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Async GeneratorをまとめたAsync Generatorを新たに作成することで、一つのAsync Generatorとして扱えるようになります。

この方法であればPromise.raceの複雑性を隠蔽し、1つのAsync Generatorとして取り扱うことができます。


IteratorResult does not have reference to generator itself.
Even if you put reference in data, data is not available on end of iterator

type YieldResultWithId<T> = {
    id: string,
    value: T

type ReturnResultWithId<T> = {
    id: string,
    error?: unknown

type ResultWithId<T> = YieldResultWithId<T> | ReturnResultWithId<T>
type AsyncGeneratorWithId<T> = AsyncGenerator<YieldResultWithId<T>, ReturnResultWithId<T>>

merge multiple async generators into one.
YieldResult from each iterator should be T
ReturnResult from each iterator should be void since there is only one chance to return value
export async function* mergeAsyncGenerators<T>(generators: AsyncGenerator<T, void>[]): AsyncGenerator<T, void> {
    // Assign Unique Id to each generator
    const generatorsById: {
        [id: string]: AsyncGeneratorWithId<T>
    } = {}
    for (const g of generators) {
        const id = crypto.randomUUID()
        generatorsById[id] = async function* () {
            try {
                for await (const value of g) {
                    yield {id, value};
                // yield last value with id to signal iterator end
                return {id, error: undefined};
            } catch (e) {
                return {id, error: e};
    // Create promises from each iterator
    const nextById: {
        [id: string]: Promise<IteratorResult<ResultWithId<T>>>
    } = {}
    for (const [id, ite] of Object.entries(generatorsById)) {
        nextById[id] = ite.next()

    // Keep reading value from each iterator using Promise.race
    while (Object.keys(nextById).length > 0) {
        const next = await Promise.race(Object.values(nextById))
        if (next.done === true) {
            // End of the iterator. Delete from waiting list
            const {id, error} = next.value
            delete nextById[id]
            if (error) {
                // propagate error to caller
                throw error
        } else {
            const {id, value} = next.value as YieldResultWithId<T>
            // value from one of the iterators.
            yield value
            // Keep reading the iterator
            nextById[id] = generatorsById[id].next()



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