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Google Kubernetes Engine触ってみたときのコマンド覚書

Last updated at Posted at 2018-07-07



  • GKE上で対CPUの五目並べのゲームを動かす
  • 最初のCPUのアルゴリズムはただランダムに石を置くだけ
  • ローリングアップデートを使って、アプリを止めずにアルゴリズムを司るコンテナを入れ替える
  • アップデート後はアルゴリズムが賢いものに切り替わる

コマンド(Google Cloud Shellで実行)


  • versionを3桁にした。(慣れ親しんだ形。docker界隈は2桁が主流なのかな?)
  • フロントエンドアクセス用のIPをワンライナーで取得。(目指せshell芸人)

# set env after you create new project
gcloud config set compute/zone asia-northeast1-a
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list project --format "value(core.project)")

# create kubrnetes cluster
gcloud container clusters create gobang-cluster \
  --num-nodes 3 \
  --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/datastore" \
  --zone asia-northeast1-a

# set kubernetes config
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gobang-cluster --zone=asia-northeast1-a

# set region of datastore
gcloud app create --region=asia-northeast1

# fetch sample code
git clone https://github.com/asashiho/gke-gobang-app-example

# build docker image
docker build -t frontend:v1.0.0 frontend/
docker build -t backend:v1.0.0 backend-dummy/
docker build -t backend:v1.1.0 backend-smart/

# make tag for upload image
docker tag frontend:v1.0.0 gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/frontend:v1.0.0
docker tag backend:v1.0.0 gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/backend:v1.0.0
docker tag backend:v1.1.0 gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/backend:v1.1.0

# upload image to gcp
gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/frontend:v1.0.0
gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/backend:v1.0.0
gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/backend:v1.1.0

# configure yaml file
sed -i "s/<PROJECT ID>/$PROJECT_ID/" config/frontend-deployment.yaml
sed -i "s/v1.0\$/v1.0.0/" config/frontend-deployment.yaml
sed -i "s/<PROJECT ID>/$PROJECT_ID/" config/backend-deployment.yaml
sed -i "s/v1.0\$/v1.0.0/" config/backend-deployment.yaml

# deploy kubernetes
kubectl create -f config/backend-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f config/backend-service.yaml
kubectl create -f config/frontend-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f config/frontend-service.yaml

# check frontend ip
FRONTEND_IP=`kubectl get services | grep frontend | awk '{print $4}'`

# access game
API_URL=http://$FRONTEND_IP/api/v1 client/client.py

# overwrite version
sed -i "s/v1.0.0\$/v1.1.0/" config/backend-deployment.yaml

# update cluster
kubectl apply -f config/backend-deployment.yaml

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