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ROS Cross-Distribution Communication

Last updated at Posted at 2022-04-30

Just out of curiosity, I happened to check ROS cross-distribution communication.
Topic and Services are confirmed using latest container with host network.


Scenario ROS Master Can communicate?
kinetic/melodic kinetic YES
melodic/noetic kinetic YES
noetic/kinetic kinetic YES
kinetic/melodic melodic YES
melodic/noetic melodic YES
noetic/kinetic melodic YES
kinetic/melodic noetic YES
melodic/noetic noetic YES
noetic/kinetic noetic YES
  • ros-ROSDISTRO-roscpp-tutorials package is used for verification.

ROS 2 (Updated)

Scenario Can communicate?
foxy/galactic YES
galactic/rolling(humble) YES
rolling(humble)/foxy YES
  • export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp is enabled always to specify rmw implementation.
  • export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=5 is specified.
  • docker command docker run -it --privileged --name ros2_distro ros:distro. (need to replace distro into foxy, galactic, humble and rolling)
  • Bind different IPC namespace and network interface to each container. (no argument --net=host nor --ipc=host to docker command.)

might be dependent on rmw implementation, but cross-distribution communication is not supported as official, see https://answers.ros.org/question/341372/can-nodes-from-different-ros-2-distributions-communicate-compatibly/.


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