func exist(_ board: [[Character]], _ word: String) -> Bool {
if word.isEmpty {
return false
let word = Array(word)
var board = board
var candidates = [(Int, Int)]()
for i in 0..<board.count {
for j in 0..<board[0].count {
if board[i][j] == word[0] {
for candidate in candidates {
board[candidate.0][candidate.1] = "?"
if helper(&board, word, candidate.0 + 1, candidate.1, 1) ||
helper(&board, word, candidate.0 - 1, candidate.1, 1) ||
helper(&board, word, candidate.0, candidate.1 + 1, 1) ||
helper(&board, word, candidate.0, candidate.1 - 1, 1) {
return true
board[candidate.0][candidate.1] = word[0]
return false
private func helper(_ board: inout [[Character]], _ word: [Character], _ i: Int, _ j: Int, _ index: Int) -> Bool {
if index == word.count {
return true
guard i >= 0 && i < board.count && j >= 0 && j < board[0].count else {
return false
if board[i][j] == word[index] {
board[i][j] = "?"
if helper(&board, word, i + 1, j, index+1) || helper(&board, word, i - 1, j, index+1) ||
helper(&board, word, i, j + 1, index+1) || helper(&board, word, i, j - 1, index+1) {
return true
board[i][j] = word[index]
return false
} else {
return false
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