
OCI Generative AI の テキスト生成レスポンスをストリームにして長い回答でもストレスのない Chat UI を作る

Last updated at Posted at 2024-04-17


LLMで長文のテキストを生成する場合、完全な回答を得るまでに結構長い時間待つ必要があります。このため、多くのLLMテキスト生成サービスは Stream モードをサポートしていて、回答の断片を少しずつクライアントに送り返すことができます。
この機能を使うと、全ての回答の生成を待たずに回答が順次画面に表示されるような Chat UI を作成することができます。

そして Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Generative AI Service も Stream モードをサポートしていますので、ここではまず仕様を確認しつつ、最後は簡単な Chat UI を作るところまでやってみたいと思います。なお、使用するプログラミング言語は Python です。

API の仕様を確認する / REST Call する

POST /20231130/actions/generateText
の API で Cohere モデルを使ってテキスト生成を行うには CohereLlmInferenceRequest Json オブジェクトを渡しますが、このオブジェクトには isStream というパラメータがあります。

  • isStream => Required: no / Type: boolean / Default: false
    Whether to stream back partial progress. If set, tokens are sent as data-only server-sent events as they become available.

isStream を true にすると "Server-Sent Event" 形式でトークンだけが送られくると書いてありますので、実際に確認してみましょう。

まずは、テキスト生成を実行する関数を requests パッケージを使って作ります。

import os, requests, logging, http, oci

# HTTP の送受信をデバッグする設定
requests_log = logging.getLogger("urllib3")

endpoint = "https://inference.generativeai.us-chicago-1.oci.oraclecloud.com"

def get_config_signer(file_location=None, profile_name=None) -> oci.signer.Signer:
    """ ユーザー秘密鍵ベースの Signer を取得
    default_file_loc = os.environ.get('OCI_CONFIG_FILE_LOC') if 'OCI_CONFIG_FILE_LOC' in os.environ else '~/.oci/config'
    default_profile_name = os.environ.get('OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE') if 'OCI_CONFIG_PROFILE' in os.environ else 'DEFAULT'
    file_loc = file_location if file_location else default_file_loc
    profile = profile_name if profile_name else default_profile_name
    config = oci.config.from_file(os.path.expanduser(file_loc), profile)
    signer = oci.signer.Signer(
    return signer

def generate_text(
        maxTokens:int=None, # Default: 20
        temperature:float=None, # Default: 1, 0-5
        frequencyPenalty:float=None, # Default: 0, 0-1
        presencePenalty:float=None, # Default: 0, 0-1
        numGenerations:int=None, # Default: 1, 1-5
        topP:float=None, # Default: 0.75, 0-1
        topK:int=None, # Default: 0, 0-500
        truncate:str=None, # NONE (default), START, END
        returnLikelihoods:str=None, # NONE (default), ALL, GENERATION
        servingMode:dict=None, # Default: ON_DEMAND
        modelId:str=None # "cohere.command" (default), "cohere.command-light" 
    """ テキストの生成 """

    path = "/20231130/actions/generateText"
    body = {
      "compartmentId" : compartment_id if compartment_id else os.environ["COMPARTMENT_ID"],
      "servingMode" : servingMode if servingMode else {
        "modelId": modelId if modelId else "cohere.command",
        "servingType" : "ON_DEMAND"
      "inferenceRequest" : {
        "runtimeType": "COHERE" 

    inference_request = body["inferenceRequest"]
    inference_request["prompt"] = prompt
    if maxTokens: inference_request["maxTokens"] = maxTokens
    if temperature: inference_request["temperature"] = temperature
    if frequencyPenalty: inference_request["frequencyPenalty"] = frequencyPenalty
    if presencePenalty: inference_request["presencePenalty"] = presencePenalty
    if numGenerations: inference_request["numGenerations"] = numGenerations
    if topP: inference_request["topP"] = topP
    if topK: inference_request["topK"] = topK
    if truncate: inference_request["truncate"] = truncate
    if returnLikelihoods: inference_request["returnLikelihoods"] = returnLikelihoods
    if stopSequences: inference_request["stopSequences"] = stopSequences
    if isStream: inference_request["isStream"] = isStream
    if isEcho: inference_request["isEcho"] = isEcho
    response = requests.post(
        endpoint + path, 
        auth=signer if signer else get_config_signer(), 
        timeout=(3.0, 15.0), 
    if not response.ok: raise Exception(response.text)
    return response

isStream の値によって response がどう変わるか確認しましょう。
まずは isStream = False

response = generate_text("Hello World!", isStream=False)


reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
header: content-type: application/json
header: opc-request-id: /3496488D78C5CD0CDF26EE9BB2FB0AA6/D74C2D4052D6388F6F978687AE5D862C
header: content-encoding: gzip
header: content-length: 415

次に isStream = True の場合

response = generate_text("Hello World!", isStream=True)


reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
header: content-type: text/event-stream
header: cache-control: no-cache
header: opc-request-id: /D3D62A8A778AA469C9422323D7499201/38B2082BD282C31DB8A76041CA9CF016
header: content-encoding: gzip
header: transfer-encoding: chunked

isStream = False のケースでは、レスポンスヘッダは content-type: application/json となりますが、isStream = True のケースでは、レスポンスヘッダは content-type: text/event-stream になり、さらに transfer-encoding: chunked も付加されています。

つまりこれは isStream の設定値によって response の処理の方法を変える必要があるということです。

まず、isStream = False の場合 content-type: application/json なので response は json として扱えます。

print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))

""" 実行結果
  "modelId": "cohere.command",
  "modelVersion": "15.6",
  "inferenceResponse": {
    "runtimeType": "COHERE",
    "generatedTexts": [
        "id": "29189012-754a-46ef-b88f-64027687147d",
        "text": " Hi there! How are you? I'm glad to talk to you. Feeling a bit conversational myself"
    "timeCreated": "2024-04-16T01:40:25.011Z"

isStream = True の場合は content-type: text/event-stream なので response を chunk 毎に処理します。生成されるテキスト部分のみが順次送られてきます。

for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=None):

""" 実行結果
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" Hi"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" there"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":"!"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" How"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" are"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" you"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" today"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":"?"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" \\""}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":"Hello"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" World"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":"!\\""}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" is"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" a"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" classic"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" and"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" simple"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" program"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" that"}\n\n'
b'data: {"id":"c725b000-f84f-4c95-90ba-bc79b3fea5a3","text":" prints"}\n\n'

Stream で受け取る利点は、長く時間のかかるテキスト生成処理を最後まで待たずに処理ができることです。では実際どのくらい経過時間に差が出るか計測してみます。

import json, time

# 「Ellie という少女のおとぎ話を作って!」 ← かなり長い回答になることを期待
prompt = "Make up a fairy tale about a girl called Ellie."

# isStream = False の計測
start = time.time()
response = generate_text(prompt, maxTokens=2048, isStream=False)
print(f"elapsed time (isStream = False): {time.time() - start:.2f} sec")

# おとぎ話を取り出す
story = response.json()["inferenceResponse"]["generatedTexts"][0]["text"]

# isStream = True の計測
is_first_chunk = True
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=None):
    if is_first_chunk:
        print(f"elapsed time (isStream = True [first chunk]): {time.time() - start:.2f} sec")
        is_first_chunk = False
print(f"elapsed time (isStream = True [complete]): {time.time() - start:.2f} sec")

# 最後におとぎ話を確認
print("--- story ---")


elapsed time (isStream = False): 15.37 sec
elapsed time (isStream = True [first chunk]): 0.41 sec
elapsed time (isStream = True [complete]): 19.81 sec
--- story ---
Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled among the rolling hills and towering trees, there lived a kind and spirited young girl named Ellie. Ellie had deep affection for the enchanted forest that surrounded her village, often spending her days wandering through its mystical paths, marveling at the dancing rays of sunlight that filtered through the branches.

One particularly sunny afternoon, as Ellie wandered deeper into the forest than she had ever been before, she stumbled upon a mesmerizing clearing. The air was fragrant with wildflowers, and the grass was soft and lush like a plush carpet. In the center of this enchanting space stood a magnificent tree, its branches stretching high into the sky, adorned with glittering gemstones that caught the light in a mesmerizing display.

Ellie was in awe of this magical tree and approached it with a sense of curiosity and wonder. As she reached out to touch one of the sparkling gems, she suddenly found herself transported to a strange and unfamiliar place. The ground beneath her feet was no longer grass but instead a soft, sandy expanse dotted with peculiar looking boulders.

Confused and a bit frightened by this unexpected turn of events, Ellie began to explore her new surroundings. She climbed atop one of the boulders and looked out over a vast desert expanse, the horizon kissed by the gentle glow of the setting sun. The beauty of this foreign land took her breath away, and a sense of adventure stirred within her heart.

As the last rays of sunlight faded away, Ellie realized she needed to find her way back home, but how could she return from this strange place? Just as she began to feel a sense of despair, a luminous glow caught her eye. It came from a solitary flower that grew amidst the boulders, its delicate petals shimmering with an otherworldly light.

Without hesitation, Ellie picked the flower and made her way back to the magnificent tree in the clearing. As she placed the glowing flower atop one of the branches, she found herself instantly transported back to the familiar forest clearing. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she hurried home, her heart filled with tales of her extraordinary adventure.

From that day forward, Ellie was known as the girl with the extraordinary tales. Whenever villagers or travelers passed through the enchanted forest, they would seek her wisdom and listen in awe as she shared her experiences of the mystical realm she had discovered. And so, the tale of Ellie, the girl who found the glowing flower, became a legend within the enchanting forest, passed down through generations, forever a source of inspiration and wonder. 

The end. 

isStream = False だと、このおとぎ話を読むのに 15.37 秒待たないといけません。
一方 isStream = True の場合、最初の chunk を受信するのが 0.41秒後なので、リクエストしてすぐにおとぎ話の最初の部分を読み始めることができます。


(注: 2回の計測で同じストーリーが生成された訳ではもちろん無いです)

Python SDK で Stream する

Python SDK でも同様に Stream モードによる処理が可能です。
CohereLlmInferenceRequest の is_stream = True にすると、通常 レスポンスは GenerateTextResult になるところが oci._vendor.sseclient.SSEClient になります。
events() で個々の event データ(= 生成されたテキストの断片)を for ループで取り出せます。

import os, oci

from oci.generative_ai_inference import GenerativeAiInferenceClient
from oci.generative_ai_inference.models import \
  GenerateTextDetails, OnDemandServingMode, CohereLlmInferenceRequest

compartment_id = os.environ["COMPARTMENT_ID"]
config = oci.config.from_file()
config["region"] = "us-chicago-1"

client = GenerativeAiInferenceClient(config=config)

prompt = "Hello World!"

# is_stream = True でテキスト生成
response = client.generate_text(
        compartment_id = compartment_id,
        inference_request = CohereLlmInferenceRequest(
        serving_mode = OnDemandServingMode(model_id="cohere.command")
).data # type: oci._vendor.sseclient.SSEClient

# 順次受け取るイベントの内容を表示
for event in response.events():


{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" Hi"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" there"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" How"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" are"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" you"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" today"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" Feel"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" free"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" to"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" tell"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" me"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" about"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" yourself"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" or"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" ask"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" me"}
{"id":"fe28c12d-755d-46a3-9438-c988f5a450fd","text":" any"}

Streamlit で Chat UIを作る

では、Streamlit で実際に動く Chat UI を作ってみましょう。
Streamlit のインストールは pip で可能です。

pip install streamlit

Chat UI の作り方については このドキュメント (Build a basic LLM chat app) が参考になります。

import streamlit as st
import os, oci, json

from oci.generative_ai_inference import GenerativeAiInferenceClient
from oci.generative_ai_inference.models import \
  GenerateTextDetails, OnDemandServingMode, CohereLlmInferenceRequest

compartment_id = os.environ["COMPARTMENT_ID"]
config = oci.config.from_file()
config["region"] = "us-chicago-1"

client = GenerativeAiInferenceClient(config=config)

def generate_text(
        max_tokens, frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, temperature, top_k, top_p
    response = client.generate_text(
            compartment_id = compartment_id,
            inference_request = CohereLlmInferenceRequest(

            serving_mode = OnDemandServingMode(model_id="cohere.command")
    ).data # type: oci._vendor.sseclient.SSEClient

    for event in response.events():
        yield json.loads(event.data)["text"]

st.title("Generate Text Chat Bot")

with st.sidebar:
    max_tokens = st.number_input("max tokens", min_value=0, max_value=65535, value=20)
    frequency_penalty = st.slider("frequency penalty", min_value=0, max_value=1, value=0)
    presence_penalty = st.slider("presence penalty", min_value=0, max_value=1, value=0)
    temperature = st.slider("temparature", min_value=0.0, max_value=5.0, value=1.0, step=0.01)
    top_k = st.slider("top k", min_value=0.0, max_value=500.0, value=0.0, step=0.01)
    top_p = st.slider("top k", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.75, step=0.01)
if "messages" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.messages = []

for message in st.session_state.messages:
    with st.chat_message(message["role"]):

if prompt := st.chat_input("メッセージを入力してください"):
    st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})

    response = generate_text(
        max_tokens, frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, temperature, top_k, top_p
    ) # type: generator

    with st.chat_message("assistant"):
        msg = ""
        area = st.empty()
        for text in response:
            msg += text

    st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": msg})

generate_text(...) 関数は 最後に return ではなく yield を使っているので yield の度に呼び出した側へ値を返すジェネレータ関数として動作します。response = generate_text(...) の response はジェネレータ・オブジェクトですので、for 文でループして yield された値を処理します。

では、Python スクリプトとして保存して Streamlit で実行します。

$ streamlit run generate_text_chat.py

  You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.

  Network URL: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8501
  External URL: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8501

ローカルで実行していない場合は、ssh で 8501 番ポートをフォーワードして、ブラウザから http://localhost:8501 にアクセスして下さい。

では、最後にもう一度 Chat UI からおとぎ話を作ってもらいましょう。
(↓ 静止画像になっている場合はクリックするとアニメーションになります)


パラパラと流れる Chat UI ができました!



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