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[centos@haas ~]$ sudo install setuptools
[centos@haas ~]$ sudo install ansible-container
[centos@haas ~]$ ansible-container init
Ansible Container initialized.



  • container.yml
  • main.yml

つまり、「Apache httpdが動くコンテナがほしいな」というとき、コンテナのベースイメージや、コマンド、ポート、リンク、エクスポーズなんかはcontainer.ymlで、コンテナ内で動かすhttpdインストールして、設定して・・・なんかの情報はmain.ymlに書く。main.ymlの方は、まんまAnsibleのYAMLを書けばいい(もちろんコンテナ内で動くもの処理できるものが前提となる)。


コンテナをビルドする際の情報、Docker Compose ライクに YAML で書く。

version: "1"
    image: centos:latest

    command: ["/usr/sbin/sshd","-D"]
  # Add your containers here, specifying the base image you want to build from
  # For example:
  # web:
  #   image: ubuntu:trusty
  #   ports:
  #     - "80:80"
  #   command: ['/usr/bin/dumb-init', '/usr/sbin/apache2ctl', '-D', 'FOREGROUND']
  #   dev_overrides:
  #     environment:
  #       - "DEBUG=1"
registries: {}
  # Add optional registries used for deployment. For example:
  #  google:
  #    url: https://gcr.io
  #    namespace: my-cool-project-xxxxxx


container.yml でビルドするコンテナをビルドするための中身の処理の情報

# This should be your Ansible playbooks to provision your containers.
# An inventory will be automatically created using the names of the services
# from your container.yml file.
# Add any roles or other modules you'll need to this directory too.
# For many examples of roles, check out Ansible Galaxy: https://galaxy.ansible.com/
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

    hands_name: "handsonname"

    - name: Only say hello when running via Ansible Container
      command: echo "Hello!"
      when: ansible_env.ANSIBLE_CONTAINER is defined

    - block:
      - name: Install openssh-server and clients
        yum: name={{ item }} state=present
          - "openssh-server"
          - "openssh-clients"

      - name: Generate Host RSA Key
        raw: "ssh-keygen -q -t rsa1 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -C '' -N ''"
      - name: Generate Host ECDSA Key
        raw: "ssh-keygen -q -t ecdsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key -C '' -N ''"
      - name: Generate Host ED25519 Key
        raw: "ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key -C '' -N ''"

      - name: Add PS
          dest: /root/.bashrc
          block: |
            export PS1="[\u@{{ hands_name }} \W] $ "
            cd ~/


[centos@haas ~]$ ansible-container build
No DOCKER_HOST environment variable found. Assuming UNIX socket at /var/run/docker.sock
Starting Docker Compose engine to build your images...
Attaching to ansible_ansible-container_1
Cleaning up Ansible Container builder...
No image found for tag centos-hands_temp:latest, so building from scratch
Attaching to ansible_ansible-container_1, ansible_hands_temp_1
ansible-container_1  | Host hands_temp running
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | TASK [Only say hello when running via Ansible Container] ***********************
ansible-container_1  | skipping: [hands_temp]
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | TASK [Install openssh-server and clients] **************************************
ansible-container_1  | changed: [hands_temp] => (item=[u'openssh-server', u'openssh-clients'])
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | TASK [Generate Host RSA Key] ***************************************************
ansible-container_1  | ok: [hands_temp]
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | TASK [Generate Host ECDSA Key] *************************************************
ansible-container_1  | ok: [hands_temp]
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | TASK [Generate Host ED25519 Key] ***********************************************
ansible-container_1  | ok: [hands_temp]
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | TASK [Add PS] ******************************************************************
ansible-container_1  | changed: [hands_temp]
ansible-container_1  |
ansible-container_1  | PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
ansible-container_1  | hands_temp                 : ok=5    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0
ansible-container_1  |
ansible_ansible-container_1 exited with code 0
Aborting on container exit...
Stopping ansible_hands_temp_1 ... done
Exporting built containers as images...
Committing image...
Exported centos-hands_temp with image ID sha256:85e018efb704ce2970871a80b7a1fc0377e2d4f869ed134268b2e16f68b8317b
Cleaning up hands_temp build container...
Cleaning up Ansible Container builder...


[centos@haas ~]$ ls -F
[centos@haas ~]$ ansible-container run
No DOCKER_HOST environment variable found. Assuming UNIX socket at /var/run/docker.sock
Attaching to ansible_ansible-container_1
Cleaning up Ansible Container builder...
Attaching to ansible_hands_temp_1

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