I need a good editor to write CWL.
Here are my requirements for good editor for CWL:
- syntax highlight
- on-the-fly syntax checking (if possible)
Therefore I developed cwl-mode to write CWL with Emacs.
How to install
Add MELPA repository for package.el
You can find cwl-mode in MELPA repository.
To add MELPA to your package repository, add the following code to init.el
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)
Install cwl-mode
You can install it by M-x package-install cwl-mode
(optional) Install Flycheck
Emacs can provide on-the-fly syntax checking for CWL after installing Flycheck.
You can install it by M-x package-install flycheck
because it is also provided in MELPA repository.
Install syntax checking tools
CWL checker in Flycheck uses schema-salad-tool
and CWL syntax definition written in SALAD format.
You can install schema-salad-tool
from PyPI by using the following command.
$ pip install schema_salad
The syntax definition file is provided in CWL repository in Github.
This article uses the definition file that is bundled with cwltool
, that is a reference implementation of workflow engine for CWL.
You can install it using the following command:
$ pip install cwltool
Set up CWL checker
Set the path for CommonWorkflowLanguage.yml
to flycheck-cwl-schema-path
Please fix the path for CommonWorkflowLanguage.yml
if needed.
(setq flycheck-cwl-schema-path "/Users/tom-tan/.pyenv/versions/3.6.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cwltool/schemas/v1.0/CommonWorkflowLanguage.yml")
You can see the contents of CWL file highlighted when you open files whose names are ended with .cwl
Also, your Emacs can provide on-the-fly syntax checking feature after you install Flycheck.
Have fun!
See also: Emacs でも CWL を編集したい! (same article in Japanese)