestId, err)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("failed to invoke an error")

func (r *Runtime) getNextEvent() (Context, []byte) {
	ev, ctx, err := r.client.NextInvocation()
	if err != nil {
	return Context{
		MemorySize:         r.settings.memorySize,
		FunctionName:       r.settings.functionName,
		FunctionVersion:    r.settings.version,
		LogStreamName:      r.settings.logStream,
		LogGroupName:       r.settings.logGroup,
		InvokedFunctionArn: ctx.InvokedFunctionArn,
		AwsRequestId:       ctx.AwsRequestId,
		XrayTraceId:        ctx.RuntimeTraceId,
		ClientContext:      ctx.ClientContext,
		Identity:           ctx.CognitoIdentity,
		Deadline:           ctx.DeadlineMs,
	}, ev



package main

import (


type MyEvent struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

func MyHandler(ctx runtime.Context, event []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	// runtime.Startの引数を[]byteとして実装しているので`event MyEvent`とは書けません…
	log.Printf("request id: %s\n", ctx.AwsRequestId)

	var me MyEvent
	json.Unmarshal(event, &me)

	str := fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", me.Name)
	return []byte(str), nil

func main() {


Rust版ではリトライ処理が入っていたり、aws-lambda-go(Custom Runtimeでなく公式サポートされているGo向けのライブラリ)ではハンドラーの型チェックが入っていたり、実装を色々比較しながら自分で実装してみると気づきがあって面白かったです。



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