abs == absolute
fixed == fixed
数値は top, right, bottom, left の順に。
// position:
// ---------------------------------------- //
@mixin position($def: relative, $t: auto, $r: auto, $b: auto, $l: auto){
@if $def == abs {
position: absolute;
} @else if $def == fixed {
position: fixed;
} @else {
position: relative;
@if $t != auto and $t != n { top: $t; }
@if $r != auto and $r != n { right: $r };
@if $b != auto and $b != n { bottom: $b };
@if $l != auto and $l != n { left: $l };
// @include position;
// -> position: relative;
// @include position(abs);
// -> position: absolute;
// @include position(fixed, 0, n, n, 0);
// -> position: fixed;
// top: 0;
// left: 0;
.example {
@include position(absolute, 20px, n, n, 55px);
.example {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: 55px;