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The Power of Self-reflection: Overcoming Complaints

Last updated at Posted at 2023-06-14


When a person constantly complains about others, it is important to reflect on whether the problem truly lies with others or if they themselves are also part of the problem. Complaining about others is not productive; instead, one should seek solutions. It is unprofessional to remain stuck in complaining without taking action or attempting to improve the situation. As individuals entering society, everyone should face these issues.

Analyzing the Root Causes

Some might argue that at times, it is indeed the fault of those around us or the incompetence of teammates that hinders our progress. Of course, it is necessary to address specific situations. However, even when problems or disputes occur, simply complaining about the other party often fails to fundamentally resolve the issue. Since we cannot change what has already happened, it is more efficient to analyze the underlying reasons behind it and consider what we can do from our own perspective to change the situation.

A Practical Example

For example, I have a friend who landed a coding job at an IT company and received internal training at the company. While working on a project with other team members, this friend complained every day about the lack of cooperation or effort from the teammates and ended up struggling alone until the end of the training. People who know how to handle situations would not complain incessantly about others but would instead attempt the following:

  • Analyze the reasons behind teammates' lack of cooperation or effort.
    • If the teammates lack technical skills, identify the areas they struggle with and provide guidance to help them improve.
    • If the division of tasks is unclear, engage in proactive communication, learn to compromise appropriately, and establish consensus before starting group work.
    • If teammates are lazy, engage in proactive communication, and if communication proves ineffective, consult with the company to adjust the team composition.

The Role of Self-reflection

In conclusion, even if we ourselves are not the main issue, there are always things we can do. At the same time, we should also consider whether our current environment is a result of our own lack of effort and whether our efforts can enable us to break free from such circumstances.

Through observing my friends, I have come to realize many things and now have a better understanding of myself. I have developed a habit of not only analyzing the reasons behind the other party's actions but also analyzing my own and seeking solutions when facing troubles or disputes. Because I frequently engage in self-reflection, I no longer become lost in difficult situations, and I handle problems more skillfully.

Seeking Advice and Overcoming Challenges

Of course, once we develop a habit of constantly complaining about others, it is not easy to change. One method of improvement is to humbly accept others' guidance. When facing problems, we can seek advice from those around us, as the saying goes: "An onlooker sees most of the game." The people around us, as third parties, are more likely to provide objective analysis of the issue itself. If the third party points out our own flaws, it is important not to immediately deny or resist but to analyze whether their points hold merit. If they do, we should actively accept them.

Admittedly, although it sounds simple, it can be challenging to put into practice. Therefore, it is essential to first learn to control our emotions and avoid immediately rejecting others. By doing so, we can handle many problems or disputes more smoothly.


Finally, those who fail to engage in self-reflection and instead constantly complain about others will inevitably face repercussions in the future. Society will naturally teach them a lesson.


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