
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

JXA $.NSFileManager 使用例

Last updated at Posted at 2017-07-04

使用OS: macOS 10.12

$.NSFileManager と doShellScript() を組み合わせて使用する

Applet = Application.currentApplication()
Applet.includeStandardAdditions = true

function sh(script, opt={}) {
    return Applet.doShellScript(script, {
        administratorPrivileges: !!opt.withPrompt,
        withPrompt: opt.withPrompt ? opt.withPrompt : '',
        alteringLineEndings: opt.alteringLineEndings ? opt.alteringLineEndings : false

function ls(arg='') {
    return sh(`ls ${arg}`).split('\n')

SimpleFileManager = {
    pwd() {
        return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.currentDirectoryPath.js
    cd(path='~') {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.changeCurrentDirectoryPath(p)
        if (!r) {
            throw new Error(`cd: No such file or directory: "${path}"`)
        return r
    mkfile(path) {
        if ($.NSFileManager.defaultManager.fileExistsAtPath($(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js))
            throw new Error(`mkfile: Path is exists: "${path}"`)
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let c = $.NSData.data //zero data
        let a = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.createFileAtPathContentsAttributes(p, c, a)
        if (!r) {
            throw new Error(`mkfile: Create file failed: "${path}"`)
        return r
    mkdir(path, createIntermediatesFlag=1) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let i = createIntermediatesFlag ? 1 : 0
        let a = $()
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.createDirectoryAtPathWithIntermediateDirectoriesAttributesError(p, i, a, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'mkdir: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r
    rm(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.removeItemAtPathError(p, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'rm: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r
    mv(at, to) {
        let a = $(at).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let t = $(to).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.moveItemAtPathToPathError(a, t, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'mv: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r
    cp(at, to) {
        let a = $(at).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let t = $(to).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.copyItemAtPathToPathError(a, t, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'cp: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r
    link(at, to) {
        let a = $(at).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let t = $(to).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.linkItemAtPathToPathError(a, t, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'link: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r
    ln(at, to) {
        let a = $(to).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let w = $(at).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.createSymbolicLinkAtPathWithDestinationPathError(a, w, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'ln: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r
    chmod(value, path) {
        let a = $({'NSFilePosixPermissions':value})
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.setAttributesOfItemAtPathError(a, p, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'chmod: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r
    isExists(path) {
        return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.fileExistsAtPath($(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js)
    isReadable(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        if (!this.isExists(p)) {
            throw new Error(`isReadable: No such file or directory: "${path}"`)
        return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.isReadableFileAtPath(p)
    isWritable(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        if (!this.isExists(p)) {
            throw new Error(`isWritable: No such file or directory: "${path}"`)
        return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.isWritableFileAtPath(p)
    isDeletable(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        if (!this.isExists(p)) {
            throw new Error(`isDeletable: No such file or directory: "${path}"`)
        return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.isDeletableFileAtPath(p)
    isExecutable(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        if (!this.isExists(p)) {
            throw new Error(`isExeutable: No such file or directory: "${path}"`)
        return $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.isExecutableFileAtPath(p)
    isDir(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let a = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.attributesOfItemAtPathError(p, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'isDir: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return a.objectForKey($.NSFileType).js === $.NSFileTypeDirectory.js
    isFile(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let a = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.attributesOfItemAtPathError(p, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'isFile: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return !(a.objectForKey($.NSFileType).js === $.NSFileTypeDirectory.js)
    isSymbolicLink(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let a = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.attributesOfItemAtPathError(p, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'isSymbolicLink: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return a.objectForKey($.NSFileType).js === $.NSFileTypeSymbolicLink.js
    readlink(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtPathError(p, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'readlink: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r.isNil() ? '' : r.js
    mv2trash(path) {
        let p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js
        let u = $.NSURL.fileURLWithPath(p)
        let o = $()
        let e = $()
        let r = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.trashItemAtURLResultingItemURLError(u, o, e)
        if (!e.isNil()) {
            let s1 = 'mv2trash: '
            let s2 = e.localizedDescription.js
            let s3 = e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js ? e.localizedRecoverySuggestion.js : ''
            throw new Error(s1+s2+s3)
        return r ? true : false

f = SimpleFileManager


JXA のリリースノートによると glob を使えることになっているが、実際に呼び出すとそれだけで例外が発生するので、POSIX ワイルドカードと $.NSFileManager の組み合わせでファイルをフィルタリングできない。

$.NSPredicate との組み合わせでも良いが、一先ず Applet.doShellScript() を用いてファイル名配列を作り出してから NSFileManager で操作する方向で。


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