terraform {
required_version = "= 1.6.2"
required_providers {
auth0 = {
source = "auth0/auth0"
version = ">= 1.0.0"
provider "auth0" {
domain = var.domain
client_id = var.client_id
client_secret = var.client_secret
CallBack URL、OIDC Conformant、JWT Signature Algorithmの設定を忘れずに行う必要がありました。
手動でアプリケーションを作成した際:OIDC Conformantは有効化されていました。JWT Signature AlgorithmはRS256でした。
しかし、Terraformを使用してアプリケーションを作成すると、OIDC Conformantは無効、JWT Signature AlgorithmはHS256として設定されていました。そのため、これらの設定をTerraform側で明示的に指定する必要があります。
resource "auth0_client" "application" {
allowed_logout_urls = var.logout_urls
app_type = var.client_app_type
callbacks = [for domain in var.callback_domains : "${domain}${var.callback_path}"]
description = var.client_description
jwt_configuration {
alg = var.jwt_alg
lifetime_in_seconds = var.jwt_lifetime_in_seconds
name = "${var.client_name}-${var.pre_fix}"
oidc_conformant = var.oidc_conformant
variable "callback_domains" {
description = "List of callback domains"
type = list(string)
default = ["", "http://localhost:8080", "", "http://localhost:5000"]
variable "callback_path" {
description = "Callback path"
type = string
default = "/callback"
variable "client_app_type" {
description = "The type of the Auth0 client app"
type = string
default = "regular_web"
variable "client_description" {
description = "The description of the Auth0 client"
type = string
default = "sample app"
variable "client_name" {
description = "The name of the Auth0 client"
type = string
default = "sample client"
variable "jwt_alg" {
description = "The algorithm used to sign the JWT"
type = string
default = "RS256"
variable "jwt_lifetime_in_seconds" {
description = "The lifetime of the JWT in seconds"
type = number
default = 36000
variable "logout_urls" {
description = "List of allowed logout URLs"
type = list(string)
default = ["", "http://localhost:8080/home", "", "http://localhost:5000/home"]
variable "oidc_conformant" {
description = "Specify if the client is OIDC Conformant"
type = bool
default = true
variable "pre_fix" {
description = "Prefix for the Auth0 client"
type = string
default = "test"