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oj 2.18.0 の API変更対応

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  • oj 2.18.0 で This changes the API slightly. な変更が入った

Added a separate option for as_json instead of piggy backing on the use_to_json. This changes the API slightly.

  • to_json をcallするoptionがdefault false になった
  • to_json のcallを期待する場合は、都度指定するか defualt optionを設定するとよい

default option

require 'oj'

::Oj.default_options = {:mode => :compat, use_to_json: true }



require 'oj'

::Oj.dump(value, :mode => :compat, use_to_json: true)


:compat mode attempts to be compatible with other systems. It will serialize any Object, but will check to see if the Object implements an to_hash or to_json method. If either exists, that method is used for serializing the Object. Since as_json is more flexible and produces more consistent output, it is preferred over the to_json method. If neither the to_json or to_hash methods exists, then the Oj internal Object variable encoding is used.

  • use_to_jsonについて

:use_to_json [Boolean] call to_json() methods on dump, default is false


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